Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12268: The soul of the evil beast (the fifth outbreak)

"Okay, that's almost it." Seeing that the souls of hundreds of demonic beasts had gathered, constantly biting the body of the red-eyed evil hog, the demon nodded, and immediately took out a soul bead.

"Swish--chi-chi--" In an instant, the bead that generated the suction force slammed into the surrounding soul bodies, and the other party didn't even have time to respond, so he was sucked in by the dead soul bead.

"Hehehe, I have gained a lot."

The magic mandrill was talking to himself and weighed the Soul Orb in his hand, but at this moment, the magic mandrill's ears moved suddenly, and it heard that there seemed to be a sound at the end of this tunnel. The mandrill immediately ran away.

"Huhuhu!" The wind sounded in the ears one after another, constantly ringing, the magic mandrill ran seven or eight feet away in an instant, and at the next moment, it suddenly noticed that something was speeding at a low altitude in front of it.

"Want to go? Leave me alone!"

"Hey!" As soon as the voice fell, the magic mandrill violently threw out an ice thorn, and the object burst into the air and rushed towards the opponent in an instant. Immediately lost.

But the magic mandrill didn't want to use the ice thorn to directly attack the fleeing person.

"Crack!" Suddenly, the ice thorns were nailed to the rock wall, and then smashed, releasing a circle of ice mysterious aura ripples.

"La La La!" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and a large layer of ice covered the front of the fleeing person. The guy hit the ice layer with a thud, and suddenly whimpered: "Woo-woo--"

"Hmph, it's really self-inflicted." As the demon approached with large strides, he sneered: "If you didn't want to escape, you wouldn't suffer this kind of pain."

"It turned out to be the soul of a huge evil beast, could it be the soul body derived from the death of the evil beast king?" Seeing this huge beast soul, the demon's eyes lit up, and said, "It seems that you have been captured alive. If necessary, just be obedient and capture it."

After saying that, the magic mandrill has already stretched out his hand in a big way and grabbed this thing abruptly.

"Oh oh oh!" Seeing this scene, the evil beast king's soul trembled with anger. Unwilling to be caught, this guy suddenly jumped into the air and rushed towards the magic mandrill, trying to fight the enemy to the death.

"Hmph, just because you are worthy to fight with me? Get out!"

"Crack!" While speaking, the demon slapped the surface of the soul body with a slap, directly knocking the Evil Beast King's soul flying out, the guy slammed into the rock wall with a bang, and then fell to the ground.

"Come here!" When the demon said this, he had already shot like lightning and smashed the evil beast king's soul. The other party wanted to struggle, but the mysterious aura released by it froze directly, and then kept shrinking. Immediately afterwards, the magic mandrill was put into the Soul Soul Orb.

"Hmph, if you're not honest, you'll have to suffer."

When the demon said this, he weighed the Soul Orb in his hand. It stands to reason that since even the soul of the Evil Beast King has been captured, the magic mandrill should be satisfied, but it feels that there seems to be something undiscovered at the end of the tunnel ahead, so it decides to go there and take a look.

"Shhhhhh!" The magic man waved his hand, and the ice layer in front of him disappeared immediately. It immediately ran towards the opposite side, turned left and right in the tunnel for a while, and finally came to the exit at the end of the tunnel.

"Bang! Crash—" Waving the ice-breaker, the demon smashed the stones blocking the exit in front of him, "Whoo—" A rotten smell rushed over from the opposite side, and the demon immediately covered his nose , let this turbid air flow through.

"It stinks, could it be..." The demon stuck out his head and looked carefully, and found that there was a wide area outside the exit, with all kinds of bone racks inside.

"Hahaha, as expected, since there is the soul of an evil beast, it proves that there should be a tomb of the evil beast, and it should be here." As the demon muttered to himself, he flew and jumped from the exit. Go out and just land on the ground.


"Crackling!" Because he didn't pay attention when he landed, the magic mandrill accidentally bumped into a skeleton, which was already rotten, and immediately shattered into a pile of scum.

"Hmph, you are unlucky, who asked you to block the way of the Lord."

The magic mandrill squinted at the broken bones, and then took a step forward. There were also many rotten bones blocking the way. It was not polite, and all of them lifted their feet and kicked them. Anyway, these things are useless at all, and it is not a pity.


Suddenly, the magic mandrill felt a light flickering on the top of a hill made of bones a few meters in front of him. He took three steps and two steps. He took a closer look and found that it was a strange crystal. Inside a pair of wrecks on the top of the bone mountain.

"The breath of this crystal and the wreckage seems to be familiar... ah, yes, it belongs to the soul of the evil beast king just now. No wonder this guy rushed here in a hurry. It turned out that he wanted to recover the crystal."

After seeing the thing, Moji thought about it in his heart: "The value of the evil beast king's soul crystal is not small. Take it back and show it to Lord Guan, he will definitely be happy."

Thinking of this, the Demon Mandrill's footsteps immediately sped up a bit, "Crash!" But at this moment, the broken bones under its feet trembled suddenly, and then, a huge object stood upright and stopped it. The way of the devil.

"What?!" The demon looked up and saw that the object in front of him was made up of various bones, including limbs and a head, but because the various bones were different, its appearance was also a bit nondescript.

"I thought it was something amazing, but it turned out to be an 'evil-turning-bone demon'." Shaking the ancient gold ice-breaking shackle in his hand, the demon's face was full of disdain: "The bone dregs formed by relying on evil energy. ,what can you do?"

"Huhuhu!" Feeling that the Demon Mandrill despised him, the Evil Transformation Bone Demon was furious, and suddenly swayed a pair of sharp claws, and the black air immediately wrapped around the surface of the claws, and then stabbed at the face of the Demon Mandrill.


At the same time as the demon's roar sounded, the ice-breaker in his palm slammed upwards abruptly, "Dang!" This blow was extremely powerful, and the bone demon's claws were forcibly knocked away, shaking it high, and then, the demon's shovel swung it up. The icebreaker slammed **** the opponent's left knee, breaking the bone demon's leg.

"Plop!" The Evil Transformation Bone Demon, who was half-kneeling on the ground, was so embarrassed that he almost couldn't stand up.

"Waste, you dare to block my way and seek death!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Crackling!" At this time, the demon smashed the ice-breaker and kept smashing the bone demon, cursing and swearing. In just a few breaths, the demon smashed this guy into a pile of bone dregs.

"Bah!" Taking a sip at the pile of scum, the demon said disdainfully: "What is it, grandpa hasn't started serious yet, you're already finished, don't you have the ability to hold on for a while?"

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