Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12279: Incidental windfall (first update)


"Shhhhhh!" In the flash of lightning, the bat-winged owl-faced bear and the flying barnacle roared at the same time, releasing a large number of whirlwind blades, covering the entire body of the black-backed tentacle demon beast's head and face.

This guy knew that something was wrong, so he immediately retreated in fear, and danced the tentacles on his back, constantly whipping the flying wind blades.

"Ding ding ding!"

"Pfft, hiss!"

Although the tentacles of the black-backed evil beast smashed a lot of wind blades, they were still unable to resist this dense rain-like attack. The wind blades cut through many wounds one after another, and the blood mist splattered and sprayed all over the place. It was all over the place, and the pain was so painful that the black-backed tentacled evil beast was dying, and the mouth couldn't stop screaming.

"Beast, now you know howling ghosts and wolves? Weren't you very arrogant when you attacked grandpa just now? I'll kill you!"

The bat-winged owl-faced bear became angrier the more he talked, and suddenly flew to the ground, holding up a large rock weighing more than one hundred kilograms with both hands, and Kuo suddenly slammed it into the black-backed evil beast.

The other party was busy dealing with the wind blade released by Fei Zangzhang, and the stone suddenly attacked, just hit the forehead of the evil beast, hitting the guy's head with blood.

"Pfft puff! Chi!" Immediately afterwards, Fei Zhangbo's wind blade did not let go of the other party, and cut the evil beast all over the body. The pain made the beast really unbearable. This guy suddenly turned his head and pulled his legs. just run away.


In the flash of lightning, the black-backed evil beast ran out several meters away in one breath. This guy was glad that he could escape and was secretly proud of himself, but at this time, a few swift shadows suddenly fell in the air, and it was the wind that came The attacking fire claw ape soul.

"Ping ping pong pong!"


"Dong dong dong!"

In the blink of an eye, the heavy punches of the ape souls landed on the black-backed tentacle demon beast, and the beast wailed and screamed. Surrounded up, want to continue to work.

However, Guhuang Hulu waved his hand at this moment: "Wait, as long as we mainly prevent this guy from escaping, we can leave the rest to Xiao Xiong and Zhang Bao, you don't need to interfere too much."

Hearing this, the Fire Claw Ape Souls nodded immediately, and all quickly retreated.

"Brother Hu, thank you very much." Hearing this, the bat-winged owl-faced bear glanced at it gratefully, and then shouted: "Zhou, let's go!"

"Okay!" Fei Zhangzhang suddenly slapped two big ears, and suddenly rushed towards the injured black-backed tentacle demon beast. Animal waist ribs.

"Luck!" In an instant, the black-backed evil beast made a bone cracking sound, and then opened its mouth and spewed a large mouthful of blood mist, "Plop!" The guy's body fell to the ground in response, and then tumbled one after another.

"Huh!" The owl-faced bear had already landed on the guy's back aggressively, reaching out to grab the tentacles on the other's back and tearing it frantically.

Owl-faced bear's brute strength is not small, because he inhaled the strange breath released by the other party just now, so he couldn't use his strength, so it couldn't get out of trouble. Now that he eased his strength, the owl-faced bear was fierce, and pulled it with both hands. Down, the opponent's tentacles were all broken and thrown to the ground by it.

At this moment, the black-backed tentacle evil beast was already in excruciating pain.

What it regrets is why it has caught the owl-faced bear and the flying barnacle, causing it to kill itself, and even more regrets that it didn't kill each other immediately when it caught the two beasts, which brought endless troubles.

But there is no regret for selling medicine in this world, so there is only one way to wait for the black-backed evil beast, and that is a dead end!

"Come on, let's kill it together!"

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Hearing the words of the owl-faced bear, Fei Zhangzhang laughed wildly, and immediately rushed towards the dying black-backed tentacle demon beast with it, "Boom bang bang! Bang bang bang!" For a puddle of minced meat. "Huh, I finally killed it."

"Okay, we can also go back, Master Guan and the girls are still waiting for us." "Wait, I almost forgot the most important thing." At this moment, the owl-faced bear whispered: "We just saw What about the topographic map murals?"

"Here, fortunately, we have noticed that we need to protect this thing. When you fought just now, it was not damaged."

Guhuang Houzhe said and touched the rock wall around him, seeing this scene, Owl-faced Bear and Fei Zhangzhang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, after all, it's not a waste of time, if you go back empty-handed, it's too much. Disgraceful."

"Okay, okay, we won't laugh at the fact that you two were caught." Gu Huang roared with a smile: "After all, we almost got caught."

"By the way, where's Chubby?" Suddenly, Owl-faced Bear said something like this: "As soon as we fought, it seemed to disappear, did you see it?"

"Well..." Hearing this, Gu Huanghou scratched his head and said, "I really didn't notice, Queen Ant, how about you?"

"I didn't see it either." Just as the mad poisonous ant queen answered this, the voice of King Jia Yao sounded nearby: "Everyone, I'm here, hurry up, hurry up and take a look here."

"what happened?"

Hearing the other party's tone with a bit of surprise, Guhuang Houlu immediately rushed with everyone to the area where King Jia Yao made a sound. It was a hole at the end of the rock wall. King Jia Yao worked hard to get in and out, and put Several huge stone slabs pushed out of the hole.

"Hey, this is..." Seeing these things, Gu Huanghou snorted in a low voice: "Are these also topographic map murals?"

"That's right, and it's three dollars. You know it's three dollars?"

King Jia Yao laughed and said, "This is also my good luck. When the flying deer hit the evil beast just now, the guy's body fell to the ground and the ground nearby sunk and cracked. I suspected that there might be a dark hole here, so After digging a few times, hey, I have really gained a lot."

"Fatty, your luck is indeed very good." Seeing this scene, Hulu nodded, and then said: "In addition to the piece that was cut from the rock wall just now, we have found four topographic map murals this time. Grandpa will be very happy."

"Let's go, grab your things and go back quickly, don't waste your time."

"Okay, everyone, let's go."

After a short while, the ancient barren roars and kings of the dragons finally returned to Guan Heng and the other companions. Guan Heng was very satisfied with the topographical map murals and slates they found, and even praised them a few words, owl-faced bears and flying deer. The matter of Zong's disappearance was naturally left behind, and he no longer cared about it.

"Okay, all the Zibi we sent out just now have also returned. According to their reactions, there is nothing suspicious around the huge mine we are going to. Everyone can continue to leave, let's go."

After that, Guan Heng took all his companions and hurriedly moved towards the front area.

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