Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12271: Speckled Jade Mine (third more)

When he said this, Tugong Chan pointed to the ground in front of him with his webbed claws, "Crack!" At the next moment, the demon next to him poked the ground with an ice-breaker, and there was a sudden collapse, and there was indeed an entrance to the ground.

"Hey, what is this?" Ruo Tao came closer and reached out to pick up an object at the entrance of the cave, and handed it to Guan Heng: "Here, son, come take a look."

"This is also an ore." Guan Heng took a closer look, and then said: "It's a kind of jade ore with spots, this thing is not very common, we will see the situation later, if you can take it away, take it and bring it back. It is also good to make decorations.”

"Hahaha, okay." Hearing this, the girls cheered up, because they also prefer jade ornaments. The most important thing is that jade ore can be found in this evil weasel's nest, which is not considered white. Come on, the harvest increases, who is not happy?

In this way, everyone entered the cave, and the magic mandrill, the king of the dragon and the white-browed old monkey carefully walked ahead to explore the road.

Just after taking more than ten steps forward, the demon lowered his head to observe carefully, and immediately said: "There are the footprints of the evil weasel left not long ago, Master Guan, it seems that there are guys hiding in the jade mine."

"Hehe, just right, just kill the other party directly." Guan Heng said: "The cheap lives of a few evil weasels are not worth the value of those jade mines." "Okay, let's do it like this."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, thinking that what Guan Heng said was very reasonable.

At the same time, King Jia Yao, who was walking in the front, felt that the surrounding light was a little dim, so he spit out more than ten fireballs in one breath, "咻咻咻——嗖嗖嗖——" These things flashed light, and immediately put the circle around. The interior photos of several feet are like daytime.

"Ouch!" It was too late, but it was too soon, a three-eyed evil weasel who was hiding in a dark corner nearby suddenly howled, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and opened his mouth to bite the front hoof of the King Jia Yao.

"You bastard, get out!"

"Crack!" King Jiaxu raised his hoof and kicked in anger, hitting the thoracic vertebrae, only to hear the sound of cracking bones one after another. The moment the guy flew out, he turned into a pool of mud and hit the rock wall and was torn apart. Shattered to pieces.

"Waste, dare to attack with this ability, it is purely courting death." King Jia Yao pouted his lips disdainfully and said so.

"Hoohoo-hoo-bang--" But at the moment when its voice fell, shadows swayed around, as if overwhelming, and more than a hundred chubby three-eyed ferrets appeared.

These guys are a lot stronger than ordinary little guys, because the surrounding area is wide, and when they form a siege, they don't seem crowded at all.

"Hey, Chubby, it looks like you're outnumbered." Moji raised his voice with a hint of playfulness at this time: "But you can also ask our buddies for help, as long as you have good words. "

"Bah, it's just to deal with a few minor characters. Master Yao doesn't need your help, so you can watch the fun by the side."

Hearing the words of the magic mandrill, King Jia Yao spurted a large amount of rough air from his nostrils, looking a little impatient, and then ran towards the evil weasel in front of him, roaring: "Beast, die!"

"Ping ping pong pong!" It was too late, and it was fast. The King Jia Yao, who was rampaging with his strong and sturdy body, had already knocked down more than ten evil weasels, but the number of these guys seemed to be increasing unabated, and it was still continuing. Howling surrounded him.

"Bang bang bang!" In the next instant, three evil ferrets fit and flew and slammed into the body of King Jia Yao. Although King Jia Yao was unscathed, he even let the opponent's head bleed, but he was attacked. Yao Wang felt very embarrassed.

"God **** it, you still dare to resist, you all die!"


"Dong, dong, dong!" In his anger, King Jia Yao suddenly trampled the ground viciously with his front hooves, and the ground was immediately cracked, and countless huge gaps appeared, forcibly blocking the bodies of the evil weasels who were trying to move.


"Huhuhu——" In an instant, King Jia Yao spit out a large amount of original flames from his mouth, burning the opponent to ashes.

"Hahaha, the rebels are dead!" After killing all the evil weasels, King Jia Yao laughed loudly, looking extremely proud, but at the next moment, Guan Heng said casually: "Hey, Chubby, take three steps back immediately. "

"Huh?!" The moment he heard this, King Jia Yao was a little stunned, but he always executed Guan Heng's orders immediately, so his body immediately took a few steps back in response.

"Boom! Crash—" Suddenly, the area where King Jia Yao stood just now collapsed inward, forming a huge deep pit. If he hadn't retreated after listening to Guan Heng's words, it would have also fallen into it at this time.

"This, this is..."

"You fat idiot, when you're in a hurry, you use big moves to abuse the enemy, but you don't know that the soil here is soft, will the ground cave in with such a move?" Guan Heng said with a smile.

King Jia Yao shook his head, and then said with lingering fears: "Yes, Master Guan, what you said makes sense. I should pay more attention. It's really dangerous, and I almost fell into it."

At this moment, the magic mandrill leaned to the edge of the deep pit and looked down, and then raised his voice: "Hahaha, it's really lucky, Master Guan, there is a dark cave entrance below, and there are speckled jade ore scattered around it, it seems that it is the gateway to the The mine is over there, and…”

"I know, there are traces left by the evil weasel, right?" Guan Heng said.

"That's true." The demon nodded, and then continued: "It seems that the leader of the evil weasel may be there."

"That's right, we can kill two birds with one stone and search for the remaining evil weasel and jade ore." Guan Heng said, he has already taken the lead to the entrance of the dark cave, and drilled in with other companions.

The area inside this cave is quite wide. The most important thing is that there are a lot of jade ores embedded in the rock walls on both sides, and there are also many footprints of evil weasels on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng winked at the three insects beside him, and the evil slug mother immediately took the golden sting king and the ancient wild roar to the front and swept away, and a corner a few feet away suddenly sprang several times. Ji Ying blocked the way of the three insects with lightning speed.

Immediately afterwards, these guys opened their mouths and spewed out a large amount of pitch-black evil energy, shrouding the three insects.

"Good beast, it's really harder to deal with than a little scoundrel, but it's still trash!"

The evil slug mother sneered, and suddenly released a vortex of fire spirit energy, "Swoosh!" The harsh sound suddenly rose, and the flames immediately destroyed the attacking evil qi, and also took advantage of the trend to turn two of the fat evil ferrets into ashes.

At the same time, King Jia Yao also flew over, "Shhhhh!" In the blink of an eye, the light golden light it radiated has penetrated the bodies of the rest of the ferrets, and the other party didn't snort, and immediately exploded and died. .

"Hehe, it's my turn." Facing the remaining two chubby ferrets, Gu Huang Houlu had a cold and stern smile on his face, and then rushed towards these two guys.

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