Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12284: The crisis of the owl-faced bear (first update)

"Shhhhh!" It was too late, but it was too fast, a long and narrow shadow emerged from the yellowish wild fungus, and wrapped around the bat-winged owl-faced bear's claws with lightning speed, scaring it into a hurry. Dodge backwards.

"Crackling!" In the flash of lightning, those swift shadows hit the ground viciously, causing the earth and rocks to splatter, and the owl-faced bear whispered, "What's the matter?!"


The next moment, a roaring shadow rushed out from the side of the wild mushroom, and the bat-winged owl-faced bear took a close look. It turned out that this was a monster exuding evil spirits, with a head and face like a mastiff, a mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, but a body like a weaving. The grasshopper-like body looks like a mutated monster at first glance.

"Dare to attack me, go to hell!" Seeing that the other party was an evil beast, Owl-faced Bear was not polite, and suddenly released a series of wind blades, rushing towards the guy's head, face and body.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Ding ding ding!"

At such a time, the Mastiff-headed evil worm suddenly shook its head, and actually blocked all the incoming wind blades. It turned out that it had four long and narrow tentacles on its forehead. These things were long and tough, and were shaken by the evil worm. As sharp and dangerous as several long whips.

"Shhhh!" Suddenly, a tentacle twitched against the wind and hit the owl-faced bear's cheek viciously, causing it to shrink its neck one by one, and dodged the blow dangerously and dangerously.

"God **** it, there are two times."

Seeing that the opponent's "beard whip" was so powerful, Owl-faced Bear didn't dare to approach this guy easily.

"Hahaha, idiot, if you have the ability, fly to the sky and fight with the young master!"

The bat-winged owl-faced bear shouted triumphantly at this time, in its view, the other party must not have the ability to catch up to the sky, who knows, when the face is slapped in the face, the mastiff-headed evil insect monster suddenly shrugged his back.

"Shhhhh!" There were four thin wings shaking out from behind, and then fluttered into the air, rushing straight towards the owl-faced bear.

"Oops?!" Seeing this scene, Owl-faced Bear wanted to slap himself twice, and said in his heart, "Damn it, I'm really shooting myself in the foot by provoking this guy to do something!"

"Swish swish—swish swish!" In the flash of lightning, the bat-winged owl-faced bear first threw dozens of wind blades, densely attacking the opponent, and then he struggled to fly into the distance, pulling a distance from the opponent.

However, the flying speed of this mastiff-headed worm monster is not slow, and it only took two or three breaths to drive the owl-faced bear, and made a strange scream, intended to deter the enemy.

"You bastard, do you really think Grandpa is afraid of you? Grandpa is tempting you to be fooled."

"Huh!" It was too late, but it was fast, and the Owl-faced Bear suddenly gathered a large group of aura that spun and turned sharply, and then threw it to the top of the wall above the enemy.

"Bang! Rumble-"



In an instant, the top of the wall shattered, and countless pieces of earth and stone collapsed in response to the sound, and smashed onto the head, face and body of the Mastiff Evil Insect. The monster had fallen to the ground viciously, his bones and tendons were broken and he died.

"Hahaha, it's successful!" The owl-faced bear in the air danced with joy and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he flapped his wings in time to stabilize his figure.

"Well, it seems that the way Master Guan taught is very good. It is necessary to use the surrounding environment to carry out an effective fatal blow to the enemy."

The owl-faced bear said to himself at this time: "Thanks to my real acting, I can fool the guy, hehe, he thought I was really afraid of his whiskers? Just kidding, it's impossible. ."

Immediately afterwards, the bat-winged owl-faced bear glanced at the mastiff-headed evil worm that was pressed under the rubble, and spat at the other party fiercely: "Bah, sneak attack on the young master, you are more than innocent."

After saying this, the owl-faced bear wanted to turn around and leave, but in the next instant, it suddenly changed!



"Huhuhu!" The wind suddenly picked up, one after another, and dozens of swift shadows howled and roared out from the surrounding forks and cracks in the rocks, all of them were mastiff-headed worms.

"Oops, I broke into the other party's nest?!" Seeing this scene, the sweat on the owl-faced bear's head really came out. It took a lot of effort to settle one just now. Out of such a large pile, it can't solve the other party if it is exhausted.

"It's not an opponent, let's go!"

After making up his mind, the bat-winged owl-faced bear turned sharply in the air for half a circle, and immediately rushed away in the distance. All those mastiff-headed worms could fly, and they would easily let go of the owl-faced bear. They opened their thin wings behind them, and at the same time they were buzzing, they were chasing after them with anger.

"God **** it, it seems that these damned monsters won't let me go, the young master is really unlucky, if I had known that I would not have released the mutants so early, if they were around, they could After dealing with the opponent, I am alone now, and I will definitely not be able to fight."

"Hey?! There's a way!" Suddenly, Owl-faced Bear touched the small storage clam that he was carrying, and then whispered: "I almost forgot, I still have a lot of treasures with me."

"Shhh!" He suddenly took out a handful of beads, and the owl-faced bear suddenly waved his hand towards the chasing enemy: "Beasts, go to hell!"


"Bang bang bang!"


In the blink of an eye, more than ten flaming orbs suddenly collided in the air and self-detonated, releasing a fiery and fiery aura, which suddenly covered the bodies of a dozen evil worms rushing in front, and the opponents immediately turned sharp. The screaming fireball fell to the ground and shattered to pieces.

"Hahaha, I got it."

"Shuh..." The bat-winged owl-faced bear was complacent at this time, subconsciously waving his arms, but the clam in his hand could not hold steady, and flew out in response, scaring it to scream: "Wow, this can't be done! "

Immediately afterwards, the owl-faced bear fluttered wildly, trying to catch the clam before it fell to the ground, but unfortunately, it was still half a step slower.

"Liaoliu!" It was too late, but it was fast, and the storage clam fell into a crevice in a rock wall.

Listening to the sound, it was fortunate that it didn't break, so the contents inside were preserved, and the owl-faced bear quickly fell to the ground, and now it is time to take out the clam.

Because the flame explosion beads that can deal with the mastiff-headed worm monsters are all in the mussels, and if they don't get them back, the owl-faced bear does not have the courage to face many evil worms.

"Eh?!" The next moment, the owl-faced bear's little claws penetrated into the crevice of the rock wall, and he clearly felt that the tip of his claws had touched the small storage mussels, but it was only half an inch away, so he couldn't reach it. !

"Damn it, it's really bad luck..." The owl-faced bear was about to burst into tears at this moment, but at this moment, "Swish!" The rapid voices came one after another, and it turned out that dozens of mastiff-headed worms had already responded. landing.

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