Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12303: Encirclement and suppression of monsters (the fifth outbreak)

"Bang bang bang!"

"Hey, sigh!" The wind blade was suddenly attacked by the bald ibis, and the body of the black-scaled monster that attacked was smashed to pieces. In an instant, the intestines, dirt, blood, and flesh flew all over the sky, and fell to the ground one after another. The other monsters had their heads and faces on their bodies.

"Kacha!" At this moment, the guy who sneaked up on the flaming golden eagle succeeded. Its sharp claws were viciously embedded in the flesh on the back of the golden eagle, so that the feathers flew, and the blood mist sprayed out in an instant!

"Guga-" For a short while, even if it was as strong as a golden eagle in flames, he couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Brother Sculpture!"

"How are you?"

Anxiety flashed in the eyes of the gray-legged bald ibis and the fire-devouring nine palace sparrows, and they made a cry at the same time. "I'm fine, take care of yourself, you guys continue to fly high, I'll be right here!" Resisting the pain, the flaming golden eagle burst into a roar: "Fly!"

"Yes!" Hearing this roar, Shuangqin knew that the flaming golden eagle would be fine, because it was really angry, it was just an evil monster, and it couldn't do anything about the flaming golden eagle!

So the two of them suddenly fluttered their wings and swept toward the sky.

Seeing that his companions all flew to a safe place, the flaming golden eagle spun and turned sharply in the air. The purpose of this was to throw the black-scale monster on his back and fly out, but this guy firmly grabbed the golden eagle. Back, it wasn't thrown out!

"You bastard, you think there's nothing you can do for the sculptor to take you like this, go to hell!"


While speaking, the rapidly swirling flame golden eagle released countless fire auras, forming a vortex to wrap it and the opponent's body. As a fierce monster, how could that guy be able to withstand the fierce fire, and he was burned all at once. The whole body was turned into coke that was about to collapse.

"Ouch..." The dying black-scale monster still wanted to open its mouth and bite the back of the golden eagle's neck, but as soon as its fangs touched the golden eagle's feathers, it instantly turned into powder, and then the whole body changed. Into ashes blown away by the wind, nothing left.

Because the golden eagle is a fire-type spirit bird, the moment the fire spirit energy wrapped around the body, the wounds caused by the monsters also healed.

"Huh!" In an instant, the flaming golden eagle roared at the black-scaled monster on the ground: "Don't think about having a chance to escape, you beasts are doomed—"

"Hahaha, well said!" At this moment, Guan Heng's voice came from nearby. At this time, Guan Heng and his companions rushed to this place and said: "Golden Eagle, let me see A good show, well done."

"Ashamed and ashamed, Lord Guan, I'm a little embarrassed." Raging Flame Jindiao said, "I was almost negligent with these beasts just now."

"Hey, maybe it's just a trivial matter, why don't you forget it, if you want revenge, let's kill all these beasts to avenge you." Guan Heng said casually.

"Hey hey, then thank you very much." The flaming golden eagle landed next to his companions with the fire-devouring nine palace sparrows and the gray-feathered bald ibis, and several of them said: "We have to take a good break, everyone, take revenge. please."

"Haha, little idea, I'll go up and avenge you!" When he finished saying this, the excited King Jia Yao looked at Guan Heng, he nodded and nodded: "Go, fight quickly!"

"Also, Lao Monkey, Demon Mandrill, and Tugong Toad, you all follow along." Guan Heng, who folded his arms around his shoulders, said casually, "Leave a slightly stronger survivor, and kill the rest of the black-scaled monsters!"

"Yes, Master Guan!"

"Woo Jiji!" Upon hearing this order, the excited group of beasts killed them in one go.

Those black-scaled monsters were first harassed and killed by the three raptors, and a group of companions had already died. Now the escape route is blocked. At this moment, their vitality is cut off. There is only a way to survive. .

It's a pity that his skills are not as good as others, and there seems to be only one fate waiting for the black-scale monster, and that is a tragic end! "Bang bang bang!"

It was too late, but it was fast. King Jia Yao, who was running wildly in a straight line, rushed out more than ten feet away, and forcibly knocked seven or eight black-scaled monsters along the way. When it slammed down, it shattered into pieces immediately.

"Ouch!" King Jia Yao's arrogance and rage completely stunned the surrounding monsters. These guys desperately wanted to find a soft persimmon to squeeze, so they set their targets on the skinny devil and the white-browed old monkey. body, and then roared towards the enemy.

But the black-scaled monster never thought that it would find a more terrifying enemy.

"Crack!" In the flash of lightning, the Demon Mandrill slammed a mass of cold air onto the ground.

"Shhh!" A huge ice blade more than ten feet long stood directly between it and the monkey. Then, they each stretched out a hand and suddenly grabbed the body of the nearest black-scale monster, pulling the other's double The legs are pulled towards the huge blade.

"Hey! Pfft—" The two beasts were completely damaged by this move. With the help of their own strength, they used the huge ice blade to smash them into two pieces of minced meat. The scale monster's head, face and body.

Such cruel and ferocious means, even the black-scaled monsters have never seen before, they were so frightened that they trembled and their limbs became weak, and some collapsed on the spot, spat out black blood in convulsions, and were directly scared to death. .

"Keep killing!"

At this moment, the group of beasts did not give the black-scaled monster any time to hesitate, and immediately started a one-sided slaughter. In just over ten breaths, countless monsters fell to the ground and died tragically. There were black-scale monsters that were torn apart, had their necks broken, and were torn apart.

Just at the next moment, the remaining ten or so black-scaled monsters were all blocked under a narrow gap in the rock wall. These guys shivered, barely shaking their claws, trying to resist.

"Master Guan, these guys seem to be vulnerable little bastards." At this moment, the demon turned his head and said, "In your opinion, has their leader escaped?"

"Anyway, there are no powerful monsters in the vicinity. It is estimated that it has gone far away, or is lurking in an area that is not easy for us to detect."

Guan Heng said casually: "All in all, there must be a vicious monster leader, so I want you to leave a living mouth, so that the big ghost can conduct a soul search and memory reading investigation."

"Yes, we understand." Mo Ji said, raised his hand to count the black-scaled monsters in front of him, and then said, "There are still seven left, brothers, which of us will go first?"

"Then you can come." King Jia Yao said casually: "You have a sharp eye, first pick a job that Guan Ye needs, as for the rest, we will be responsible for sending the other party on the road."

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