Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12274: Hard-shelled things (first update)

"Hey, what is this?" The demon touched his ancient gold ice-breaker and motioned to the ice gluttonous beast, Little Fatty, to pull out the things in the soil. Little Fatty nodded immediately and did as he was told.


It was too late to say, but it was fast, and a round thing suddenly rolled out of the pothole. The magic mandrill picked up the object and looked closely. It turned out to be a round brown bead. It stared at it for a few breaths, but couldn't tell whether it was a stone or a metal structure.

"Uh, the only thing that is certain is that this thing contains a lot of spiritual energy, and it must be a good thing." After saying this, the demon said to Xiao Pangdun again: "Hey, don't be stunned, hurry up and continue digging. , maybe more beads can be found."

"Ouch!" Hearing this, the ice gluttonous beast Xiaopangdun immediately started to dig deep into the hole, and it didn't turn out as the devil expected. After more than ten breaths, Xiaopangdun dug out seven living beads. The one just now, a total of eight.

"Not bad, Little Fatty, you have done a good job." Seeing that the other party was panting, sitting on the ground and resting now, the demon smiled and touched Little Fatty's forehead as a reward.

Immediately afterwards, the magic mandrill stretched out his fingers and fiddled with the beads in his palm, muttering in his mouth: "This thing has to be taken back to Master Guan to see, maybe he can figure out something."

After making up his mind, the magic mandrill put the eight brown beads into the small storage mussel. He looked down and saw that Little Fatty was still digging something in the deep pit, so he asked, "Hey, Little Fatty. , are there any beads that haven't been dug out?"

"Ow, oooo." The little fat man who made his face full of dirt raised his head and shook his head at the magic mandrill, which meant to say: "No, it's just that I found that there seems to be something else in the soil. , so I plan to dig it out and take a look."

"Oh, is that so? Then hurry up and dig it." The demon said, waving his hand, signaling the other party to continue, and it continued: "After we get that thing out, we have to go back and meet with Lord Guan and the others. ."


Just when the magic mandrill finished saying this, Little Fatty shook his claws, and sure enough he dug out another object from the soil. It was an earthy-grey object that looked similar in shape to a fist's eye. After a few moments it stopped on the ground.

But in the next moment, it suddenly changed!


It was too late to say, but it was fast, and the hard-shelled object in the shape of a fist suddenly appeared red light. The magic mandrill originally wanted to reach out and pick up this object and observe it carefully, but the next moment, it felt that something was wrong, so he licked it. Fatty, immediately retreated backwards.

"Boom!" Immediately withdrew from the distance, the Demon Mandrill's feet were still unsteady, "Boom!" A loud noise suddenly erupted from the place where the hard-shelled thing was located, and it was accompanied by a large impact force towards the direction. It rushed over here.

"Xuan Bing Shield!" In the next instant, the magic mandrill released cold air in one breath, converging into a triple giant ice shield, "Ding ding ding dong!" In an instant, a series of rapid and violent sounds were heard, and the impact was finally blocked.

Although the impact force is not painful or itchy even if it is faced head-on, it is quite powerful to make it alert in an instant.

"It's beyond my expectation that this thing will explode."

The magic mandrill said, and walked back to the position just now. It thought that the fist-shaped hard shell had been shattered and disappeared after self-destruction. I didn't expect that the thing was still quietly spread in the same place, and it seemed that there was no effect at all.

"What's going on?" Seeing this scene, the magic mandrill and the little fat dun beside him looked at each other in surprise. Then, the ice gluttonous beast, little fat dun boldly stepped forward and stretched out his claws to touch the thing.

The magic mandrill immediately whispered: "Wait, are you dying? If that thing explodes again, it has to blow you up, and you are not allowed to touch it."

Hearing this, Little Fatty had no choice but to retract his claws, and looked at the magic mandrill with some doubts, which meant asking, "If you don't touch it, how can you confirm the state of this thing?"

"Hey, I just didn't let you touch it, and I didn't say I couldn't touch it myself? Step aside, or I'll do it." Hearing the words of the magic mandrill, he knew that it was for his own safety, and Little Fatty nodded. Immediately took a few steps back.

At this moment, the magic mandrill stepped forward, first got a closer look at the thing, and then carefully handed over his ancient gold and ice-breaker.

"Gululu—" The fist-shaped hard shell was pushed by the front end of the ice-breaker, and immediately rolled out more than a foot away, then remained motionless, and there was no other reaction.

"Huh, it doesn't look like there is any danger at first."

Seeing this scene, the magic mandrill breathed a sigh of relief, and then, it stretched out its hand again, first touching the hard-shelled object, and seeing that the other party did not respond, the magic mandrill immediately released a chill, covering it like lightning. This thing was quickly covered with a blue ice layer.

"This thing seems to be a living creature. If it doesn't explode, I can study it first, but don't take that risk now, and take it back to Master Guan to see. The means can also be easily solved, um, just do it.”

After making up his mind, the magic mandrill held the frozen hard shell in his hand, and it did not dare to put it into the storage clam, because it was in danger of self-exploding again.

Just when the magic mandrill turned his head to leave, he found that the little fat pier had moved to the side of the pothole again, waved his claws to dig the soil again, and digged up.

"Why are you still addicted to digging?"

Seeing this scene, the magic mandrill was a little dumbfounded, and was about to greet Xiao Pangdun and leave with him, but at this moment, the ice gluttonous beast Xiao Pangdun screamed suddenly, and then turned his head and turned his head to the magic mandrill and whispered: "Ouch, woo , woohoo."

"Uh..." Hearing Xiaopangdun's cry, the magic man suddenly felt that something unusual had happened, so he said, "Did you dig up something again, let's get it out."

After listening to it, Little Fatty nodded, and immediately dug out everything in the soil.

"Shhh, shhh!" With a few scratches, the ice gluttonous beast, Little Fatty, immediately pulled out four tumbling hard shells from the soil.

"There are actually four more?!" The demon muttered in a low voice, and then said again: "Little fat, stand back, lest they explode and blow you away."

"Boom!" Hearing this, Xiao Pangdun immediately flew to the back of the magic mandrill, and quietly stuck out his head to observe carefully. The magic mandrill kept a distance from the unearthed objects and waited quietly.

After just a few breaths, the demon felt that these things would not explode, so he hurried over, released a few **** of cold air, and froze all the opponents with a layer of ice before picking them up.

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