Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12304: Mysterious Enemy Suspects (First Update)


Knowing that he is now a dead end and his vitality is cut off, the black-scaled monsters who were blocked in the narrow corner below the rock wall suddenly let out a wailing and groaning, completely falling into despair. Pounced over, intending to stubbornly resist to the end.

"Hehehe, it's good time, it seems that it's time to send you on your way." As the demon walked forward, he said, "But, it's the monkeys and the fat ones who deal with you. I'm only responsible for grabbing a live one and returning it to me. Master Guan interrogates."

"As for the other trash, I'm not interested, get out of here!"


"Ping ping pong pong!" As he spoke, the ancient golden ice-breaking scorpion in the demon's hand spun like a wheel, and in the blink of an eye, he beat the surrounding black-scale monsters to the point of mad spray of blood, and his body flew out and rolled on the ground. land.

When these guys struggled to get up, their eyes were filled with fear, and they did not dare to go forward to fight. trend.

"Hmph, it's you." At this moment, the demon was staring at a fat black-scaled monster.

As soon as this guy saw the posture of the demon, he knew that he had become the opponent's target. This guy fought a cold war and shivered involuntarily. He knew that as long as he fell into the hands of the demon, then that It must have been a tragic death!

"Bang!" The roaring black-scaled monster swayed his claws and rushed towards him, vowing to strike first, deal a heavy blow to the demon, and then flee.

"The scumbags who are beyond their means!"

"Crack!" In the flash of lightning, the demon didn't even have to look at the other party, and he slapped his hand, causing the monster to turn around three times. This guy covered his extremely painful cheek with his claws, and suddenly opened his mouth. : "Tudoo-"


With a series of noises, the black-scaled monster actually spit out more than ten broken fangs. This guy was almost mad with fright. He didn't even have a chance to stretch out his hand in front of the enemy. Thinking of this, the monster's body could not bear it. Can't stop shivering, the enemy is really terrible!

"Hmph, if you are sensible, just kneel down and take it easy. Grandpa can make you suffer less pain. Otherwise, breaking your arms and legs would be considered alive."

The grinning mandrill said, he had already come to the front, the black-scaled ferocious monster with trembling body like a sieve almost obeyed and fell to the ground. The color, and then howling suddenly greeted the magic mandrill, and continued to attack.

"Okay, if you really give in, then it's boring." The demon nodded with satisfaction, and then said to himself: "Then I will break your limbs first as I promised."

As soon as the words fell, the magic mandrill carried the ancient gold ice-breaker behind his back, because it believed that there was no need to use weapons to deal with this kind of waste.

"Swish!" It was too late, but it was too fast, the black-scaled monster suddenly waved its claws like the wind, and the shadow of the claws fell from the sky, covering the whole body of the demon.

"Tips for carving insects."


"Dong dong dong!"

The Demon Mandrill was unafraid, and suddenly threw a fist and collided with the opponent's sharp claws. "Kara! Pooh, Kacha!" The moment the violent sound suddenly rose, the monster's claws were immediately broken and smashed, leaving only two bald The wound on the wrist immediately burst out with a **** mist.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close together together through the body, a scream broke out, and the monster with the broken wrist immediately fell to the ground.

Just when the demon raised his foot and stepped on the guy's cheek and rubbed the ground, the monster could clearly see the old white-browed monkey, the king of the scorpion and other beasts killing their comrades, tearing them to shreds, or beating them hard. into minced meat!

"Okay, now it's the legs' turn."

"Kacha, Kacha!" When he said this, the demon reached out and grabbed the monster's legs, twisting and pulling, and tore them off abruptly.

"Bang dang!" The next moment, the black-scaled monster rolled his eyes in pain and fainted, his head also smashed against a hard rock on the ground, causing his head to bleed!

After the black-scaled monster woke up again, it had been carried back to Guan Heng and the girls by the demon, and then fell heavily to the ground.


The monster's back was split, and the pain made his eyes turn black. He took advantage of the situation to spit out a big mouthful of blood mist again, and almost fainted again. Guan Heng didn't care what it was, just waved his hand and said: "Big ghost, use soul search to read memories. Check the message in this guy's head."


Hearing this, the big ghost beside him who was already ready to attack immediately flew forward, stretched out his claws and clasped the head of the black-scale monster. This guy was seriously injured and had no resistance, and suddenly felt that his head seemed to be Being tightly restrained by the iron hoop, his eyes suddenly bulged out, and the pain was excruciatingly painful.

The big ghost uses this trick to search the soul and read the memory for a long time. Therefore, it only takes a few breaths, and it searches the memory information in the opponent's brain over and over again.

Immediately afterwards, the big ghost threw away the bloody, tragic corpse of the monster, and then told Guan Heng all the information he had obtained.

"Yeah, I got it."

Guan Heng nodded, waved his hand to let the big ghost back down, and then he said to his companions: "It seems that my previous speculation is correct, these monsters we encountered are just a few little guys who got lost and got separated from their companions. It's just a minion, their boss and elite little leader have never met."

"I see."

Hearing this, the girls all nodded. At the same time, Ruotao asked, "Young Master, where can we find the leaders and little leaders of those black-scale monsters?"

"The exact location is not very clear so far, but well, it's not difficult to find."

Guan Heng said casually: "Because after these guys came here, they found that there is a lot of spiritual energy in the ore, and they couldn't find enough food, so they decided to occupy the mine with rich minerals in this cave first."

"Ah, I see." Qinghuang next to him said, "So as long as we find the mine, we can find the remaining monsters, right?"

"That's right, that's it." Guan Heng pointed to the area in front of him again, and continued: "According to the memory of the monster just now, the place where it was separated from the leader and other companions is over there."

"Master, the mutant cockroach reported back just now that there is a smell of mines and ore over there." The mother of evil slugs landed on Guan Heng's shoulder and said so.

"Well, it seems that my inference is correct." Guan Heng beat him casually: "So to find the other party, you just need to follow this road."

The girls also said in unison: "Yes, let's go then."


After a short while, Guan Heng and others rushed along the tunnel, and finally found the traces left by the monster on the side of the road. "Look, there are monster scratches on this rock wall."

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