Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12302: Struggling to hold back the enemy

"Brother Diao is right, then do as you said." Hearing the other party's words, the gray-feathered bald ibis and the fire-devouring nine palace sparrows agreed in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the flaming golden eagle said: "Queer, you and I block the fork on the left side of this tunnel, bald ibis, you go and block the intersection on the right side, so that they have only one way to go. When the time comes, we will block the enemy here and wait for Guan Ye to arrive."

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the bald ibis and the Jiugongque agreed energetically, and then everyone began to act independently.

The first is the actions of the flaming golden eagle and the nine palace sparrows. They came to the entrance and exit of the left side road. Those black-scaled monsters obviously had their sights here. Escape the first target.

"Queer, do it!"

"it is good!"


"Boom!" It was too late, but it was too fast. The double vortex of fire spirit slammed into the top of the rock wall several meters away, causing countless earth and rocks wrapped in flames to fall to the ground, blocking the fork.

"Well, the goal has been successfully completed." The flaming golden eagle just nodded, and at this moment, there was a sudden screeching sound nearby, and the Jiugongque screamed: "It's the bald ibis asking for help!"

"No, there must be something wrong, go and help it."

"Shhhhhhh!" Suddenly, two birds of prey, one big and one small, fluttered their wings and scurried, reaching more than ten feet away. At this moment, the gray-feathered bald ibis was planted on the ground, just in time for a few menacing black scales. Strange blocked.

It turned out that just now, the bald ibis played a little too far. Its original task was to break the stones near the entrance and exit, and it was successful when it was blocked. Moreover, at the beginning, the bald ibis did a good job, and instantly released hundreds of stones. Yu Dao Fengren, forcibly collapsed the entire road, and the intersection was blocked.

However, when the mission had been completed 90% of the time and was about to return, the gray-feathered bald ibis happened to see the black-scaled monster that was a little panicked on the road, fleeing and dodging the falling stones.

At this moment, the bald ibis made fun of it, flew close to the ground, and threw out seven or eight wind blades in an instant, severing the hind legs of several black-scaled monsters, causing the other side to roar and roar in pain, rolling on the spot to avoid embarrassment.

The gray-legged bald ibis, who secretly laughed in his heart, was so unhappy that he wanted to instantly lift his breath, but suddenly felt his body stagnate.

It turned out that the bald ibis forgot the instructions of the flaming golden eagle just now. It allowed itself to retain some spiritual energy in its body. The gray-feathered bald ibis also planned to do the same. Previously, in order to collapse the tunnel entrance, it released more than 100 wind blades, which was very expensive, and now it sneaks up on the monster. , and finally caused the spiritual energy in the body to be hollowed out by 90%, so disasters followed one after another!



In the flash of lightning, an angry black-scaled monster fell from the stone next to it, and hit the back of the bald ibis, which had no time to fly, with its paw.


The bald ibis screamed in pain, and immediately fell to the nearby ground, but then it rolled over, jumping and dodging continuously, avoiding the opponent's pursuit, but at this time, the gray-legged bald ibis was also surrounded . "Don't be afraid, Xiao Hui, Brother Diao is here to save you!"

"Beast, get out!"

"Phew - ping ping pong pong!"

It was too late, but the time was fast, and the golden eagle with flames suddenly descended from the sky, using its huge wings to slash and swipe, and immediately swept away more than ten black-scaled monsters. Then, the golden eagle twisted his neck and asked: " Hey, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Brother Eagle, it's just a small injury, it won't affect the flight."

The gray-feathered bald ibis said something nonchalantly, and at this moment, the fire-devouring nine palace sparrows also flew nearby. It saw the fierce monsters that were getting up one after another, and immediately screamed: "Everyone be careful."

"Huhuhu——咻咻咻——" When he said this, Jiugongque suddenly released a large amount of original flames, and with a loud bang, it landed in the middle of the monster.

In an instant, the raging flames spread wildly, burning the monsters' heads, faces, and bodies with flames. They had no choice but to roll on the spot, extinguishing the fierce fire on their bodies like crazy. , extremely embarrassing.

"Hahaha, **** beasts, this is the end of your sneak attack on grandpa." The gray-feathered bald ibis trembled at this time, taunting each other loudly, and then sneered and said: "Now the bald ibis is here, come here if you can! "

"Hey, Xiao Hui, if they really pounce, are you still going to fight?" The Flame Golden Eagle asked casually.

"Brother Diao, you're really joking. Although I'm not seriously injured now, I don't have much stamina left." The bald ibis shook his head and said: "It's still reluctant to deal with one or two black-scaled monsters. I can't handle it when I'm swarmed."

"It seems that your mind is quite clear." The flame golden eagle said angrily: "Then don't open your mouth to stimulate the other party, if they do come up, let's not say counterattack, you must take a breath to retreat, understand. ?"

"Yes, what Brother Diao said makes sense."

"If you know it makes sense, then hurry up and hide behind me to recharge."

The flame golden eagle said in a deep voice at this time: "When I call 'fly', we will go to the sky in one go, remember, don't care if the enemy will chase, we just get out."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Hearing this, he nodded hurriedly.

Just after a few breaths, the flaming golden eagle roared abruptly: "Quieer, shoot!"

"Hoohoo! Chichi!"

It was too late, it was fast, the fire-devouring nine palace sparrows were full of energy, and spit out dozens of rapid flames towards the black-scaled monsters that were about to surround them again. On the strange body, it was nailed to the ground in response.

"Boom!" At the next moment, the flames rose sharply, forming a circle of fire, which was able to stop the monsters at the periphery. At the same time, the flame golden eagle shouted: "Fly!"

"Swish swish!" It and the gray-legged bald ibis, like arrows from the string, soared to a height of several meters in one go, and came to the top of the wall.

"Okay, I'm out of danger..." The bald ibis was about to breathe a sigh of relief, when suddenly, the Jiugongque following them screamed, "Be careful of the top of your head!"


Hearing this, the bald ibis took the lead in reacting. The moment it looked up, two swift shadows rushed towards the back of itself and the flaming golden eagle. The other party seemed to have been poised for a long time, waiting for the golden eagle and the bald ibis to arrive. , so when they rushed down, the flaming golden eagle did not react.


"Swish!" In the flash of thunder and fire, the bald ibis suddenly threw out more than ten wind blades. This was already the strongest attack it could make with all its strength. The black-scaled monster that attacked by surprise never expected it to return. If you can fight back, you will receive all the orders immediately!

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