Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12275: Self-exploding fist-eye bug

"The brown beads and these hard-shelled things are the harvest this time." After the magic mandrill finished speaking, he said to the ice gluttonous beast Xiao Pangdun beside him: "Let's go, go back and meet with Master Guan, if it's too late, I'm afraid the hard shell will explode again."

"Ouch!" Hearing this, Little Fatty became a little nervous as he pulled his legs and dashed towards the front.


After a while, they returned to Guan Heng.

"Master Guan, look at this brown bead." After repeating the experience just now, the demon handed it over again.

"This brown bead has the aura of earth spirit. It should be a natural thing condensed by absorbing various spirit aura deep in the ground. The reserve of spirit energy is close to the thick earth bead I made, but the quality is slightly worse."

Guan Heng said with a smile: "This thing is also a great supplement to the gray-brown monster hedgehog and the bear monster, and the magic mandrill, just find a chance to devour and refine them."

"Ah, yes, thank you Lord Guan for your pointer."

Hearing these words, the magic mandrill immediately put away the natural earth spirit beads, and then handed the frozen hard-shelled object to Guan Heng, and said: "Be careful, this object has Possibly self-destruct."

"Understood, you have reminded me several times just now." Guan Heng said in a leisurely manner, and he lifted the ice layer attached to the surface of the thing, and suddenly said, "Hey, it turned out to be a bug?!"

"What?" After hearing this, the demon was shocked, and immediately said, "I didn't notice it was a bug before."

"It's really a bug, you see." Having said that, Guan Heng fiddled with the object a few times with his fingers.

"Shhhhh!" It was too late, but it was fast, the hard-shelled thing shivered a few times, and then stretched out six legs and a head with a pointed mouth, and then, the hard-shelled insect suddenly A reddish glow appeared.

Seeing this scene, the demon screamed in a low voice: "Master Guan, be careful, when this thing appears red, it is a precursor to self-destruction." "Relax, I know how to deal with it."


In the blink of an eye, Guan Heng's palm released an aura that quickly penetrated into the opponent's body. The strange hard-shelled worm was on the verge of rampage. Once the red light on its body turned from shallow to deep, it was bound to self-destruct, but Guan Heng's aura shocked him. In one fell swoop, the guy immediately became a lot more honest.

"Okay, that's it, there is no one who will hurt you here, just calm down."

After saying this, Guan Heng gently touched the other party with the tip of his finger. After hearing this, the hard shell worm felt Guan Heng's spiritual energy slowly pouring into his body, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

It was originally in a state of suspended animation because it had been in the ground for too long and could not absorb the spiritual energy on its own, and it was precisely because of this that the strange hard-shelled worm could not balance the breath in its body, so it was particularly easy to fall into an uncontrollable rampage. state, leading to the occurrence of self-destruction.

Guan Heng's aura can just prevent the hard shell bug from self-destructing. This is the result it is very happy to see. After all, only one or two self-explosions will have little effect on its body. Guan Heng's move was equivalent to saving the life of the hard shell insect, so it was very happy.

"Well, it seems that it has been able to control the disordered breath in the body, and now it is basically out of the danger of self-destruction."

When Guan Heng said this, the yawning Shui Xuan spirit beast lying on the back of King Jia Yao sat up in a daze, it rubbed its eyes and asked, "Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Xiao Shui Shui, you only care about sleeping, it's a pity that you didn't see a good show." King Jia Yao opened his mouth and said with a big smile: "It's very interesting that Mo Xing and Xiao Pang Dun have found some self-destructing bugs. , even the mother insect didn't recognize the origin of those things."

"A bug that explodes?"

"That's right, it's still a kind of hard-shelled insect..." Before King Jia Yao could finish his sentence, the Water Profound Spirit Beast immediately shouted: "Hey, Guan Heng, is the shape of the insect clenched with a fist? The 'fist eye' that rises is very similar?"

"Yes, your guess is really accurate." Hearing this, Guan Heng was a little stunned, and immediately asked, "Do you know this kind of bug?"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be the 'self-destructing fist-eye worm'. It's a rare item. I didn't expect that the magic mandrill could pick it up."

"Bang!" While speaking, the Shui Xuan spirit beast landed on Guan Heng's shoulder and said, "Hurry up, show me."

"Well, it's this guy."

With that said, Guan Heng lit up the bug in his hand and shook it in front of the Shui Xuan spirit beast. After taking a closer look, he opened his mouth and said, "Well, it's exactly the same as the self-destructing fist-eye bug I've heard of. It seems right."

"So you also heard about it?" Qian Xin, who was next to him, said casually.

"Yeah, when I was living, we were still working as divine beasts in the Shui clan. At that time, I heard a few Shui clan elders talk about them, and they were almost extinct at that time."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast said: "Blow up the fist-eye bug, it's also a very unlucky little bug, alas, it was born at an untimely time."

"Why do you say that?" Ruo Tao asked.

"A long time ago, there were still a lot of boxer worms. They lived in the shallow layers of the soil and lived on some hard minerals or small stones, and they were indifferent to the world."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast paused for a moment, then continued: "But the ancient people at that time caught the Boxer worms inadvertently, and also noticed that they had the ability to self-destruct. This is the beginning of their unfortunate fate..."

"It turns out that, I can basically understand." Guan Heng is such a smart person, he understood the meaning of the other party's words after a little pondering, and said casually: "The ancient people at that time probably wanted to use the fistula worm in In war?"

"Smart, as expected of you, you can immediately understand the key to this."

The Shui Xuan spirit beast gave Guan Heng a thumbs up, and then continued: "The ancient people are cruel and vicious, they know that the impact of the self-destruction of the boxer bug is no small matter, and once it is used in war, it will play a key role in their own victory. effect."

"But the boxer's body was not so durable at the time. As long as it blew up once or twice, it would explode and die, so the black-hearted guys came up with a vicious idea, which is to keep the captured boxer in captivity. Their food is changed to hard metal ore."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast said: "Once the metal ore is eaten for too long, it will bring significant changes to the next generation of larvae. The body of the newly born mutant boxer will be extremely hard, and it will not be a problem to withstand ten or eight self-destruction."

"Huh, it's really vicious, it's like using the boxer bug as a tool of war." Qianxin next to him whispered: "They're just as Xiao Shui Shui said, very unfortunate and unfortunate."

"Let's adopt these boxer bugs, shall we?" Suddenly, Guan Heng said these words.

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