Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12285: The savior has arrived

"Uh, it's over..." Hearing the whining roars from the mouths of the many mastiff-headed worm monsters, the bat-winged owl-faced bear did not look back, but his body trembled with fright.

But then, the owl-faced bear gritted his teeth, then turned his head and shouted: "Hey, if you want to fight, fight, the young master is not afraid of you!"

"Ouch!" It was too late to say, but then soon, a monster with a mastiff head roared and rushed over.


"Crack!" In the next instant, the bat-winged owl-faced bear slammed his fist with all his strength, hitting the opponent's cheek. Due to the brute force of the owl-faced bear, he hit the opponent's half of the skull collapsed, and the blood mist suddenly spurted out.

But this injured worm monster is extremely fierce, and even under serious injuries, it rushes forward like crazy.

"Boom!" The next moment, the body of the owl-faced bear that was hit by the opponent flew out, and then slammed into the rock wall, making it scream in pain. At this time, the rest of the evil worms also They all flew wildly, intending to tear the owl-faced bear to pieces.

"Hey, is this the end?" Owl-faced Bear felt that he had lost the storage clam because of his negligence, so he was in a desperate situation. If he died like this, it would be too embarrassing!

"Hey, little bear, we can't find you anywhere, so why are you here to play with the evil spirits?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Hoo bro?!"

Hearing that the voice was an ancient desolate roar, the bat-winged owl-faced bear opened its eyes immediately, and at this moment just saw the ancient desolate roar and a few fire-clawed ape souls floating in the air, it wept with joy, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Hu, Help me, these guys want to bully me!"

"Hehehe, dare to bully my brother, you **** are really impatient, don't worry, little bear, brother will avenge you!"


It was too late to say it, but it was fast, Gu Huanghao pulled out the poisonous worm bone sword behind his back, and suddenly slashed towards the mastiff-headed evil worm monster group below, "Boom!" The monster group erupted and suddenly swallowed the bodies of more than ten evil worm monsters.

"Ow, hoo, chirp—" In the blink of an eye, the rest of the mastiff-headed worms were so frightened that they turned their heads and fled wildly.

"Hmph, you want to leave? How can it be that easy!" Guhuang Houlu put the Insect Bone Sword on his shoulder and said with a sneer, "If you can't walk three steps, all of you beasts will die!"

"Ho **** ho... Gollum..."

As soon as Hulu said these words, a strange noise came from the throats of the evil worms who wanted to escape the most, and then they opened their mouths and spewed out a black mist of blood. , Woohoo.

That was the result of the poisonous attack of the Insect Bone Sword. Even if it was not directly swallowed by the impact of the sword glow, as long as it was contaminated with a bit of the poison of the Insect Bone Sword, it was enough to make these unfortunate worm monsters turn into flesh and blood.

"Plop, plop..." After a few breaths, the poisoned mastiff-headed evil worms fell to the ground one by one, twitching and shaking all over, and immediately turned into minced meat or black water, and died unexpectedly.

"Haha, in the end, it's still Brother Huo, it's really powerful." Seeing that all the enemies were killed, the bat-winged owl-faced bear immediately raised his thumb at Hulu.

Gu Huang Houzhang laughed angrily: "Stinky boy, stop flattering, Master Guan sent you out for so long, but you didn't come back, he was a little worried, so he asked me to come out to find you, I didn't expect it, you boy To fish here."

"It's not fishing, it's not fishing!"

Hearing this, the owl-faced bear waved its hands again and again, and it quibble: "I returned after releasing the scorpions, and I accidentally encountered these mastiff-headed worms, they haunted me, we have any solution?"

"Oh, are you telling the truth?" When he asked the other party, Gu Huanghou slanted at it with a playful look on his face, and the somewhat guilty owl-faced bear whispered in a low voice: "It's true, it's true, Absolutely true."

"Forget it, it's up to you to know what's true or false, but I have to remind you that you must be careful next time, we won't be able to save you in time every time."

"Yes, I remember." Batwing Owl-faced Bear said repeatedly with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Okay, brother, you'll be fine, let's go, hurry up and meet with Lord Guan."

When Gu Huanghoulu said this, he waved his hand at the other party, and he rose into the air, and said, "If I'm not wrong, he and everyone are already nearby."

"Really? That's good." Hearing this, the owl-faced bear also flew behind it and swept away towards the other end of the tunnel.


After more than ten breaths, Gu Huanghou and the bat-winged owl-faced bear found Guan Heng and the others, and finally joined everyone.

"You guys are back?" Seeing Owl-faced Bear's sullen and sullen appearance, Guan Heng smiled slightly and said casually, "Where did you suffer from this, kid?"

"Oh, Lord Guan, don't mention it, I almost lost my life." Batwing owl smiled bitterly: "Thanks to Brother Hu for saving me this time, otherwise, you won't be able to see me. ."

"What the **** happened?"

"That's right, tell us quickly."

"If you have any unhappy experiences, just tell us, and make us happy too." Ruo Tao said with a playful smile at this time.

"Uh, why is this..." Hearing this, Owl-faced Bear was unhappy, but after being coaxed by the girls and other companions for a while, it forgot the unfortunate experience just now.

At this moment, the mutant clams that had just been sent out to investigate the situation flew back one after another.

"Oh, it turns out that you have already found the whereabouts of other evil beasts, very good, everyone did a good job."

Guan Heng waved his hand and let the leader of the mutant cockroach land in his palm, and the other party tapped Guan Heng's fingers with his tentacles, and quickly passed the news back.

"Well, the leader is a red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast? I understand." Guan Heng nodded, then said to everyone, "Let's go, let's find those spirit-devouring evil beasts."

"Aheng, when will the evil spirit in this mine be dealt with?" Qing Huang asked casually at this time.

Guan Heng said casually: "Don't care about those guys, just find the evil beast, because the area where the spirit-devouring evil beast is now must be a place where many evil spirits gather."

"It makes sense, then go find the evil beast." When Qing Huang heard his explanation, she fully understood, and then she hurried forward with Guan Heng and the other sisters.


At the same time, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced demonic beast had led all the demonic beasts under him to find the central area of ​​the mine, where they were besieged by thousands of big evil spirits.

Relying on the large number of them, the opponent far outnumbered the evil beasts, so they were very arrogant, roaring wildly one by one, and repeatedly launched rapid and incoherent attacks, but unexpectedly, they did not cause any effective damage to the entire group of evil beasts.

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