Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12296: Message from the Evil Beast Leader (Third Update)

"Bang!" The flower-tailed corpse dog slapped the weak demonic beast's forehead with a paw, and the beast's skull was ripped open, and the blood mist sprayed out at once, and the guy collapsed to the ground with a plop.

It is now completely immobilized, but at this time this "tool beast" that attracts the enemy's attention has almost completely completed its mission.

Because the fox-eared evil beast had already retreated seven or eight feet away with the group of beasts, they were only a few steps away, and they could drill into the secret tunnel in the corner of the rock wall and quickly escape.

But in the next moment, the scar-faced corpse dog beside the dog king suddenly found something wrong, and immediately roared: "Wang Wangwang, Wang Wuwu—"

In an instant, the group of dogs discovered that something was wrong because of the call of their companions. The group of beasts wanted to escape. They were so angry that they wanted to rush over to stop the enemy, but at this moment, the king of corpse dogs let out a whimper. The whimper turned out to be to stop the companions and order them not to act rashly.

In this way, the group of dogs watched those evil beasts rush towards the cave. Except for the fox-eared evil beast, which felt something was wrong, the rest of the evil beasts had a sense of happiness that they had escaped.

"Booming - booming -" But at the next moment, with the sound of the explosion, the only way of escape in front of these guys, the opening of the hidden tunnel collapsed, and countless earth and rocks splashed around, blocking the entrance!


"Uuuuu..." Not only that, but the collapsed and fallen rubble also smashed into the bodies of many evil beasts. At the same time as the other party's screams and wailing erupted, more than half of them were smashed to death.

The remaining three or five little demonic beasts and the fox-eared demonic beast leader were trembling with fright, their bodies like sieves, and they retreated several steps one after another.

"Buzz-buzz--" At this moment, more than ten mutant cockroaches fluttered their wings and descended from the sky, quickly surrounding the remaining evil beasts.

At this moment, the corpse dog king led his companions forward in a leisurely manner, and roared a few times at the fox-eared evil beast, looking very arrogant and proud.

What it means is: "Stupid thing, do you think I didn't discover this hidden tunnel? I have already sent mutants to ambush here, as long as you dare to escape, the entrance of the hole will be blocked by them immediately, and you They are all dead!"

Hearing the proud roar of the dog king, and looking at the surrounding environment, the fox-eared evil beast was trembling with anger.

Immediately afterwards, Gouzi barked a few times again, saying, "In fact, whether it's a solo fight or a group fight, you beasts are no match for Grandpa Gou, we just want to use your little lives to practice your skills. ."

"Pfft—" The fox-eared evil beast, who knew that he had been tricked by the dogs, had his eyes cracked and smoked from his seven orifices, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

"Wang wang, **** woo!" Seeing the fox-eared evil beast vomited blood with rage, the dogs were so happy that they all rolled over with laughter.

Immediately afterwards, the King of Corpse Dogs raised his claws abruptly, signaling the colorful ferocious cockroaches in the air to do a favor.

All I could hear was the sound of "hiss, puffs" coming and going, several evil beasts were immediately torn to pieces by the quilts, and the group of beasts began to devour the flesh and blood of the evil beasts.

Seeing this scene, the fox-eared evil beast's body could not stop trembling. It knew that it was about to suffer such a terrible situation, but now, this guy can't even raise the courage to resist, it is too Scared.

"Wang woo, **** woo!" At this moment, many snake-headed corpse dogs came forward, just waiting for their boss to shout, and went up to tear the evil beast to pieces.

But the King of Corpse Dogs rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and then shouted at his dog, which means that this can't be killed, we have to take it back as a prisoner, so the owner is sure Great compliments and rewards.

Hearing the boss's words, the snake-headed corpse dogs looked at each other, and then nodded again and again, indicating that the boss was right.

Immediately afterwards, the dog king flew over, and the fox-eared evil beast who lost his fighting spirit was beaten so hard that the opponent rolled his eyes and passed out.

After that, the snake-headed corpse dogs carried the evil beast leader and happily ran towards the meeting point with their boss. After a short while, the group of dogs joined Guan Heng and the others.

"Okay, everyone doesn't seem to have caught the evil beast, only you have succeeded."

Seeing that the dog king led the crowd back and caught a fox-eared evil beast, Guan Heng seemed very happy, and he praised everyone, and then said: "Ruotao, get some extra food for the dogs and let them Let's all have a good meal."

"No problem, come with me." The grinning Ruo Tao clapped her hands and motioned for the corpse dogs and herself to come to the side.

At this moment, Guan Heng asked the big ghost to come out and use his soul-searching memory to find useful information in the brain of the fox-eared evil beast.

"Hey, is there such a thing?" After hearing the report of the big ghost, Guan Heng looked a little surprised, and Qinghuang asked, "Do you know what happened?"

"Humph, it turns out that the monsters who attacked these evil beasts inhabiting the depths of the mine were a group of foreign monsters." Guan Heng said: "But the other party didn't come in through the hole."

"What?" Hearing this, Qianxin was a little surprised, and then asked: "Guan Heng, didn't you say before that there is only one entrance and exit to this huge mine?"

"Yes." Guan Heng said casually, "until now, my judgment is still correct."


Hearing what Guan Heng said, the girls were a little surprised, but Qinghuang suddenly reacted, and she whispered: "It's a monster in the space gap, right?"

"Correct, Sister Huang, you are really smart. Not many people can think of this place so quickly."

Having said that, Guan Heng squinted at Qianxin and the others, and Qianxin said, "Okay, I know that you will praise her when you get the chance. Isn't it time to tell us the reason?"

"Actually, when I approached the deep area of ​​this cave, I, the seven ghosts, the mother of insects, and the king of Jia Yao, who are more sensitive to the surging of space, all noticed one thing, that there may be space gaps nearby."

Guan Heng spread his hands, and continued: "We discussed with each other after that, and found that the surging of the gap in the space was not particularly obvious, which proves that the gap is not very big..."

King Jiayao said next to him at this time: "Master Guan said that since it can be ignored, then just ignore it."

"Yes, I said that at the time, but I didn't think of another thing."

Guan Heng continued: "That is when the space gap expanded, we didn't enter the hole, the monsters inside poured out and started hunting the evil beasts, but those guys didn't expect the space gap to shrink in a short period of time. , which means they can't return to the area they were in."

"So the monsters can only settle here temporarily and continue to hunt evil beasts."

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