Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12305: track down the monster

With that said, Guan Heng rubbed the rock wall a few times, and then continued: "The traces are still very new, so it can be seen that they were left not long ago."

"Brother, there are still footprints here."

An Yan and Puxing, who were searching not far ahead, beckoned to everyone at this time, and everyone walked over immediately, Guan Heng looked at the footprints, then nodded and said to everyone: "It looks like it's ahead, It is estimated that we will meet each other soon."

"Hey, worm mother."

"Yes, Master." Hearing Guan Heng's call, the worm mother immediately approached, and Guan Heng asked, "Do you have any reply from the Zibi you sent to the front?"

"Not yet." The evil worm mother replied at the moment: "But I guess it is because they have probably already discovered the target. In order not to scare the snake, or to find the other party's large army, they have not made a sound for the time being."

"It's true, it fits the temperament of the five-colored fierce cockroaches."

Guan Heng touched his jaw, and then smiled: "Let's go, let's go find them by ourselves, everyone pay attention, move more concealed, don't disturb the prey, and prevent them from being frightened and scattered."

"Understood." Hearing this, all his companions, including the girls and the beasts, nodded in agreement. In this way, Guan Heng took everyone to the front and galloped forward, passing through the winding tunnel in one breath. , Just at this moment, a sudden change suddenly occurred!

"Swish!" In the flash of lightning, seven or eight dark shadows suddenly surrounded the tunnel exit. An Yan rushed in front of her. Unable to hold back for a while, she wanted to pull out the great sword of the soul to meet the enemy.

But Pu Xing grabbed her arm and tugged it gently, then pointed to Guan Heng's side, meaning, "Brother, let's not act rashly."

Seeing this scene, An Yan had no choice but to nod slightly, then retreated a few steps with Puxing, dodged behind a huge rock.

At the same time, the few black-scaled monsters rushed to the vicinity aggressively. They looked left and right, trying to find the traces of the enemy, but Guan Heng and everyone had already used the Hidden Mist Spider Pill to enter the invisible state. not found.

At this moment, Guan Heng whispered to his companions: "Don't take action for now. After confirming that there are only these few beasts, kill them all in one fell swoop, and make a quick decision without leaving any survivors."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Hearing this, the companions' eyes lit up, and they immediately understood what Guan Heng meant.

The Evil Slug Mother, the Golden Sting King, and the Ancient Desolate Roar immediately flew away silently against the top of the wall, blocking the opponent's back path, and according to Guan Heng's instructions, made sure that the opponent had no other companions to follow.

"Well, let's do it."

"Shhhhh-shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Guan Heng and Ruo Tao, Demon Mandrill, Old White-browed Monkey and Tugong Toad flew out in unison, just landing on the beasts. before.

"Whoo oh oh..."

One of the black-scaled monsters saw the enemy appear, and immediately roared and tried to attack with his claws, but Guan Heng just stretched out his left hand and flicked his fingers, "Crack!" The opponent's head was suddenly shattered by his fingers, and the dead body responded fell to the ground.

"Chacha!" At the same time, Ruotao's Thunder-Swallowing Blade killed two black-scaled monsters one after another, and the others were quickly killed by the Demon Mandrill, the Old Monkey, and the Big Toad, and the bodies were all killed by the White-browed Old Monkey. Burned with flames!

"Ha, everyone's shot is really good." Seeing this scene, Gusang Nu smiled.

"It's just a few scumbags. It's easy to solve." After a brief pause, Guan Heng asked loudly, "Hey, Mother Insect, is there any movement in the direction these guys are coming from?"

"Not yet, but master, the scorpions flew back from that area."

The evil slug mother flew over from the opposite side with a "huh", and was accompanied by the golden sting king, the ancient desolate roar and a few multicolored fierce cockroaches, Guan Heng nodded: "That's right, I can ask them. Condition."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng hooked his fingers towards the zifen, and the other party immediately fell into Guan Heng's palm. After counting his breaths, Guan Heng nodded and said, "Well, thanks for your hard work, I have basically understood it."

"Aheng, tell us quickly." Qinghuang asked at this time, "Is it the news about the leader of the black-scale monster?"

"Yes, there is news about them, but the scorpions have also discovered other things."

Guan Heng said casually with a smile: "There is a huge mine in front of you, and now the vicinity of the entrance of the mine and the periphery of the cave have been occupied by black-scale monsters, but the ore inside and the core part of the ore vein were not successfully occupied by the monsters. "

"Hey, what's going on?" Hearing this, everyone felt a little surprised and asked in unison.

"The scorpions haven't entered the cave to investigate carefully, so it's not very clear, but after a little inference, it's not difficult to find that those black-scale monsters encountered unexpected resistance from powerful enemies in the cave."

When Guan Heng said this, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and then he said: "It's better than this, let's watch the excitement after we rush over. If the two sides are pinching each other, don't shoot for the time being, and wait until they fight almost."

"Good idea, I agree."

"Hehehe, it's not too late, let's go over and take a look." When Guan Heng said this, the girls all became excited, and then, under the leadership of Guan Heng, everyone went straight to the entrance of the huge mine. go.

After a short while, everyone reached the vicinity of the mine. King Jin Sting, who was the first to fly over to investigate the situation, turned back abruptly.

"Hmph, there are quite a few." After Guan Heng heard this, he said, "Well, let me take the shot this time, you can just follow behind and watch the fun."

"Huh!" After saying this, Guan Heng suddenly disappeared in place, and soon, he appeared near the entrance of the cave.

Before waiting for the black-scaled monsters to react, Guan Heng waved his hand suddenly, "Xuuuuuu!" More than ten groups of fire spirit energy rushed into the seven orifices of the monster's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, nose, etc., and burned in the opponent's body.

This attack method made the monsters unable to even scream, and they were completely reduced to ashes in an instant.

"Okay, let's go." Guan Heng finished off those black-scaled monsters, and then immediately waved to his companions behind him, and everyone immediately ran into the cave with him.


At the same time, the leader of the black-scale monster is leading hundreds of his companions and the enemy in the cave to start a fierce battle.

"Ouuuu-" It was too late to say, but it was fast. More than a dozen invisible spirit bodies suddenly roared towards the black-scaled monster, and the other party was not to be outdone, showing his teeth and claws, and entangled with the spirit body aggressively.

Just because the invisible spirits come and go without a trace, it is difficult to capture, so the attacks of the black-scaled monsters are mostly futile, but the invisible spirits are different. .

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