Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12278: Getting out of trouble and counterattacking (the fifth outbreak)

"Wuuuu-" Hearing this, the fire claw ape souls agreed and spread out to find their targets. They were already familiar with the aura of owl-faced bears and flying wolves, so it was not difficult to find them.

After a few breaths, an ape soul waved its claws in the air at Roar and King Jia Yao, signaling everyone to move towards the east, because there was something wrong there.


"Da da da, da da da!" The next moment, King Jia Yao had already rushed over with all his strength, followed by the ancient barren roar and the mad poisonous ant queen, and they found it after only seven or eight breaths. near a huge rock wall.

"There are several fruit pits on the ground, which seems to be..."

The mad poisonous ant reached out and picked up one, and immediately said: "It's the little bear's collection, it always says that it's a pity to throw away the core after eating the spiritual fruit, so I have to save it all and build one for myself later. orchard."

"The little bear and the deer are definitely nearby, look for it carefully, don't let any clues go." King Jia Yao said.

"Okay, let's look for it from the air." Saying that, the two insects suddenly fluttered their wings and began to search along the left and right areas of the rock wall, while the king of the owl carefully searched for the breath of the owl-faced bear and the flying owl.

Just after a few breaths, King Jia Yao came to the left end of the rock wall. There was a crack, and there was a faint smell inside. King Jia Yao keenly felt that this place was unusual.

"Maybe the little bear and the zodiac are here... Hey, this is..." Suddenly, King Jia Yao found a pattern on the crevice of the rock wall, which turned out to be the trace of a topographic map.

"Hahaha, this is really an unexpected discovery. If you take this thing back, Master Guan will definitely be happy." Thinking of this, King Jiaxu looked a little excited, then turned his head and shouted: "Queen Ant, Hulu, Come and see, I have found it."

"What did you find?" Hearing this, Er Zong hurriedly flew to the vicinity, and King Jia Yao raised his hoof and pointed at the rock wall and whispered, "Look at this, it's a topographic map left by the underground spirit body, quickly get it down. , take it back and show it to Master Guan."

"It's a good thing I found by accident, well, I'll cut it down."

Saying that, Guhuang Houlu was about to pull out the poisonous worm bone sword and walk over, but in the next instant, a light flashed in the back of the mad poisonous ant's head, and then he shouted: "Wait, don't you think something is wrong?"

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" King Jia Yao asked with wide eyes.

"Don't forget, the little bear and the flying deer disappeared nearby." The Mad Poison Ant Queen's eyes flickered at this time, and she said word by word: "Is it possible that they discovered the pattern on this rock wall, so will disappear."

"Is it because you have too much heart?" After hearing this, Gu Huanghou shrugged and said casually, "I don't think such a coincidence will happen."

"That's it..." As soon as King Jia Yao finished saying this, the Mad Poison Ant Queen suddenly pointed at its back and screamed, "Be careful, there is a sneak attack!"



King Jia Yao was slightly stunned, and suddenly felt the bad wind in the back of his head, he knew that what the other party said was true, and in an instant it slid under his feet, and suddenly moved out a few feet away, "Crack!" When it hit the ground, it immediately caused earth and rocks to fly.

"Damn it, you are so bold!" The sneak attack of the other party made King Jia Yao extremely angry. It roared desperately, and suddenly raised its front hooves and kicked it on the rock wall.

"Boom - boom -" In the flash of lightning, a large piece of the rock wall collapsed, revealing what was inside. It was an evil beast with pitch-black tentacles and fat ears on its back.

This guy lay in ambush on the inside of the rock wall, waiting to be fooled by the prey that came close, and then used his tentacles to sneak up on him.

At this moment, Fei Zangzhang, who was caught by the black-backed tentacle demonic beast, saw everyone coming, and immediately struggled to ask for help, but the tentacles had blocked its mouth, making Fei Zangzhang speechless.

Luckily, the owl-faced bear was quite clever. It suddenly bit the tentacles that blocked its mouth, clenched its teeth abruptly, bit it in half, and then spat fiercely on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the owl-faced bear shouted, "Help me—"

"Don't be noisy, aren't we going to save you right now? Don't worry." The mad poisonous ant queen showed her multicolored bone staff and said so.

"Hu, hu, hu... I'm not in a hurry." At this time, the bat-winged owl-faced bear struggled and shouted: "Dude, I want you to help me get out of trouble first, and I want to take revenge myself."

"Oh, is that so?" Hearing this, King Jiaxu glanced at the captured Feihanbo and asked casually, "Hey, Boobo, what do you mean?"

"Um...uuuu..." Hearing what it said, Fei Zhangbo rolled his eyes in anger, which seemed to mean: "I know that I have been blocked, how can I answer you?"

"Hahaha, it's our negligence, let you speak first."

"Huh!" It was too late, but the time was fast, and Guhuang Houzhang suddenly threw out a bone flying knife, which smashed through the tentacles in Fei's mouth like lightning, and cut it off, and Fei's spit out. The residue in his mouth shouted, "I want revenge, I want revenge!"

"Alright then, let's help you two get out of trouble first." As soon as he said these words, Gu Huanghou pointed at the bone flying knife that was sticking beside Fei Zhangbo, and said, "Actually, we don't need to do it, you should do it yourself. OK?"

"Hooooooh-" After hearing this, Feihanbo was so blessed that he suddenly let out a furious roar, which shook the black-backed tentacle demonic beast and hummed its ears, and could not help trapping Feihobo and Owl-faced. The bear's tentacles loosened a little.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fei Zhangzhang bit the bone flying knife beside him, "Crack!" The blade flew up and down, and instantly cut off the tentacle that was entangled in Fei Zhangzhang's left claw, and then the left claw gathered spiritual energy, Suddenly, three wind blades were thrown out.

"Kacha, kacha, bang!" It was too late to say, but it was too late, and the wind blade of the barn cut off the tentacles that entangled the bat-winged owl-faced bear, letting it get out of the trap in an instant, and then soared into the sky.

"Uh ah ah!"

The next moment, the owl-faced bear, who got out of trouble, raised both claws together, "Whoosh, whoosh!" It threw out more than ten wind blades in one go, half of them cut off the tentacles that were entangled in the flying barnacles. Several wind blades are aimed at the head, face and body of the black-backed tentacle demon beast.

"Pfft, hiss!" The tentacled evil beast was suddenly attacked, and it was too late to dodge all the attacks. The wind blade slashed his head and bleeds blood. The pain caused this guy to scream strangely, and he involuntarily retreated seven or eight in a row. step.

"Hehehe, beast, do you think we can leave after a sneak attack?" After getting out of trouble, Feibaobo roared wildly: "Now it's our turn to fight back, you are ready to die!"

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