Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12273: Toss for a while (the fifth eruption)

"I know." Guan Heng smiled, and then said: "Originally, I wanted to see if you guys could find it. It seems that you have disappointed me too much."

"Oh, Master Guan, how can our investigation methods compare to yours?" Mo Xie scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and then said: "Just tell us directly, don't let everyone be in a hurry."

"Well, it's far away, so close, why can't you just find it?"


"Crack!" It was too late, but it was fast. Guan Heng suddenly slapped the rock wall beside him with his palm. Instead of shattering it with force, he used a gentle force to make the entire rock wall tremble.


In an instant, a series of terrified roars came from the top of the wall, "Bang!" Then, something suddenly fell from a few feet away. It was the leader of the evil weasel that everyone had been searching for. This guy was more than ten feet long and fat. Fat and strong, although it seems a little clumsy, it is extremely agile.

"Huh!" The next moment, the evil weasel leader turned over and stood up steadily, and then stared at Guan Heng with a terrified voice, as if to say: "I have clearly hidden myself. Very serious, why can you still find me?"

"Stupid thing, your hiding technique is really good, but even if the body can hide, the breath can't completely disappear."

When he said this, Guan Heng squinted at the other party coldly, and continued in his spare time: "I found you just now, but I was too lazy to kill you directly, because doing so would only be too cheap for you, rest assured, my companions will There are many means to ensure that your life is worse than death, Moji, do you think so?"

"Hey hey, Lord Guan, please rest assured, I will definitely satisfy you."

While speaking, the magic mandrill was already gearing up and stepped forward, then looked up and down at the leader of the evil weasel, and said with a grin, "Should you break your limbs first, or crush your bones one by one, and then slowly concoct this, I can do this. Think about it."

"Hey, don't waste your time, Moji, we are still waiting to see your performance." King Jiaxu shouted angrily at this time, "Go on!"

"Okay, let's break the limbs first."

After saying this, the demon mandrill has already walked towards the evil weasel leader in a big way. The other party saw that he despised him so much, and he was so angry that his eyes were cracked and smoked. . "Then start with this paw."


As soon as the words fell, the magic mandrill suddenly grabbed the opponent's claws. Before the evil weasel leader could feel the pain, the claw and forearm were twisted into a twist by the magic mandrill. into this guy's head.


The leader of the evil weasel, who suddenly felt the severe pain, let out a hoarse scream, and the demon frowned slightly: "Beast, the ghosts and wolf howls affect the grandfather's mood, you shut up for me."

"Pacha!" As he spoke, the demon slapped the opponent's cheek with a slap, instantly smashing half of the enemy's head, and the blood mist splashed out.

For this reason, the power of the Demon Mandrill's palm is also controlled just right, it just smashes the bones, and the slightest difference is that it does not cause major damage, so this guy is just a word of "pain", and he can't die even after being tortured!

"Kacha, Kacha... La La La..." It was too late to say, but it was too late, the demon continued to shoot, and in just a few breaths, the three remaining legs of the evil weasel leader were all broken.

Now that this guy has no time to feel the pain, he fainted several times, and woke up again with pain.

"Waste, continue to hurt, grandpa just won't kill you." The demon cocked the opponent's head at this time, and said with a grinning smile: "This is the end of becoming an evil beast, you can't expect to die happily! "

"Uh..." Hearing this, the leader of the evil weasel shivered all over, and the bones in his throat were rattling.

"Hahaha, wait for your own death." After speaking, the demon slammed the opponent to the ground, and this fall also broke 90% of the bones of the evil weasel leader. Now this guy is like a pool of mud. , I couldn't do it if I wanted to turn over and move.

"Hey, magic mandrill, come over quickly when you've had enough. The monster hedgehogs have already collected the scattered jade mines." At this moment, Qianxin raised her voice not far away: "Come and see the situation."

"Okay." Hearing this, Mo Xie agreed, and then pointed to the dying leader of the evil weasel and said, "Brothers, I've had enough, and the rest of you, come and play slowly."

"Ouch!" Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey walked over with great interest, and started another round of tossing the evil weasel.

At the same time, the magic mandrill took three steps and two steps, and hurriedly walked among the many gray-brown monster hedgehogs, watching everyone collect and transport the jade mine, it nodded: "Very good, you are doing well, plus Work hard, and you can finish work soon.”

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the ice gluttonous beast Little Fatty leaned in front of the magic mandrill and murmured twice, which meant to say, "Boss, I found something good, will you take a look first?"

"Where is it, let me take a look first." Hearing the other party's words, Mo Ji's eyes lit up, and then he waved his hand: "Hurry up and lead the way."

In this way, Xiao Pangdun took the magic mandrill to a corner of a rock wall not far away. It stretched out its claws and pulled a few times, and a few round spotted jade mines rolled out of the soil.

"Isn't this an ordinary ore? What kind of treasure?"

After seeing these things, the demon was a little unhappy, thinking that Xiao Pangdun was making a big fuss, but the other party shook his head and screamed, which meant: "Don't worry, the baby is not these things, it's still in the soil. Buried."

"Oh, that's right, then you dodge, and I'll dig it." Saying that, the magic mandrill shook the ancient gold ice-breaker in his hand, and the ice gluttonous beast, Little Fatty nodded, and took a few steps back. Immediately dig into the shallow hole.

"Shhhhh, rustling!" After seven or eight breaths, the pit in front of him was dug deeper and deeper, but the demon couldn't see anything, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

It said in its mouth: "Hey, Fatty, could it be that your kid deliberately fooled me, there are no treasures here, right? Brat, I'll have to beat you later."

Hearing this, Xiao Pangdun took two steps back in fear, and then called out in dissatisfaction, as if to say, "I didn't lie to you at all, if you don't believe me, just dig down and see."

"Okay, okay, I don't know what's wrong, but I actually believed what you said."

The magic mandrill said with a self-deprecating expression, while continuing to swing the ice-breaker to dig the soil, "Dang!" At the next moment, the tip of the ice-breaker hit a hard object in the soil.

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