Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12269: The Bone Demon (First Update)

When he said this, the demon had already walked towards the top of the bone mountain.


But in the next moment, the scum of the evil bone demon that had been scattered was suddenly enveloped by a large black gas, and the swirling black gas suddenly penetrated into the bone dregs, and this huge evil bone demon was quickly reorganized, and this The guy seemed to be a little more fierce than before, roaring and swaying his claws towards the magic mandrill.

"Can you actually rely on evil spirits to regroup? Hmph, it's just a trick!" The corners of the demon's mouth turned up slightly, a sneer appeared on his face, and he threw two ice thorns with his hand, and went straight to the evil bone demon.


"Bang bang, bang bang!"

The roaring Evil Transformation Bone Demon slammed the ice thorn with its claws in an instant, and immediately shook it into powder, "Luck!" The next moment, the Bone Demon's claws were immediately covered with a layer of blue ice, this guy I felt that my arms were unable to move, and I was a little overwhelmed in panic.

"Go away!" The demon deliberately teased the other party, and suddenly waved the ancient gold ice-breaker, "Crack!" It just hit the bones of the bone demon, and the leg bones were broken, and the guy collapsed on the spot.

"Go away!" As soon as the word came out, the demon scorpion kicked the opponent's body, and the frame of bones suddenly fell and flew out, rolling over with the sound of Gululu, and in an instant it was several meters away.

"Hehehe, if you want to stop me, just follow."

Saying that, the mandrill with disdain and contempt on his face hooked his fingers at the evil bone demon, and said casually: "I'll be waiting for you here at Gushan, come here if you're not afraid of death?"


Hearing this, this evil-turned-bone demon was so angry that his whole body was shaking like a sieve, and he couldn't stop roaring and roaring. Judging from its appearance, he should be angry and hateful, and he hated the devil even more, but he was helpless just now. The shot gave it too much shock, leaving behind the dark haze of the boss.

Subconsciously, the evil bone demon is extremely afraid of the enemy. At this time, it wants to rush directly to do it, but it no longer has the courage, so the bone demon suddenly waved its claws and bombarded the ground viciously.

"Bang! Boom!" In an instant, the bone demon's evil claws had spread everywhere, within a radius of several meters.

"Crash!" The next moment, the Beast Bone Skeleton Monster slowly stood up. They were assembled by the evil energy gathered from the Beast Bone, which could be regarded as a weakened version of the Evil Bone Demon, that is, its clone. At this moment, under the control of the bone demon, these skeleton monsters that spread evil spirits all over their body quickly surrounded the demon at the foot of the bone mountain.

"Hmph, you are still playing this little trick, and I don't know if you are stupid or ignorant."

When he said this, the demon suddenly waved his left hand, "Swish swish—swish swish—" Amidst the flash of lightning, a large stream of icy mysterious aura quickly outputted and swept under the feet of those beast bone skeleton monsters, forcibly. Freeze it in place.

Those beast bones and skeleton monsters shook their claws and trembled, and it was impossible to move forward half a step. , frequently, most of the animal bone skeleton monsters were instantly squeezed into ice crystal powder.

"Enough of the little tricks, come over by yourself!"

"Huh!" When the demon said this, he suddenly threw an ice thorn with his hand. Before the evil bone demon a few meters away could react, the ice thorn had penetrated its left eye socket.

"Bang!" The ice thorns shattered, and the icy cold energy spread all over the guy's head in an instant, causing the Evil Transformation Bone Demon to lower his head and let out a painful howl: "Ow, ooh—"

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong..." If Zhizhi didn't try his best to save himself, he would be tortured to death, and the Bone Demon who was desperate had no choice but to take big steps and rush towards the demon.

"Hehehe, it's finally here." At this time, the demon did not touch the opponent head-on, and then moved upwards like lightning. The crazy bone demon was covered by the cold air and couldn't see the path clearly. Can dash forward without thinking.

"Boom! Crash—" The next moment, the impact of the crazy bone demon caused the bone mountain in front of him to shake, and countless broken bones fell in response, burying this guy underneath.

"Trash, you don't deserve to die in my hands, just reflect on your bones and scum, and I'll take care of you later."

When the demon said this, he raised his head and looked closely, because the evil bone demon slammed into the bone mountain just now, causing the remains of the evil beast king on the top of the mountain to start shaking slightly. Like electricity, he reached there in a few seconds.

"The bones of this Evil Beast King are very strong and should be used as a very good material. If you take it back to Master Guan, he and the girls will definitely be very happy."

The magic mandrill took advantage of the situation and stretched out his hand, grabbed something embedded between his ribs and weighed it, smiled and said to himself: "But the more important thing is this, the evil beast king soul condensate, even if you hold it like this, you can feel it. There is quite a lot of soul power in it, I believe that the Soul Recovery Urn will like it very much."


"Boom! Crash!"

It was too late to say, but it was soon, the evil bone demon buried by the broken bones finally roared and shook the things that were holding him down. This guy was shocked to see that the demon was so tidy and let the little toad collect the bones of the evil beast king. The King Soul Crystal was also taken away, and it was so angry that it was extremely angry.

The Evil Transformation Bone Demon doesn't even care about the fact that he is an opponent at all. At this moment, he takes big steps and rushes towards the top of the bone mountain, and wants to take back the crystal like a madman.

"Beast, do you still want to play? Okay, I will accompany you to the end."

The magic mandrill smiled coldly, and immediately wanted to kill the other party, but suddenly he thought about it and had a new idea.

"It's been a long time since I sent new evil things to Chanding Fire Pond. Everyone in the cauldron is probably very bored, so I just sent you in to play with them."

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" "Chuckling!" While speaking, the demon had already used ice mysterious aura to freeze the evil bone demon who was trying to rush to the bone mountain, and then called out a few small soils around him. toad.

At this time, the magic mandrill ordered: "Send this frozen bone demon back to the cauldron, and instruct the corpse worm, Shi Jingwei and the puppet commander to take good care of them, and lock them in the fire pool, let it suffer every day, everyone is free. It's okay to beat it up."

After a few breaths, the little toad used his ability to teleport the other party away, the magic mandrill nodded, and he also walked towards the rush back.

After a short while, the magic mandrill and his companions returned to the first area where the gray-brown monster hedgehog digs ore, and the mining work there was almost completed, so they quickly returned to Guan Heng.

"Hehe, Demon Mandrill, I heard the corpse burial worm say that you caught a huge bone demon and sent it to the Toad Ding Fire Pool, which made the companions in the Ding very happy."

Guan Heng said with a smile, "They all said that we finally have a 'toy' to pass the time."

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