Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12301: Fierce Birds Fighting Evil Monsters (Third)

"Uh, what Ah Heng said makes sense, so let's just listen to him." Qing Huang continued, "Let's see the birth of the other bugs first."

"Cluck lala... bang bang, bang bang..." Not long after she said this, the eggs of the ancient insects on the ground cracked and burst open, and the green insects swayed and crawled out of it.

"Squeak, chirp!" The sunflower-headed worm that hatched first jumped in front of everyone, made a series of calls, and absorbed a lot of Guan Heng's spiritual energy. Its voice was full of energy, like a small leader.

Since there is a companion in charge of the command, the rest of the sunflower head insects immediately gathered around it, and then, the first worm turned to look at Guan Heng, he nodded: "Well, I see, it is to be fed to They have some aura, right?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinginginginginginging out the aura a lot of auras, these auras are split into more than ten auras in an instant, it contains the auras of earth, wood and water three kinds of auras, rushing out one after another into the bodies of more than ten sunflower-headed ancient insects.

After these ancient insects absorbed the spiritual energy, they were all in high spirits and looked very excited. Since they absorbed Guan Heng's spiritual energy, the little insects were very close to him, and they all uttered cheerful tweets around Guan Heng: "Zhizhizhi , squeak!"

"Ah, it appeared again." Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao said with a smile: "Those new bugs, small beasts and the like, even if they are not very close to us, they will like to be with Young Master very much."

"They just like my aura, what's so strange?"

Guan Heng said this casually, and then he showed a fruit pit with his backhand, handed it to the ancient sunflower in front of him, and said: "I give you a task, plant this thing, and then induce it into a sapling, if it can be done, I will I will reward you well."


Although it is a sunflower-headed ancient insect that has just been hatched, the little guys seem to be able to understand their own abilities from the moment they are born. The ancient insect headed immediately took the core, lifted it above their heads, and turned around among their companions. Circling, they quickly came to the flat ground a few feet in front of everyone.


It was too late, but it was fast. The little insects released a piece of earth spirit and instantly fell on the ground. In an instant, the soil began to become fluffy and soft, and the ancient insects headed immediately stuffed the core into the soft body, and then carefully bury it.

"Shu la la!" Then, the little insects released the water aura, which turned them into falling water droplets, watering the kernels in the soil.

In just seven or eight breaths, a swaying green sprout emerged from the soil, and it grew bigger and bigger, and soon grew from an inch to a foot long.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this time, the little insects joined head to tail, and started to circle around the sapling, making a cheerful cry, and at this time, they released wisps of wood spirit, surrounding the sapling in front of them. Small saplings to thrive.

"Well, that's almost it, he is indeed a little expert in cultivating spiritual plants."

Seeing that the saplings had been found several feet long, Guan Heng was afraid that the sunflower-headed ancient insects would consume too much spiritual energy and become weak, so he clapped his hands and said, "That's it, you have completed the task, come and collect the rewards."

"Squeaky!" Hearing this, the sunflower-headed ancient insects shouted happily and gathered around.

Guan Heng gave them a lot of spiritual fruit, and then said: "Toad, you send them and this small sapling to the empty toad, and then let the corpse worm and other companions take good care of the sunflower-headed ancient insect, and plant the spirit in the future. Planting work, they can definitely help a lot."

"Yes, Master Guan, I understand." Hearing this, Tugong Toad immediately did as he was told, and sent the green worm and sapling into the toad cauldron. At this time, Guan Heng said: "Magic, it seems that you have obtained a treasure, which is worthy of praise."

"Hey, thank you, Lord Guan." Hearing this, Mo Man bowed and saluted, expressing his gratitude.

Guan Heng said again: "By the way, I sent the flaming golden eagle, the gray-feathered bald ibis, and the sparrow to find the nearby mines, have they come back?"

"Uh, this..." After hearing this, King Jia Yao shook his head and immediately said, "Master Guan, they have been gone for half a moment, and haven't they come back yet?"

"It's weird, it stands to reason that the flaming golden eagle does things neatly and won't do anything that delays time." Guan Heng touched his chin, and then said: "Anyway, let's go ahead first, it is estimated that we can do it on the road. touch them."

"Okay." After hearing this, the girls and other companions agreed, and then followed Guan Heng to the front.

After moving forward for a while, Fen Xinbahuo suddenly whispered in the air: "Master Guan, do you feel that there is a huge surge of fire spirit energy ahead!"

"It should be the flame golden eagle or the fire spirit of the bird, go, hurry up and take a look." Said, Guan Heng motioned everyone to speed up.


At the same time, the flaming golden eagle, the gray-feathered bald ibis, and the fire-eating nine palace sparrows encountered some unexpected enemies.



It was too late, but it was fast. A monster covered in pitch-black scales and roaring in its mouth suddenly flew into the air, raising a pair of sharp claws and scratching the gray-legged bald ibis in front of him. The latter suddenly accelerated and soared. The opponent's claws suddenly fell.

"Hahaha, I didn't catch it!"

At this time, the gray-legged bald ibis laughed and said, "Stupid thing, don't you have no brains to think about it? Grandpa can fly, but you can't, no matter how strong you are, no matter how high you jump, you will never hurt me. A feather!"

"Be careful!" Suddenly, the flaming golden eagle roared not far away, signaling his companions to pay attention. The gray-legged bald ibis suddenly noticed the bad wind behind him, and immediately spun around in the air, barely avoiding the sneak attack.

It turned out that an evil beast was taking advantage of its companion and the bald ibis, and it quietly touched the vicinity, picked up a stone and threw it at the back of its head. If the golden eagle reminded it, the flying stone might have hit the bald ibis.

"Damn it, dare to attack me, die!"

"Swish swish! Swish swish!"

Annoyed by the other party's sneak attack, the gray bald ibis suddenly threw out more than ten wind blades and attacked two black-scaled monsters separately, but the other party sneered and swept away, "Snatch!" It splattered everywhere, but it didn't hurt the opponent in the slightest.

"Hey, bald ibis, use your energy sparingly."

The flame golden eagle said in a deep voice at this time: "The number of opponents has become more and more gathered. Although we can also eliminate more than half of the enemy, if we are surrounded by other monsters, it is obviously not so easy to escape."

"The best way for you and me now is to block the other party and not let them escape. The rest can be solved when Master Guan and the others arrive."

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