Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12286: Unexpected situation, unexpected battle (third more)

The reason why the swift and violent siege of the evil spirits did not work is because the horse-faced evil beast commanded all his subordinates to carry out a strict defense, but only sacrificed a small part of the weakest evil beast as a shield for cannon fodder. Save it.

It has to be said that the horse-faced demonic beast is also a master tactician, and at the next moment, it roared, signaling all its companions to launch a counterattack.

"Boo hoo hoo hoo--" It was too late, but it was fast, as if the group of beasts under the tiger suddenly surrounded the whole group of evil spirits, and began to continuously devour the other party's spiritual body.

And at this time, the evil spirits had consumed too much in the previous offensive, and their spiritual bodies had become weak, so their counterattacks or parries were not as good as they were just now, and they were suddenly defeated like a mountain.

"Ow!" In an instant, a mad big evil beast suddenly pounced and grabbed the evil spirit in front of him. After tearing it to pieces, three mouthfuls devoured the spiritual body. Then, the howls of wild beasts around him sounded one after another: "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

This sound was like a charging horn, causing all the spirit-devouring evil beasts to start besieging like crazy, tearing up and swallowing the evil spirits.

At first, the red-gold-scaled and horse-faced evil beast was very satisfied with this attack, thinking that in just a moment, his subordinates could wipe out all the evil spirits. , and even said that it was extremely crazy, which seemed a little wrong.

In normal times, the whole group of evil beasts would definitely get tired after attacking the enemy several times, but now, the evil beasts don’t even know what it means to stop, and they are even bitten by evil spirits. It didn't even mean to stop.

At this moment, the spirit-devouring evil beasts stared at a pair of blood-red pupils, with only the intention of slaughtering madly. Seeing this scene, the red-gold scales and horse-faced evil beasts became frightened for no reason.

Because this guy knows very well that his subordinates didn't have such a strong fighting power before, so something must have gone wrong.

Thinking of this, and seeing that the surrounding evil spirits were almost wiped out, the horse-faced evil beast hurriedly roared, trying to stop these companions from continuing to kill.

But after shouting a few times, the expression of the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast was not calm, and it was shocked to find that its own orders could not restrain the actions of its subordinates.

Because, at this time, the spirit-devouring beasts that had swallowed the evil spirits began to kill each other. More insane killings.

Who doesn't know that this is the spread effect created by Guan Heng with "fire poison", they have lost their minds, and the only two words left in their hearts are - kill!

"Uuuuu..." Seeing this scene, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast let out a low roar in anger, trembling all over.

Originally, this guy's plan was quite perfect. He led many companions and continuously devoured evil spirits under his command to achieve this goal. But at this moment, the evil beasts below have all gone crazy.

If these guys kill each other, will they attack themselves? This is a serious problem. Thinking of this, the cunning horse-faced evil beasts are starting to back off.

"What happened here is too weird, no, I absolutely can't stay here, it's too dangerous, withdraw!" After making up his mind, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast turned around and wanted to run away, but at this moment, a sudden change Suddenly!

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" said it was too late, it was fast, four evil spirits suddenly appeared within a radius of ten feet around the horse-faced evil beast. These are not ordinary things, but - the king of evil spirits , they represent the highest combat power in the entire evil spirit group!

When the small minions of the two sides fought in the wide open space below, the big evil spirit kings did not participate in the battle, because they disdain to fight with weak guys.

These Great Evil Spirit Kings have always been staring at the red-gold-scaled and horse-faced Evil Beast, knowing that this guy is a tricky character, so they have been waiting for the best time to start a fight with this guy. There is no doubt that the opportunity is now.

The horse-faced evil beast that was born in retreat has no intention of fighting at this moment, so now is a good time to defeat it. The great evil spirit kings seem to be blessed with hearts. Even if there is no discussion in advance, they will appear in an instant and attack the horse-faced evil beast. Encircled, this guy was shocked.

But then, the eyes of the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast also burst into greed, and the eyes began to roll around.

You must know that with its current strength, it is far from being able to absorb the evil energy of ordinary evil spirits to meet its own needs. At this time, the best food should be the Great Evil Spirit King.

The other party wants to trouble the horse-faced demon beast, and it doesn't want to devour the Great Evil Spirit King. As a result, its own strength will soar almost instantly!

"Woooooo..." The next moment, the horse-faced evil beast with a neighing grin suddenly charged towards one of the big evil spirit king Ji.

The other party obviously did not expect that the leader of the evil beast who was trapped in the siege would dare to take the initiative to attack. Just as he was about to attack, the red-gold scales on the horse-faced evil beast flickered strangely, causing the big evil spirit king to fall into a trance for a while.

Before this guy could make the next reaction, the evil beast had already opened its **** mouth towards it.

"Crack! Hiss! Chuck--" gnawing, tearing, and swallowing quickly, these series of actions were almost completed in one go, and the horse-faced evil beast had already swallowed the entire evil spirit king in front of him.

After that, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast shook its head, its bones rattled, it seemed to be a little more majestic, and once again, his eyes glanced at the three great evil spirit kings around him, his eyes seemed to say: "You guys A few beasts are simply looking for their own way, watch me eat all of you!"

"Hoooooooo!" Seeing this scene, one of the big evil spirit kings suddenly roared wildly. This guy was obviously almost hysterical with anger, and then rushed towards the horse-faced evil beast like a madman.

"Crack!" But at the next moment, the horse-faced evil beast suddenly raised its hoofs and kicked violently, and the Great Evil Spirit King flew upside down and slammed into a certain rock with a bang.

Seeing this scene, the other two Great Evil Spirit Kings did not dare to act rashly. These two guys are now very clear that with the strength of one Great Evil Spirit King alone, they can't beat the horse-faced evil beast at all, but instead become each other. bait.

Not only that, that guy also swallowed a big evil spirit king. As long as it takes a while, when it completely refines the evil spirit king's breath, the strength will soar again, and at that time, it will be even more difficult to deal with!


It was too late, but it was too soon. One of the great evil spirit kings suddenly raised his head and roared, motioning for the other two companions to gather around him, "Swish!" The next moment, the three great evil spirit kings were already lined up side by side. Together, they pulled out the stance of preparing to besiege the evil beasts.

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