Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12283: Follow alone (the fifth outbreak)


"Hoooo!" The screams and fighting were deafening. At first, it was just a conflict between a dozen evil beasts. Gradually, their cries actually attracted hundreds of evil beasts to participate.

It seems that the other party was not successful in capturing the evil spirits, and everyone was full of evil fire. As soon as they saw a fight, they immediately participated desperately.

But all the guys who participated in the war did not end well. The fire poison spread wildly in the wounds between them, causing the injured evil beasts to die. He rushed towards the depths of the cave.

"Hey hey hey, play well, play well."

The bat-winged owl-faced bear, who was huddled behind a huge rock to watch the battle, was extremely enjoyable to watch, and said in his mouth: "To have such a wonderful and lively watching, this trip is not a chore, kill, fight, you all fight. It would be better if they both lost and died."

"Uh, that's not right... If they are all dead, the fire poison released by Lord Guan will not be able to continue to spread. It's better to leave a few alive."

Thinking of this, Owl-faced Bear remembered that he still had a surveillance mission that had not yet been completed. He hurriedly looked around and said, "Huokou, Huokou, I have to see where Huokou escaped, so I can go back and tell Master Guan."

"Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo--" At the next moment, Owl-faced Bear suddenly found that there were several swift shadows rushing towards a tunnel due north like a madness. A sturdy spirit-devouring evil beast.

Although the opponents were all wounded, it was clear that they had not yet fallen into a runaway state of being infected by fire poison at this time. From this, it could be seen that these evil beasts were not weak.

"Hmph, it looks like it's these guys. Following them, you will definitely be able to find a large army of other evil beasts. By the way, there are also evil spirits in this cave."

Thinking of this, Owl-faced Bear subconsciously touched a small bottle he was carrying around his neck. There were several mutant scorpions in it. As long as he released the other party to track the evil beast, he could go back to report the news and complete the task.

But at this moment, the bat-winged owl-faced bear became hot and thought secretly: "Instead of letting Zifen take this credit, it is better for me to do it myself, and then Master Guan will praise me a few words, um, just do it."

The Owl-faced Bear, who made up his mind, flew over in one breath, but he didn't expect what kind of crisis he would encounter when he went, that's what happened later.

"Whoosh-hoo-hoo-hooh--" After a few breaths, the bat-winged owl-faced bear caught up with a few sturdy beasts fleeing in front of them. Exudes an ominous aura.

After Owl-faced Bear looked at it, he couldn't help breathing in embarrassment: "Uh, it seems that these guys are not easy to mess with, I'd better stay away, if I get caught, it will be troublesome."

When he just thought of this, Owl-faced Bear suddenly noticed that the evil beasts had stopped, and the one at the head suddenly turned his head and looked back, so frightened that Owl-faced Bear thought he had revealed his whereabouts, and suddenly flashed to the top of the wall. Behind the huge stalagmites.

Fortunately, the other party just looked left and right, and found nothing suspicious, so he signaled his companions to move on. The bat-winged owl-faced bear breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart: "It's dangerous, fortunately I hid in time, otherwise there is a real danger of exposure."

But at such a time, an unexpected situation suddenly appeared in the group of evil beasts!

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" said too late, then soon, one of the evil beasts suddenly burst out with a terrifying scream. His eyes darted towards his companion beside him fiercely.

The owl-faced bear could see clearly, and secretly shouted in his heart: "My dear, this is a fire poison attack, and the evil beasts are going to be unlucky!"

"Hi!" In the next instant, the poisoned and rampant evil beast bit his companion's front legs and ripped violently, pulling down a large piece of flesh and blood, causing the opponent's eyes to split in pain and screaming again and again.

It doesn't matter this time, the bitten guy couldn't suppress the violent fire and poison in his body, and he also went berserk, rushing towards the other companions.

"Ouch, ooh!" Furious roars, coupled with the sound of flesh being torn apart, these evil beasts finally broke out in the most tragic infighting. In the blink of an eye, most of the evil beasts had already fallen to the ground.

The owl-faced bear watching the battle thought to himself: "It's a pity, if these poisoned guys can persist until they encounter a large group of companions and then attack again, they can infect more evil beasts. It's a waste of a lot of 'tool beasts' here."

Shaking his head helplessly, the owl-faced bear pondered: "There are still three evil beasts that have not attacked, if they stop fighting and move on to find a large number of beasts, then things will be perfect, so let me stir it up. Bar."

"Bang!" It was too late, but it was fast, and the owl-faced bear who thought of this place suddenly swooped down.

"Swish!" In the blink of an eye, the owl-faced bear threw more than ten wind blades. These attacks immediately rushed towards the three evil beasts. The opponent had already killed the red eyes and was about to continue to bite. They fled immediately.

"Douduoduo! Crackling!"

The wind blade immediately hit the ground and the earth and rocks splattered in all directions, but none of the wind blades hurt a few evil beasts. Now they suddenly realized that they should not stay here to seek death, but to escape to a farther place for the sake of Find your own way.

After thinking about this, several evil beasts nodded to each other, and then hurried towards the tunnel ahead.

"Hmph, that's right, keep running on the road to death."

"Oh, I remembered it!" At this moment, the bat wing owl-faced bear patted his forehead: "Master Guan told me to go back to report the situation after a certain distance, and let the mutant go on with the rest of the matter. , I've forgotten all about it."

Thinking of this, the owl-faced bear immediately released a few mutant scorpions, and then called to them: "Go, go and follow those evil beasts, don't lose them."

"Buzz-buzz--" Hearing these words, the scorpions immediately fluttered their wings and hurried in the direction where the evil beast was gone.

The owl-faced bear fell to the ground from the rock at this time, and then said to himself: "I have completed the task, so let's go to Lord Guan and them now."

"Huh--" At this moment, a gust of wind blew in front of Owl-faced Bear. It lifted its nose to smell it, and found that the wind had a sweet scent.

"What is this, why is it so fragrant?" Tickling his nose and sniffing hard, Owl-faced Bear involuntarily followed the fragrance to another fork in the road. Yellow Wild Mushroom, and then quickly stepped forward.

"Hahaha, that's what smells like this, it should be delicious, right?" Owl-faced Bear thought so in his heart, and subconsciously reached out to grab the wild mushrooms in front of him.

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