Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12287: Great turnaround

No matter how powerful you are, it will be more difficult to face the enemy's siege. The red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast is not stupid, so it is very clear about this.

Therefore, after seeing the three evil spirit kings joining forces, this guy's eyes also flashed a hint of fear, but that was just a flash away, replaced by disdain and contempt.

The horse-faced demon beasts know very well that this group of big evil spirit kings have no intelligence, they just act according to their instincts, but in order to achieve their goal of defeating themselves, the other party has joined forces at the moment. This temporary alliance is not unbreakable, but very easy. A breakdown occurs.

At this moment, there are only two things that the horse-faced demonic beast can do. First, don’t do more head-to-head confrontation with the enemy. They mainly use wandering to disturb the enemy, and wait for the opportunity to attack and inflict heavy damage. The second is to wait for the opponent to join forces. After the infighting occurs, it is a good time to fight back.

The idea of ​​the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast was a good one, but it also depends on the specific implementation to see the results. The Spirit King has not yet completed the final encirclement, and suddenly dodged and turned around.

There is no doubt that the action of the horse-faced evil beast disrupted the temporary joint formation, causing the three kings of evil spirits to be in chaos in an instant.

The three companions have three kinds of thoughts. Some want to rush directly, some want to detour from left and right, and some completely reject the decision of the companion and plan to act alone!

In this way, the leader of the evil beast can get his wish. This guy is jumping around and playing guerrilla warfare with the other side, while screaming wildly. This is frantically provoking the three evil spirit kings and letting the other side be confused. When the time comes. The horse-faced demonic beast can take advantage of the chaos to attack the opponent.

It has to be said that the tactic of the red-gold-scaled horse-faced demon beast was used very well, but unfortunately, the unexpected change disrupted its plan.

"Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo--" At such a time, a few evil beasts with fire poison attacks and bruises and bruises all over their bodies were unbearable climbed the high **** where the horse-faced evil beast was, and went madly towards it. Bite over.

"Ouch?!" Seeing this scene, the horse-faced evil beast shuddered with anger, thinking that you stupid people are so useless, it's fine if you can't help, and now you have to bite me back, which is outrageous!

"Ping ping pong pong!"

The next moment, the horse-faced evil beast kicked and kicked violently, hitting the heads, faces, and bodies of several evil beasts. Staggered to get up, and then ran towards the horse-faced demon beast on the **** again.

Seeing this scene, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast was really a headache. Just when this guy wanted to kick the evil beast that came to harass him again, a vicious wind suddenly rose behind him. It turned out that three great evil spirit kings took the opportunity to attack. .

"Bang bang bang!" The next moment, the leader of the horse-faced evil beast was finally hit by the evil spirit kings for the first time.

Seeing this situation, the Great Evil Spirit Kings were extremely proud, and they screamed again. At the same time, the poisonous Evil Beasts that jumped up from the slopes also surrounded them, and the number was increasing.

Up to now, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced demonic beast is no longer willing to devour any evil spirit king.


"Boom!" Suddenly, the leader of the horse-faced evil beast suddenly bowed and scurried, crossed the ravine more than ten feet away in one breath, and landed on another huge rock nearby. With this guy's extremely agile skills, as long as Jump over another boulder and you can escape.


But at this moment, three stones with strong winds came from nowhere. Two of them hit the eyebrows and shoulders of the leader of the evil beast. Hiding, but at the moment when the landing was unstable, the evil beast slipped.

"Crack!" Coincidentally, the third stone just hit the knee of its left front leg, smashing the kneecap abruptly.

"Ouch!" In the next instant, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast that screamed in pain fell to the ground and kept rolling. At the same time, the three kings of evil spirits and those crazy evil beasts also chased after them. When he got to the front, he surrounded this guy again.


The horse-faced demonic beast, whose eyes were sore and furious, struggled to support himself on three legs. Now this guy felt that everything he had encountered was inexplicable, and he could not help but let out an angry howl. This sound even shocked the three evil spirit kings and those The evil beast suddenly stagnated.

But all of this is only temporary, because just relying on a few howls can't stop the wolf-like enemy, just when the leg of the horse-faced evil beast's broken knee was extremely painful, a dozen of them were hit. The fire-poisoned evil beast had already swooped towards it, biting it frantically.

"Bang bang bang!" Despite being injured, the horse-faced demonic beast raised its claws and savagely knocked away a few of the little scoundrels that surrounded it.

"Crack!" But at the next moment, an evil beast madly bit its other leg and kept tearing it apart. In an instant, the flesh and blood on the leg was almost eaten away by the opponent.

"Crack!" The horse-faced evil beast whose eyes were bulging out of pain slapped the other's neck with a paw, and the beast's neck was dislocated, and he died without humming.

But even so, the fangs of the evil beast were still viciously embedded in its legs, and they didn't let go at all.

Just listening to the "ping, ping, pong, pong" loud noises coming and going, the injured red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast kicked and bit the poisoned youngsters one by one, but this guy himself had already suffered a lot of injuries.

But at this time, the three evil spirit kings did not continue to attack the leader of the evil beasts. They just watched from the sidelines. These guys are considered smart and plan to wait for the enemy to be exhausted. less.

"Hu, hu, hu..."

At this moment, the gasping horse-faced evil beast finally kicked the last little robber out, but it was also tired at the moment, and this guy felt that his wound was tingling, and it was even more torment than the pain. The face evil beast is not stupid, knowing that the place where it was bitten just now was poisoned!

Seeing that this powerful enemy was about to stand unsteadily, one of the great evil spirit kings could no longer bear it.

Just now, it was because the opponent was too strong that he joined forces with other companions, but now it seems that there is no need for that. In order to absorb the evil energy in the body of the evil beast and improve his strength, he must be the first to act.

"Huh!" So at the next moment, the Great Evil Spirit King acted without authorization, and went straight to the Evil Beast leader, trying to kill him and absorb the evil spirits of the other party.

"Bang!" Lightning struck the horse-faced evil beast, and the Great Evil Spirit King immediately transformed into a large number of air claws, viciously attacking the enemy's head, face and body.

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