Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12276: Missing Companion (Third)

"Okay." Hearing this, the girls agreed without hesitation, and An Yan asked at this time, "Brother, what do you mean by adopting these boxer bugs? Do you want to take them too? As a self-exploding item to attack the enemy?"

"With our ability, what enemy can't be solved? Where do we need these little things."

Guan Heng said casually: "I want to find an opportunity to help them sort out the vicious and self-exploding aura in their bodies, so that Boxer worms can live a dull and safe life in the future, and no longer need to be used by bad guys."

"This is a good thing." After Qing Huang heard this, she nodded her head in agreement, and the girls also said, "Okay, this is a good thing."

"Squeak, squeak." The fist-eye bug lying in Guan Heng's palm heard this, seemed to understand the meaning, and uttered a joyous cry.

"Hey—" The water mysterious spirit beast lay on Guan Heng's shoulder and sighed, muttering: "These fist-eye worms are all precious, with them, you can breed many little worms that can be used for battle, You're a fool for not taking advantage of it."

"Hahaha, Xiao Shui Shui, do you really think so?" Guan Heng smiled and said, "Why do I think you seem to be satisfied with my decision?"

"Uh? Could it be that I have leaked a flaw?" The Shui Xuan spirit beast stretched out his hand to cover his little face, and then whispered: "Hey, what do you want to do, it's up to you, what can I say?"

"Yoyo, Xiao Shui Shui, you have a hard mouth and a soft heart." Ruo Tao said with a smile, "Your expression is so interesting."

"Sister Taotao, what are you talking about?" The Shui Xuan spirit beast touched its face and felt a little feverish, then flew back to King Jia Yao's back, turned over and said, "Hmph, I might as well talk to you guys. I'll take a nap again."

"Hmph, little slacker." When the girls said this, they were already laughing. "Okay, the speckled jade mine here has almost been collected, let's go."

When he said this, Guan Heng had already let the puppet soldiers and the metal sandstone worms controlled by Mo Shiwei drill through and dig tunnels. After a while, everyone followed the sandstone worms out of the mine.

"Hey hey, with sandstone worms digging holes, our speed of going back and forth in the underground mines is getting faster and faster." Qin Xin said with a smile at this time: "It is indeed very convenient."

"Of course." Guan Heng said casually, "This giant sandstone worm is good at digging holes. After this body has been transformed, it is even more powerful."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about anything else, let's go to the next area with a mine." When she said this, Ruotao asked, "Sir, where should we go?"

"Well, wait for me to look at the topographic map."

Having said that, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and took out the rubbing of the topographic map, scanned it carefully, and then said, "The distance from where we are located is an area in the northeast, where there should be several large and small mines. Hey, mother insect, You send the scorpions over there to investigate."

"Yes, Master." Hearing this, the mother of evil worms immediately did as she was told, and sent dozens of mutant cockroaches to rush in the direction Guan Heng said. At the same time, Guan Heng and the others also started He moved forward in an orderly manner.


"Ow, Ow!" The purple braided ancient lion shouted cheerfully, driving a round stone under its feet, and kicked it abruptly towards the nearby brown-spotted bear bear.

"Uuuuu!" Seeing this scene, the Baojia dry turtle next to him waved his small paws angrily, which meant, "Idiot, how many times have I taught you? You are not allowed to use your claws, you have to kick with your feet. Play, understand? You smashed another one!"

Hearing the call of the Baojia dry turtle, the brown-spotted bear worm was a little embarrassed, and it didn't dare to make a sound.

"Forget it, little dry turtle, why are you in a hurry, if the little monster doesn't know it, just let it practice a few more times."

Guan Heng casually used the earth spirit energy to gather a ball, threw it to them, and continued: "There is something in this thing, it's not worth your anxious anger at all."

"Woo hoo!" After catching the stone ball, Baojia Turtle raised its head abruptly and made the thing spin on his forehead. The other little friends clapped their claws happily when they saw that the Turtle could play tricks so well. , seems delighted.

"These little guys really know how to play." Seeing this scene, Qinghuang said with a smile.

"Well, following us along the way, they will also feel a little bored and boring, and some small games to play to pass the time, it should be very good." Qin Xin said so.

"Yes, yes, my sister is right." Hearing this, the sisters nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the mad poisonous ant queen in the air suddenly landed on the ground, and it said hurriedly: "Master Guan, something seems wrong."

"What's the matter?" Seeing it say so, Guan Heng frowned slightly and said casually, "First tell me what happened?"

"That's right." The Mad Poison Ant Queen replied, "Just now, I took the owl-faced bear and the fly to find the nearby Zixuan, but they disappeared as soon as I turned my face, I searched for a while, I couldn't find it."

"These two boys are too disobedient, they dare to run around without permission." After hearing this, King Jia Yao said angrily: "Master Guan, when they come back, they have to teach them a lesson."

"Hey, speaking of the bad habit of running around, you have no right to scold others." Ruo Tao said with a playful expression at this time: "Because you sneak out a lot of times to hang out yourself."

"Uh, eldest sister, you..." After King Jia Yao heard this, his old face turned red, and after a few breaths, he whispered in a low voice, "Didn't you sneak out too, eldest sister? Can you just tell me one?"

"Bah, what did you say?" Ruo Tao's hearing is not bad, although the other party deliberately lowered his voice, she still heard it clearly.

Suddenly she stretched out her hand, Ruo Tao pinched the other's ear and twisted it, the pain was so painful that King Jia Yao exaggerated like killing a pig: "It hurts, eldest sister, please forgive me, I don't dare to talk nonsense."

"Hmph, that's about the same, but if you want me to forgive you, it's not enough to just apologize."

The corners of Ruo Tao's mouth were slightly raised, and she said with a smile: "Well, I will punish you for following the ant queen, and then bring a roar to bring back those two guys who sneaked out to be punished, understand?"

"Uh, yes, yes, the little one obeys, so please hold your hand high and let go of my ears."

"Hey, hurry up and come back." After that, Ruo Tao let go. King Jia Yao said to the roaring scorpion and the mad poisonous ant queen with a sad face: "Let's go."


As he ran forward, King Jia Yao said angrily: "It's all to blame for the little bears and Fei Zhangbo, who are running around when they have nothing to do, causing my ears to be pinched!

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