Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12277: Dangerous

"Okay, okay, are you so angry?" Hearing the words of King Jia Yao, Gu Huanghou said with a grin, "It's not the first time you've been scratched by the head of the elder sister, you are rough and fleshy, and you can't bear it. past."

"Hmph, then you can't spare little bears and Feihoubo, they are too outrageous."

King Jia Yao said angrily, the next moment, it saw the mad poisonous ant flying in front of her and said nothing, and said, "Hey, the ant queen, why don't you speak?"

"Oh, I'm thinking about what happened before and after the two of them disappeared, and there doesn't seem to be anything special."

The Mad Poison Ant Queen said without looking back: "The owl-faced bear and the deer are usually quite honest, and it is rare for them to leave the team privately, unless they disappear voluntarily..."

"Could it be that there is some kind of danger?" Hearing the Queen Ant's words, Guhuang Hulu suddenly had this idea and blurted out.

"Thinking about it now, it is indeed possible." After the Mad Poison Ant Queen said this, even King Jia Yao was a little worried.

"Squeak--" It was too late, but it was too fast. King Jia Yao suddenly stopped, which alarmed the two insects. They turned their heads and asked in unison, "What's wrong?"

"Wait, I seem to smell the breath of the little bear and the zodiac... slack... slack..." When he said this, King Jia Yao carefully sniffed the surrounding atmosphere with his nose, and the two insects stared at this moment. Round eyes, watching it intently.

Suddenly, King Jia Yao whispered: "Go east, follow me, hurry hurry-"

"Roar, let your fire claw ape soul get ready, maybe it's going to fight next!"

"Okay!" Hearing the words of King Jia Yao, Gu Huang Houlu waved his hand, and several fire-clawed ape souls suddenly emerged with a roar, followed by two insects and one beast swept forward.


"Damn, this thing is so tight that it can't even struggle, and it's still..." At this time, Fei Zhangbo was tightly wrapped around his body by a large mass of things that looked like a mess. It's so tight that the barn is almost out of breath.

Looking at the bat-winged owl-faced bear next to him, this guy is very relaxed, he gave up struggling a long time ago, and now he is sleeping on his back and snoring.

Seeing this scene, Fei Zhangbo almost cocked his nose: "Stinky boy, you are going to die, and you still have time to sleep? I really obey you!"

"Hey, little bear, little bear." Fei Zhangzhang whispered at this time: "You kid, wake up, don't sleep again."

"Umm... I hate it, don't bother me... I can't drink anymore..."

The owl-faced bear seemed to be dreaming, and muttered to himself: "Hey, Jingteng wine is really, really delicious, before everyone finds out, I, I need to take a few more sips, otherwise, it will be a loss. ."

"Stinky boy, it turned out that you were the one who stole the drink last time, you bastard, so that Lord Guan scolds me for not being a strict guard, wake up quickly!" Fei Zhanghou cursed with all his strength at this time: "Wake up quickly, or I will Tell everyone about you stealing alcohol!"

"Eh?!" The owl-faced bear finally woke up after hearing this, it sucked the saliva from its mouth and muttered to itself, "Where is this place?"

"Idiot, we were caught by that thing, so why don't you wake up quickly?" Fei Zhangbo yelled at this moment: "I'm about to die and still don't know the situation, do you want to kill me too?"

"Woooooooo..." Owl-faced bear shook his head fiercely, and finally woke up a little, and then said: "Oh, I seem to remember, just now..."

A while before the time-reversal meeting, when the owl-faced bear and the flying barnacle were flying at a low altitude, they suddenly found a rock wall engraved with a topographic map. They immediately flew down there to check, but they forgot to notify the crazy poisonous ants in the air. After that, it led to all the troubles that happened later.

Just as Little Bear and Zongzhang approached this rock wall, the thing suddenly moved suddenly, and then it threw out countless tentacles around them like lightning. So caught.

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, the other party's entanglement of their "tentacles" will release a strange smell.

Otherwise, with the strength of the bat-winged owl-faced bear and the flying barnacles, it is also possible to work together to break free of this thing, but now, they can only struggle more and more tightly.

"Damn, there's no way to break free now, which means we can't run away, right?"

"Nonsense." Hearing what Fei Zhangzhang said, Owl-faced Bear rolled his eyes, and then continued: "Don't I know this kind of simple truth?"

"But our mouths are not blocked. If we can't even shout the word help, then we are stupid!"

"Right? Why didn't you tell me earlier, you bastard?"

The corner of Owl-faced Bear's mouth twitched with anger at this time, and then he raised his head and shouted: "Help, help, the little bear is suffering here, everyone come and save me, come one step later, the little master will be eaten by monsters It's gone!"

"The hamster will also be eaten, come and help me!" Fei 呌富 also shouted at this time.

"唰 La La -”--" The two screams have not been known to the companions, but their voice has successfully angered the guy who grabbed the two, and the other party shook it. The tentacles wrapped around the mouth of the owl-faced bear like lightning.

"Umm... 呣呣..." At this moment, it was impossible for Owl-faced Bear to scream again.

However, it kept winking at Fei Zhangbo, which means: "Before your mouth is blocked, hurry up and scream a few more times, if we can lead everyone over, we will be saved. "

"Yes, I have to work hard." Seeing the owl-faced bear's eyes, Fei Zhangbo immediately raised his head and shouted: "Everyone, come soon, come one step later, the little bear and I will be finished, hurry up... uh Umm..."

But at this moment, a tentacle came with the wind and quickly entangled the mouth of the barn, and now it was unable to make a sound.


At the same time, King Jia Yao, who was running on the ground, pricked up his ears and shouted loudly, "Did you two hear the sound just now?"

"Nonsense, we are not deaf, of course we heard."

"That's right, it sounds like the call for help from a scorpion, hehe, it's all a different tone." Gu Huanghou said with a smile: "It looks like it's very scared."

"What are you laughing at, they must be in a disaster now, and they must be rescued quickly." The mad poisonous ant queen said, and glared at Huojia angrily.

"Hey, don't patronize and scold me. If you want to save them, you must at least find the place where they are trapped, right?" Gu Huanghou shrugged, then waved his hand and shouted, "Little one. Hey, hurry up and find me around."

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