Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12270: Enter the Evil Weasel Nest

"Hey hey, that's fine." Hearing what the other party said, the magic mandrill said with a smile: "I think this evil bone demon can also pass the boring time for everyone, if it can be used wastefully, it is not worth catching it. "

"Now that the mines here are almost mined, we can pay attention to the situation of the three-eyed evil weasel."

Having said that, Guan Heng glanced at the evil cockroach mother next to him, and continued: "You should let the cockroaches track the behavior of the evil weasel that was poisoned by fire, right?"

"Yes, master, according to your instructions, the guy has been closely monitored, and as you expected, the effect is very good."

The mother worm said: "Because it was very painful, the poisoned evil weasel really attacked his comrade, sucked the blood of the other party to heal his wounds, and at the same time injured a lot of the same kind, so that the other three-eyed evil weasel also got poisoned by fire, so he ran away. The cannibalism doesn't stop."

"Very good, this is the effect I want." Guan Heng nodded, then said, "Can you lock the location of the opponent's nest?"

"It's alright, and it's not far from here."

At this time, the mother of evil worms gave a general direction, Guan Heng looked at the area, and then said: "There are many rock walls and rock formations blocking the road, but this is not a problem, we have many companions who can directly and quickly dig the rock formations. , you can go straight out of the tunnel and go through it.”

"Zhenwen, have the metal shells of the giant sandstone worms been made?" Guan Heng turned his head and asked casually.

"It's done." Zhenwen replied with a smile: "With the help of my multi-armed puppet worm, Shi Jingwei, and puppet soldiers, the sandstone worm has been covered with a metal shell, and its internal structure has been modified to resemble a puppet soldier and a puppet soldier. The appearance of Mo Shiwei."

"With Big Brother Guan, your Five Elements Gathering Array, as long as you absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, you can move freely in the form of a puppet."

"Very well, that's what I need." Guan Heng nodded and said, "Let the bear monster, the semi-metal porcupine and the metal sandstone worm open the rock tunnel in front, and we'll just follow."

"Okay." Hearing this, the girls and other companions were very happy, after all, this would save a lot of time on detours.

"Boom rumbling - clucking -" After a short while, the insects and beasts who opened the way completed the task. As the earth and rocks collapsed and fell, the dust soared, and a path leading directly to the entrance of the three-eyed evil weasel's nest was completed.

"Go!" When Guan Heng said this, he had already led everyone to rush forward.

"Bang bang bang!" The semi-metal porcupine rushing in front of him let out a roar, and with his body, he directly knocked away a few three-eyed ferrets that surrounded him, and then trampled them into minced meat!

"Master Guan, these evil weasel guards guarding the entrance of the cave are not poisoned by fire!" The devil checked and said so.

"It's not surprising, there are always a large number of three-eyed evil weasels in their nests, and it's normal for a few to not be poisoned."

Guan Heng said: "Our main purpose is to exterminate the dead race of the other side. Those who are not poisoned can just do it themselves, there is no problem."

"Yeah, what you said is." The demon nodded repeatedly, agreeing, and Guan Heng said again at the moment: "Mother bug, let the mutant sons surround the entrance of the cave and look after it. If anyone escapes later, a Don't let it go, kill me all, let's go in!"

"Crash--" While speaking, Guan Heng led his companions to file in and walked into the nest of the three-eyed evil weasel.

"Squeaky-chirp-chirp-" At this moment, the screams and screams in the cave had already rang out, and countless evil ferrets with fire poison in their bodies were biting and fighting each other, and the corpses were lying on their sides, everywhere. Yes, almost blood has flowed into the river.

"There are too many corpses, and it is easy to cause evil to turn into corpses. Spirit Fire, please burn all the corpses."

"Okay, Master Guan." After Fen Xinbahuo heard this, they immediately agreed and began to do as they were told.

Within a few breaths, hundreds of the corpses of the evil ferrets were burned to ashes, but the three-eyed ferrets who were biting and fighting couldn't see this scene, so they just continued to kill each other.

However, there were also individual evil weasels who noticed that something was wrong, and that was a dozen or so small leaders of evil weasels.

Because of their strong strength, they were not bitten by their poisoned companions, and they also found a huge rock on the commanding heights to hide on it. At this moment, they saw the situation of the spirit fire burning the corpse, and these guys were so frightened that they screamed involuntarily.

"Hahaha, I finally found you." At this moment, the flaming golden eagle and the mad poisonous ant came to the vicinity of the huge rock, and at the same time unleashed fiery flames and poisonous wind blades, instantly killing all these unlucky bastards. , one does not stay.

"Big brother, so far, apart from those little leaders who are hiding, we haven't found the leader of the evil weasel, right?" An Yan asked at this time.

"Well, it doesn't rule out that the guy realized that something was wrong and he hid in advance."

Guan Heng touched his chin and said casually: "However, most of the passages in this cave have been blocked by the mutant scorpion we sent, and it has no chance to run. It is estimated that it is a cat somewhere, wait. It's not too late to look for it after you've cleaned up these little bastards."

"Yeah, Sister Yan." Qianxin next to him also said, "Guan Heng is right, and maybe we don't have to go looking for it, the evil weasel leader can't help but jump out and run in front of us to find death. ."

"Really?" Hearing this, An Yan, Ruotao, and Gusangnu looked at each other, and then asked in unison, "Is this really the case?"

"What the princess said is not without reason."

Guan Heng said lightly: "I completely agree with her speculation this time, once there is no way out, even if the evil weasel leader doesn't want to come out, that's okay, because we will set fire to the entire cave later, if it doesn't come out to kill, it's still the same. To die!"

"I see." The girls nodded. At this moment, the old white-browed monkey and King Jia Yao, who were rushing in the front, roared and released the original flames at the same time, which turned into a circle of fierce fire ripples.

All those three-eyed ferrets encountered, regardless of whether they were poisoned or not, all turned to ashes in an instant, and hundreds of thousands of ferrets died just like that. "Is it all finished?" An Yan asked casually, looking left and right.

"Don't be careless, as long as there is one evil weasel left, they will have the opportunity to continue to breed in groups, so these animals must be killed, and never one will be left."

"Well, it makes sense." At this moment, Tugong Toad, not far away, suddenly shouted: "Everyone, there is a new discovery here, come and have a look."

"Toad, is there any problem?" "Master Guan, this is the place, you see, there is an entrance to the hole."

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