Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12289: Into a tug of war (first update)

"Ouch!" Hearing Ruo Tao's shouting, the two great evil spirit kings suddenly reacted. Like mad dogs whose tails had been trampled, these two guys rushed straight towards the red-gold scaled horse-faced evil beast in front of them, vowing to Take advantage of the enemy's weakness to completely kill the opponent.


"Hey, sigh!" In an instant, the Great Evil Spirit King's air claws flew up and down, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten **** scars were left on the body of the unfortunate horse-faced demon beast.

As for the horse-faced demon beast, the fire poison in its body was stimulated by Guan Heng, which caused this guy to be seriously injured and his strength dropped a lot.

But the rotten boat still has three pounds of nails. As the leader of the beast group, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast naturally has some extraordinary means. When it was attacked by two great evil spirit kings, this guy was not in a hurry to parry, but just stepped back. See you In this situation, the two great evil spirit kings were even more arrogant and attacked frequently.

"Ouch!" But at the next moment, the horse-faced evil beast who saw the opportunity quickly counterattacked, snapped open his mouth and bit the spirit body of a great evil spirit king, and tore it at the same time. One-third of the other party's spirit body fragments suddenly Pulled away by the evil beast, it was devoured in an instant.

"Yeah, this guy's counterattack is so fast."

Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao and Gu Sang Nu watched with relish, but Guan Heng shook his head, and immediately said: "These two great evil spirit kings are really trash, they have already provided some convenient conditions for them, but they will be counterattacked. "

"Well, these two great evil spirit kings are very bad." An Yan, who was beside her, heard these words, and nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Guan Heng said again: "It stands to reason that I shouldn't support them to continue playing with this kind of trash, but it would be boring if the horse-faced demon beast wins like this, so you have to reach out when it's time to help. "

"Shhhhh!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng spread out his palm, and two **** of aura quickly emerged like the belly of a thumb, followed by flexing his fingers, the aura rushed through the air like lightning, and instantly drilled into the air. Entered the bodies of two great evil spirit kings.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Ouch!" Suddenly, the two great evil spirit kings who were forcibly injected with spiritual energy immediately burst into hysterical roars, which seemed extremely painful.

Guan Heng's two groups of spiritual energy are not so easy to absorb. Although they can temporarily restore the physical strength of the Great Evil Spirit King, and even double their attack power, it will cause permanent damage to their spiritual bodies!

But through this unbearable pain, the Great Evil Spirit King also felt that his power was soaring rapidly, and he suddenly felt unpleasant.

"Hoohoho!" The next moment, the roaring Great Evil Spirit King Dou suddenly flew towards the horse-faced evil beast, and slammed the opponent with his condensed air claws viciously. "Bang bang bang!"

The horse-faced evil beast that was hit hard suddenly made two loud noises, causing it to growl and scream in pain, and retreated seven or eight steps in a row.

The extremely angry horse-faced demonic beast can now guess why the enemy suddenly became stronger. At first glance, he knew that someone was helping secretly. This guy turned his head and swept his hatred and hatred towards Guan Heng and the girls. side.

"Hehehe, Ah Heng, look, that guy seems to have guessed that you secretly helped the Evil Spirit King." Seeing this scene, Qing Huang said with a smile.

"Ha, so what if you guessed it right, I like the way it looks like it knows I'm doing the trick, and there's nothing to do with me." Guan Heng said with a playful look on his face, and said with a relaxed smile.

"That's it, hahaha..." Hearing this, Qinghuang and the other sisters all laughed.

At the same time, the changes on the battlefield were earth-shaking. The two great evil spirit kings were extremely painfully stimulated by the violent spiritual energy that Guan Heng forcibly injected into their bodies. It is precisely because of this that they vented their anger on the enemy in front of them, and they beat the horses. The face of the evil beast was covered in bruises and bruises, and it was unbearably miserable.

However, in terms of its original strength, the horse-faced evil beast is actually stronger than the two of them, so after this guy suffered a series of attacks, he started to recklessly counterattack, "Hoo! Bang!" The headbutt hit the big evil spirit king in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the guy swooped towards another enemy.

"Ouch!" The Great Evil Spirit King, who had already killed the red-eyed demon king, didn't care when he saw his companion being knocked away, and only cared about hitting the horse-faced demonic beast. Now, he can't care about anything anymore. I have to bite the horse-faced evil beast hard!

"Boom!" In the flash of lightning, the arrogant and ferocious red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast suddenly raised its claws and slapped it fiercely, immediately knocking this guy out.

To be honest, what the horse-faced evil beast is concerned about is only the strength of the two great evil spirit kings working together.

"Hooooooooh--" In the next instant, the two great evil spirit kings who were injured separately roared angrily and concentrated in the air.

Now these two guys with low intelligence also want to understand, if you want to kill the enemy, it is definitely not possible to kill the enemy one-on-one. The only advantage of their own is to join forces, so they must not be separated from now on!

"Huh!" It was too late, but it was fast, the Great Evil Spirit King suddenly pulled away from the horse-faced Evil Beast, and then the two of them started to circle each other continuously, and from time to time they released swift evil energy sharp ray attacks. The enemy made the horse-faced demon beast miserable.

Because the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast has already suffered a lot of damage, and now it has been repeatedly harassed by the enemy, it has suffered a lot. Since the battle, this guy has never been so passive!

"Plop!" The red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast's front knees softened, and it finally half-knelt on the ground.

This guy took two heavy blows with the Great Evil Spirit King, and was finally hit hard because he couldn't dodge in time. Not only was his body bruised, but he was also blind in one left eye. At this moment, he couldn't even see the surroundings clearly. It can be said that the horse-faced evil beast has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.


In an instant, he raised his head and let out a shrill howl, and the red-gold scaled horse-faced evil beast suddenly struggled to stand up, which made the two great evil spirit kings who were trying to rush over to continue the attack in awe. The two guys did not hesitate to choose immediately. Step back and pull the old man a distance away.

This is the tactic of the great evil spirit kings. Even if the enemy is seriously injured, they do not dare to approach easily, because this guy's melee combat is extremely ferocious, and there is a danger of being swallowed by it if he gets close.

Up to now, the battlefield is already in a state of tug of war. Although the two evil spirit kings have the upper hand, they lack the courage to directly attack the enemy, which is too conservative.

The red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast was covered in bruises and stamina, but this guy also secretly kept a hand, waiting for the king of evil spirits to bully him or kill the enemy with one blow.

"Woooooo..." The next moment, the horse-faced demon beast with a low roar in its throat began to act.

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