Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12297: dig a weird thing

Hearing Guan Heng's analysis, the girls and other companions all nodded, feeling very reasonable.

At the same time, Qinghuang asked, "Does this fox-eared beast know the exact location of the monsters at this time?"

"Haha, if they knew, they would have been killed by monsters long ago."

Guan Heng said casually: "The reason why these evil beasts are hiding in the cave is to avoid those monsters. If they encounter them, they will turn their heads and run away, and they will never dare to provoke each other."

"So that's how it is..." Qing Huang was a little disappointed after hearing this.

Guan Heng continued to add: "But we don't have to worry about not being able to meet each other. After all, there is such a place in the depths of the mine. When we should meet, we will meet sooner or later. Our main purpose now is to exterminate evil beasts and find mines. , as for those monsters, they will only be ranked in a more secondary position."

"Well, that's what you said too." Hearing this, Qing Huang nodded and agreed.

At this moment, the three worms in the nearby air suddenly fluttered their wings and returned, and the mother of evil worms took the lead in landing in front of Guan Heng and everyone, and said, "Master, there is good news, after Xiao Jin and the third child explored nearby. , found an area that may be a mine."

"Very well, it's not too late, let's go and see now."

Having said that, Guan Heng waved his hand and signaled the insect mother and the three to lead the way. He and the other companions followed closely. After a while, everyone came to the suspected mine area where the insect mother found.

"Master, this is the place, take a look." At this moment, the mother of evil slugs flew to the top of a towering huge rock and said so.

"Well, I'll take a look first." With that said, Guan Heng glanced at everything around him, and the Demon Mandrill, King Jia Yao, and Tugong Toad next to him naturally looked left and right.

Immediately afterwards, the demon was the first to speak: "Strange, there is indeed a smell of ore nearby, but now it seems that the entrance to the mine can't be found, maybe it's just a 'fake mine' area."

The so-called fake mine area is an area where there is an odor of ore, but no traces of mines and entrances can be found. When mining, it is inevitable to find such a place, and in the end it is just empty joy.

"How could it be a fake mine?"

Hearing this, before the mother of evil slugs opened her mouth, Guhuang Houlu said unhappily: "We have searched this place to make sure it is the location of the mine, devil, you can't rely on one sentence. It will kill our hard work."

"Uh, this..."

Hearing Hulu's words, the magic mandrill was also a little embarrassed, and it whispered: "Dude, don't worry, I just said 'maybe', of course, I'm not very sure that this is a fake mine, if I will prove my guess wrong later. Now, why don't we apologize to you?"

"Hmph, that's what you said, I remember it." Houlu finished saying this, and then said: "Magic, why don't we find a circle nearby, in this case, we can confirm this place as soon as possible. Are there really mines?"

"Okay, as long as you speak, I will definitely accompany you to the end."

As he said that, the demon grinned, and at this moment, the old white-browed monkey and the big-headed scorpion also gathered around, making a chirping noise, which meant, "Where are you going for a walk? It's our share."

"No problem, bring two monkeys, and if you have any errands, just let them get on the body." Ancient Wilderness Roar and Demon Mandrill are quite clever, and the moment they looked at each other, they reached a tacit understanding.

At this time, Guan Heng opened his mouth and said, "Magic, you all look for it, but don't run too far, you must be in the area where you can hear me, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Guan."

"That's right, we know this, and we'll never be too far away from the main force." Gu Huang Houlu and Mo Xing nodded in succession, expressing their understanding.

Immediately afterwards, the scorpion, the devil and the two monkeys ran towards the northeast. After a few breaths, everyone came to the bottom of the rock wall.

"It's here? Are you sure?" The Demon Mandrill asked.

"Don't worry, although my sense of smell isn't as good as Chubby and Snakehead Corpse Dogs, it's not bad." Guhuang Hulu slapped his chest loudly, and said with great certainty, "Just listen to me. , this place must be able to find the whereabouts of the mine or the ore."

"Okay, whether it's true or not, we have to confirm it. Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle, so you won't suffer."

With that said, the demon said to the old white-browed monkey and the big-headed Yongxiao: "Two, please help me and dig this piece of ground."

"Ugh?!" Hearing what it said, the white-browed old monkey scratched his head, then glanced at the undecided big-headed Yongxiao, and then smiled and stretched out a paw to the magic mandrill.

"Uh?! You are..." Seeing this scene, Mo Ji knew what was going on, and still pretended to be stupid and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Hey, devil, can't you, have you forgotten such a simple rule?"

Gu Huanghoulu leaned against the rock wall with his arms on his shoulders and said with a smile: "These two monkeys have learned to be smart now, and they won't work in vain. If you want to instruct others, how much do you have to pay?"

"Hmph, dead monkey, it's really cunning." The magic man shook his head, then took out two spiritual fruits from the storage clam and threw them both, and said in his mouth: "Two uncles, don't stand anymore. Now, let's do it now!"

At this time, the old white-browed monkey caught the two fruits first, compared the size, and then handed the smaller one to the big-headed Yongxiao. He didn't know what humility was, so he picked up the big fruit and ate it with his mouth open.

Although the big head pouted and looked a little reluctant, he still ate the fruit in his hand in three bites at the fastest speed.

The monkeys are really quick in their work. As long as the payment is in place, they will start immediately, "Shush! Swish!" In the blink of an eye, a hole was dug out of the ground below the corner of the rock wall.

"Dang bang!" It was too late, but it was fast. The metal short stick of the white-browed old monkey touched something in the soil, and it splashed with sparks. It picked up the object and threw it to the ancient wild roar.

"What are you doing, this is not an ore." Hulu just glanced at it roughly, and wanted to throw the thing behind his head.

"Don't be reckless, let me take a look too." Saying that, the magic man grabbed the dirt-covered object in the opponent's hand, and then fixed his eyes.

Gu Huanghou said from the side: "Hey, maybe it's an ordinary hard rock, throw it away..."

"No, Hulu, this time even you were careless." Said, the magic mandrill took out a water hyacinth, poured some water on the surface of the thing, and washed the soil attached to it.

At first, Guhuang Hulu and the two monkeys still watched nonchalantly, but the next moment, their eyes were already staring, and then Hulu said in a low voice: "Hey, magic mandrill, this What is it?"

"Oh, I don't know exactly what this is. Let's take it back and show it to Master Guan and everyone."

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