Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12310: swallow heart

"Swish!" In the flash of lightning, the black-scaled monster that rushed over raised its claws and scratched the avatar of the ethereal body.

It thought that it would be easy to deal with those guys, but it never expected that as soon as it touched the other party, "Boom!" The next moment, the invisible spiritual body suddenly exploded, releasing an extremely violent impact.

"His!" In the blink of an eye, the impact of the spiritual body's self-destruction cut off half of the monster's head and left half of the body, and the corpse fell to the ground immediately.

"Ow woo woo-" Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the rest of the black-scaled monsters were so frightened that they were so frightened that they were scared, their bodies trembled, and they turned their heads and ran away in an instant.

Because everyone knows that as long as they touch those spirit avatars, they will endure an incomparable impact, which is not a power they can easily block.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the black-scale monster was so angry that his whole body was trembling and his body was like a sieve. Now we have to bury everyone's lives!

But complaining is complaining, just roaring a few times can't solve the fatal crisis. Thinking of this, the monster leader can only retreat quickly and try to avoid the attack range of those self-exploding spiritual body clones, so as not to suffer the disaster of Chiyu.

But at this moment, the "Boom Rumble" thunderous sound came one after another, and it kept coming!

There were already seven or eight black-scaled monsters that were devoured by the opponent's self-explosive impact because they didn't have time to escape the spiritual avatar, and they were instantly blown to pieces. Yes.

The remaining few black-scaled monsters were already drenched in urination, staggering and staggering, and their feet were so soft that they seemed to have no roots, and they all panicked, almost collapsed to the ground, feces and urine flowed together.

Seeing these little minions so useless, the leader of the black-scale monster was so angry that his eyes turned black and venus, and he really wanted to pounce and bite the opponent's neck and throat, but at this time he couldn't waste the opportunity to escape. On the trash, so the monster leader just turned around and ran away.

But at such a time, Guan Heng, who was watching the battle not far away, said unhurriedly, "I seem to have mentioned it before? Whoever dares to abandon the battle and run away, die!"

"Shhhhhh!" It was too late, but it was too fast. The gray-legged bald ibis and the flying bald eagles beside Guan Heng suddenly flew into the air, and then released more than ten wind blades.

"Chacha! Hiss!" In the blink of an eye, the black-scaled monster that escaped the fastest was torn to shreds by the wind blade!

Seeing this scene, the remaining few black-scaled monsters were suddenly desperate and had no way to escape. They were chased by self-destructing spirit avatars behind them. They couldn't imagine any chance for them to survive. Close your eyes and wait to die.

But at this very moment, an evil gleam appeared in the eyes of the nearby ferocious monster leader.

"Pfft!" The next moment, the sharp claws of the ferocious leader penetrated the back of the little minion, forcibly showing through his chest, and pulled out this guy's heart in an instant.

"Crack, crunch..." Grabbing the steaming heart, the monster leader immediately shoved the thing into his mouth, chewed it three or two times, and swallowed it whole.

Seeing the terrifying appearance of it killing its companions and devouring each other's hearts, the rest of the black-scale monsters were so frightened that they shivered in a cold war.

At this moment, the ferocious leader licked his lips, his expression became more and more hideous, this guy was gasping for foul breath, and he thought in his heart, in fact, he should have done this a long time ago!

Devouring the hearts of the same kind to absorb the essence of the opponent's life, you can make your strength soar in a short time, but doing so may cause you to have extremely painful sequelae, so the leader has been hesitant to do this.

But this guy finally figured out that if he didn't defeat the turbid spiritual body, he wouldn't be able to survive for a while, and it was ridiculous to think about any sequelae at this time, and it was totally unnecessary!

"Ow, ooh—" It was too late, but it was too soon, the leader of the black-scaled monster who devoured the little minion's heart suddenly raised his head and roared.

Suddenly, the black energy lingered around this guy, and his eyes flashed fiercely, "Bang!" The next moment, the leader of the monster suddenly flew in front of another little rogue, and suddenly he scratched his claws. There were deep scars on the door.

"Uuuuu..." Under the severe pain, the little scoundrel howled miserably, and wanted to wave his claws to resist, but unfortunately it was too late.

"Swoosh!" Immediately afterwards, the leader's sharp claws slammed down, forcibly smashing the opponent's head, and then using his two claws to open it, he took out the opponent's heart and threw it into his own mouth to chew.

After eating two hearts of the same type, the leader of the black-scale monster kept shivering, and a lot of black energy appeared. The guy started to sway, and he looked up at the three remaining little robbers in front of him. Obviously, This guy's target now is these three unlucky bastards.

Suddenly, the monster leader stepped forward rapidly, trying to attack the three guys, but in the next moment, it suddenly changed!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The leader of the black-scale monster suddenly stopped in his footsteps. The guy just felt black in front of his eyes. He opened his mouth and spit out a black blood mist: "Pff—"

It turned out that the monster leader had swallowed a lot of turbid spiritual body fragments before, and those things were not something that he could absorb and refine. When he forcibly swallowed the spiritual body fragments, he had to suppress them with all his might to avoid side effects.

But now, the monster leader who has swallowed several hearts of the same kind is obviously unable to hold on.

In other words, it was just holding on. Those heart and spiritual body fragments were not harmonious in the belly of the monster leader. At this moment, they began to entangle, and the five internal organs of the monster leader were suddenly displaced. It was a pain to die!

Seeing this scene, the three ferocious little rogues who were going to sit still and waited to die looked at each other, and all of a sudden, their fierce appearances appeared, and they swooped towards the leader.

You are going to eat me, then I will not be polite to you, kill it!


"Boom!" The three ferocious little minions rushed towards the leader and landed right around the leader. At this time, these guys were already red-eyed, scratching with their claws like crazy, tearing them apart with their fangs and sharp teeth. Bite more than ever.

This time, the monster leader suffered a big loss, and the guy couldn't fight back, so he directly entered a situation of continuous beatings, so angry that the guy couldn't stop howling.

"Crack!" At the next moment, the crazy little guy suddenly opened his mouth and bit its left front leg, and then clenched his teeth and tore it apart, only to see scales and blood splashing all over the place, this guy actually snapped the monster leader's front leg in an instant. gnawed to the bone.

"Boom!" The ferocious leader who felt extremely painful had no choice but to hit the opponent's forehead with his own head.

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