Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12282: continue to poison

"That's true." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Qianxin nodded, and then said: "Anyway, it's just waste at best. If they all die, I'll catch a few more and continue to spread the fire poison later."

"That's right, that's what I meant." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Princess, you really understand meticulously and thoroughly."

"Hahaha, of course, this princess is very smart." Having said that, Qianxin patted the ancient lion with purple braids beside her, and asked, "Xiaozi, is my sister right?"

"Ow, ooh." The purple-braided ancient lion let out a joyful cry and nodded again and again, anyway, it knew that as long as it was a question from Qianxin, it would be no harm to nod by itself, and sure enough, Qianxin smiled and handed it a piece of preserved fruit: " So good, now, this is a reward for you."

The purple-braided ancient lion immediately licked it with the tip of his tongue, put the preserved fruit into his mouth, and started eating.

Seeing this scene, the Baojia dry turtle next to him was so greedy that he was drooling.

"Okay, I can give it to you." Qin Xin said at this time: "But I can't give it to you in vain, so, as long as you can bring back an evil spirit or evil beast alive, my sister will definitely get a reward, how about it?"

"Woo woo!" Hearing this, the Baojia dry turtle immediately uttered a low voice, indicating that it promised to complete the task, and then the tortoise trotted towards the front.

"Hey, run slowly, be careful of the enemy in front." Qing Huang shouted at this time, Baojia dry turtle heard it clearly, and made a tweet to show understanding.

Qinghuang was still a little worried, and said to the brown-spotted bear monster and the purple-braided ancient lion: "You two should accompany the little dry turtle to the front. If you encounter an enemy, catch them together. The reward is good, go ahead."

"Ouch~~" Hearing this, the bear and the ancient lion were overjoyed, and immediately chased after the Baojia dry turtle.


These three are all impatient, so they rushed forward more than ten meters in an instant. If it wasn't for Qinghuang and Qianxin, they had told them not to run too far. They might have disappeared, but now it's not bad. Because the previous goal has already appeared.

It was a few spirit-devouring evil beasts. The other party seemed to have gone through a hard battle. At the moment, they were exhausted, and they all staggered and stumbled when they walked. At this time, the Baojia dry turtle could not wait to rush over. .

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, the headbutt of the Baojia dry turtle hit one of the evil beasts. The guy rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

The rest of the demonic beasts were shocked when they saw this. Although they were a bit fierce, the battle just now was almost over, and their courage and physical strength plummeted, so their feet were trembling.


It was too late, but it was too soon. Taking this opportunity, the brown-spotted bear monster rushed over, shaking a pair of earth-profound giant rock claws and sweeping fiercely, "Bang, plop!" After falling on the rock wall, they rolled their eyes and lost consciousness.

This is also because the Baojia dry turtle and the bear worm are merciful, otherwise they can kill a few evil beasts with a single blow, so there is no chance of catching them alive.


"Giggle..." In the blink of an eye, the ancient lion shook his hair and suddenly wrapped around the neck of an evil beast. With a little force, the other party fell unconscious and was thrown to the side by it.

The remaining two evil beasts were so frightened that they turned around and fled into the distance. They were in a panic, and they only hated that they had lost a few legs!

"Swish!" In the next instant, the ancient lion's purple braid wrapped around the hind legs of the two beasts again, and then tugged a little, causing the heads of the two guys to collide, causing the two unlucky **** to faint. past.


After seven or eight breaths, Guan Heng and the others rushed to the vicinity and saw that several unconscious evil beasts had been piled up on the roadside, with the ancient purple-braided lion, the brown-spotted bear monster, and the Baojia dry turtle waiting beside them.

Qianxin smiled and said, "Okay, all of you are doing well, and there will be snacks as a reward."

"Ouch!" Hearing these words, the ancient lion with purple braid immediately cheered, and the brown-spotted bear and turtle also seemed very happy.

Ruo Tao asked at this time, "Young Master, let's put some fire poison into these guys."

"Okay, let's do that."

Saying that, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the Qinyuan Giant Bee immediately flew over and injected the toxin into the opponent's body. After a few breaths, the evil beast, who was in severe pain, woke up and turned around. The moment they saw Guan Heng and them, these guys didn't care. Everything, turn around and run!

"Hmph, the faster you run, the faster the fire poison in your body will attack, I wish you 'good luck'." Seeing the panicked back of the other party fleeing, Guan Heng said with a sneer.

"Hey, little bear, come here."

"Uh, Master Guan, do you call me?" Hearing this, the bat-winged owl-faced bear immediately flew to Guan Heng.

Guan Heng said: "Go, follow behind those evil beasts and see where they are fleeing, then come back and tell us."

"Master Guan, do you still use me for this kind of thing?" Owl-faced bear was a little lazy at this time, and said in a low voice, "You can also complete the task if you send the mutant scorpion out?"

"Nonsense, this task is specially arranged for you, if you don't go, don't regret it."

The corners of Guan Heng's mouth were slightly raised, and a playful smile appeared on his face. Owl-faced bear felt a chill behind his back when he heard this, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Master Guan, what do you mean, why can't I understand?"

"Stinky boy, I'm doing this for your own good, don't you understand? Then I'll tell you."

Guan Heng stretched out his hand and stabbed the opponent's neck, leaned into Owl-faced Bear's ear and said, "After you brought back the topographic map mural slate just now, you secretly drank the Jingteng liquor stored in the turtle-back igloo, right? And this time I drank a lot, and the jug has bottomed out."

"I don't care about stealing and drinking, but the girls will scold you when they know about it. If you don't hurry up and do your work, they will find excuses to attack you later."

"Don't don't, Master Guan, don't say I stole the drink, I'll go monitor the movements of the evil beasts right away."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the owl-faced bear broke out in a cold sweat on its forehead. As it said so hastily, it immediately spread its wings and flew into the air, chasing after the fleeing beasts not far away.


It wasn't until more than ten breaths later that the owl-faced bear caught up with the few evil beasts, just in time to see the other side and other evil beasts meet.

It was originally just an ordinary greeting between the companions, but the evil beast who was hit by the fire poison could not restrain the crazy killing intent in his heart. .

"Ouch!" The evil beasts who were suddenly attacked were immediately mad. Of course, they were not to be outdone, and they immediately organized a counterattack. It didn't matter.

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