Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12290: The purpose of the blue flower miasma soul

Knowing that if he kept on delaying, even the last trace of his physical strength would be exhausted, so the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast suddenly gritted his teeth and rushed forward. However, this guy's goal was not the two big evil spirit kings, it turned out to be moving towards The entrance to a certain tunnel is approaching.

"Hey, does this guy want to run?" Seeing this scene, Ruotao whispered, "Young Master, should you stop that guy immediately?"

"Don't worry, it doesn't want to escape, we can just wait and see what happens." Guan Heng said casually: "It seems that the horse-faced evil beast has no way to think of this kind of trick. Well, let's see if it can succeed. "

"Uh..." Hearing this, Tao Tao had a suspicious look on his face, but at the next moment, Guan Heng raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the horse-faced demon beast, and the girls and other companions immediately saw the clue.

"Bang bang bang!"

The horse-faced demonic beast that was rushing to escape slammed its claws on the rock wall beside him, "Boom!" In the flash of lightning, countless shattered earth and rocks collapsed and fell, directly smashing at the two great evil spirit kings. This crooked move caught the other party off guard, and was immediately hit by stones several times.

Although the falling stone did little damage to the Great Evil Spirit King, it greatly limited the speed of these two guys chasing the Evil Beast.

There was really no way, the two big evil spirit kings had to dodge left and right to avoid the falling rocks, but at this moment, the horse-faced evil beast that wanted to escape just now suddenly turned back.

"Papapa!" It was too late to say, but it was fast. With the help of falling rocks for cover, the horse-faced evil beast that silently approached the Great Evil Spirit King on the left suddenly raised its front paws and scratched viciously towards the opponent's spirit body. The guy was suddenly hit hard and flew out screaming.

But the big evil spirit king next to him saw that the situation was not good, and he immediately swept away and avoided the horse-faced evil beast. At this time, the evil beast also consumed a lot of physical strength because he repelled the enemy, and he had no energy to continue. Chasing and killing this guy will lead to failure!

"Pfft—" The next moment, because the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast opened its mouth with too much force and spewed out a large mouthful of pitch-black blood mist, it could be seen that the fire poison in this guy's body could no longer be suppressed, and it was about to explode.

Looking at the situation of the two evil spirit kings, the situation is not much better. One was hit and barely staggered and flew up, but it was already extremely weak. Although the other avoided the attack of the evil beast in time, it was already like a bird in shock. , did not dare to lean over and fight the enemy.

At this moment, Guan Heng, who was watching the battle, said impatiently, "Hey, you guys have consumed too much time. If there is no winner or loser within ten breaths, all three will have to die!"

Suddenly hearing Guan Hengxia's ultimatum, the two big evil spirit kings and the horse-faced evil beast were trembling with fear, but the next moment, the three guys burst out with hysterical roars: "Ouch, woo !"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

In an instant, the evil beasts and evil spirits, who had no fear of life and death and had no scruples, collided with each other, and the violent sound and rapid impact ripples spread all at once. Obviously, Guan Heng's threatening words reminded these three guys. , No matter who wins or loses, in the end it is a death!

That being the case, it is necessary to worry about anything now, life and death, the attack and damage received are not important, kill kill kill! Until the body is completely destroyed!

With such thoughts in mind, the red-gold-scaled horse-faced evil beast rushed towards the two evil spirit kings in front of him like crazy. Continuously splashing and surging, many blood spots splashed onto the spiritual body of the Great Evil Spirit King.

"Buzz..." Suddenly, the two Great Evil Spirit Kings made a harsh sound on their bodies.

It turned out that the blood of the beasts carrying fire poison fell on them, causing these guys to be poisoned as well. Coupled with the violent aura that Guan Heng injected into their bodies just now, these two great evil spirit kings suffered no less than each other!

"Ping ping pong pong - bang rumbling -" In the blink of an eye, the two Great Evil Spirit Kings and the Horse-faced Evil Beast made an earth-shattering sound, causing them to be seriously injured, but it is very strange that these three The guy was only seriously injured and did not receive a fatal blow.

"Hehehe, all three of them were caught in my fire poison, so even if the fight ends, you are all under my control, because fire poison will keep you alive, and only I can decide your life and death."

When he said this, Guan Heng had already brought his companions to the seriously injured Great Evil Spirit King and the red-gold-scaled horse-faced demonic beast. Only the evil energy left in the body after death is still useful, so die."

"Hoo! Swish! Swish!"


It was too late to say it, but it was too soon. After saying this, Guan Heng suddenly released Jin Xuan aura to cover the body of the horse-faced evil beast, and suddenly burst out in this guy's body, and the extremely violent mysterious aura shattered the horse's face. The body of the evil beast, then a dark evil energy floated out from the corpse.

"Buzz!" In the next instant, the soul-recovering urn on the back of the giant stone tortoise beast swayed a few times to generate suction, absorbing the evil energy away.

"Whoosh!" At the same time, the blue-flowered miasma spirit on the surface of the soul-recovering urn quickly floated up, grabbed the two great evil spirit kings and dragged them to the vicinity of the urn's mouth, but did not immediately arrest the evil spirits. body into the soul recovery urn.

"Hey, why didn't you drag the Evil Spirit King into the soul recovery urn?" Seeing this scene, Qianxin was a little puzzled: "What is the blue flower miasma soul doing?"

"Oh, I think I know why."

Guan Heng said casually at this time: "Compared to the horse-faced evil beast that has been poisoned by fire just now, the fire poison content in the bodies of these two great evil spirit kings is not much. If the miasma soul is absorbed, it can become another killer for subduing the body of evil spirits in the future."

"So it is." Upon hearing this, Qin Xin, Qing Huang and the others all nodded, expressing their understanding.

"Giggle cluck..."

At this moment, the blue flower miasma soul trapped the two great evil spirit kings, and had already squeezed and shrunk each other. After a few breaths, the great evil spirit king's spiritual body was compressed to the size of two walnuts. The flower miasma soul did not absorb it immediately, and then sent the spiritual body to Guan Heng.

"Hehe, I'm not sure to absorb it all, and you want me to help? Yes."

Guan Hengxin said, "This blue-flowered miasma soul is quite smart. Since that's the case, I don't mind helping it."

After making up his mind, Guan Heng suddenly stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers, "Clap!" It was too late, but it was fast, and Guan Heng's fingertips struck two compressed spiritual bodies, leaving the originally cloudy spiritual bodies inside. It was completely fused with the fire poison breath and turned into a translucent state.

"Okay, you can now absorb and refine them both." Guan Heng withdrew his hand and said so.

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