Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12311: Countdown to the decisive battle (the third update)


Due to the excessive force of the black-scale monster leader, his headbutt shattered the head of the little rogue, and the corpse of the guy collapsed to the ground, but even so, the fangs and sharp teeth of the robber were still viciously embedded in the Between the bones of the leader's front legs, life and death refused to let go.

"Ow!" At the same time, the other two monsters went crazy. They knew that they couldn't survive, so they wanted to take this opportunity to attack the leader crazily, so that the other party would not feel better.

But at this moment, the monster leader had recovered from the sequelae of devouring the fragments of the spiritual body and the heart, because the severe pain of the opponent biting his front paws made him more awake.


"Boom!" All of a sudden, the monster leader's counterattack began, and he swiped his claws and knocked off the bodies of two small rogues. From the onset of its sequelae to the time when the small robbers were hit, it was like a rabbit going up and down. As fast as lightning, it didn't actually consume much time.


Just when the little minions were shaken and flew out, more than a dozen spirit body clones attacked with the wind. Seeing this scene, the monster leader secretly regretted it. If he shot half a step late, he might be able to use the two little minions as shields. Yes, but it's too late to react now!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong, dong, dong!" In the blink of an eye, the avatars of the spiritual body crashed into the wind and fell to the ground one after another, and the moment they landed, they burst open, releasing a violent impact.

It's just that the monster leader retreated in time, and the impact of the opponent's self-destruction still didn't hurt it at all, and because the leader knocked off the little guy, the two guys were not injured!

"Ouch—" The next moment, the two black-scaled monsters ran away, for fear of being harmed by Chiyu again, but they could only run around in the cave, and there was no hope of escaping to a farther place, because The holes collapsed.

At this moment, the huge turbid spirit body did not release the spirit body clone to attack again, because this guy suffered a lot of heavy blows, and he was already at the end of the force, and he no longer had the energy to continue the attack.

For the next few breaths, the movements of both sides seemed to stop and stand still, and neither of them continued to attack or retreat.

"Hmph, do you think that you can escape the fate of cannibalism? Stop dreaming."

Guan Heng realized at this time that the two sides were deliberately stagnant duel, so he took a breather, he immediately sneered: "If the winner cannot be decided within ten breaths, you will all be destroyed!"

"Ba Huo, give them some deterrent 'performance'!"

"Okay, Master Guan, just take a look." Hearing this, Fen Xinbahuo laughed wildly: "Hahaha, brothers, let's go—"

"Okay!" In an instant, Bai Guangyan, Tianshou Qiyan, Turbine Yangyan, and Searing Earth Fire all burst into roars, releasing a fiery and fiery fire spirit in mid-air, covering every corner of the cave. .

In this situation, the black-scaled monster and the huge turbid spirit body trembled in shock.

The fire aura that can burn all evil things is a fatal threat to monsters and turbid spiritual bodies, so these guys are really very scared.

And at this moment, Guan Heng has already started to time: "Ten...nine..."

"Ouch!" In an instant, the leader of the black-scale vicious monster roared desperately and rushed towards the turbid spiritual body. At the same time, the two little minions also made the same move, moving towards the spiritual body. onslaught.

At this time, it is meaningless to care about who is a threat to them, and all they can do so far is to attack like crazy.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Boom-" In the blink of an eye, the two sides began to touch each other repeatedly, attacking each other frantically!

Originally, the huge turbid spiritual body could hardly leave the hiding place because it was too bloated, so it could only spit out the spiritual body clone to attack the enemy. Gradually getting smaller, it allows this guy to move at will.

"Bang!" It was too late, but the time was fast, the turbid spiritual body suddenly rushed forward, knocking one of the black-scale monsters flying, the other party sprayed blood mist in the air, and then fell straight to the ground.

"Crack!" At the critical moment, Slanting Thorn suddenly stretched out a claw and caught the guy's body, allowing the black-scale monster to avoid the bad luck of falling to pieces.

This guy was still in shock. He looked up and wanted to thank the benefactor who saved him, but the next moment, he saw the face of the leader with a ferocious face. It turned out that the leader of the monster was the one who caught the little robber.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The monster leader said, "You don't need to thank me for saving you, because…"


The next moment, the leader tore open the chest of the little minion, dug out the opponent's heart and swallowed it directly.

Seeing this scene, the little rogue next to him who was desperately attacking the turbid spirit body was shaking all over, and on his companion, it seemed to see what he was about to encounter.

Immediately afterwards, the only surviving little **** took the initiative to run to the leader. At first, the leader thought that this guy was trying to resist, but it turned out that was not the case. The position of the former heart, indicating the leader to dig out his own heart!

It turned out that the little guy knew that even if he tried desperately, it would not be of any use, so he had to give his heart to the leader to devour it, and gave the leader the hope of finally fighting the opponent.

"Pfft!" In an instant, the ferocious leader without hesitation suddenly swiped his claws to penetrate the little guy's forehead, took out the last heart abruptly, and devoured it directly with his mouth wide open.

Immediately afterwards, it roared in the ear of the little minion, which meant to say, "Go in peace, and leave the rest to me!"

But at this moment, a creepy smile appeared on the face of the little rogue who slowly fell to the ground, as if some of his own plans had succeeded. However, the leader of the black-scale monster did not see the other party's expression, but turned around and swooped towards the turbid spiritual body!

"Ping ping pong pong!" It was too late, but it was fast, the fierce claws of the monster leader slapped and scratched the turbid spiritual body dozens of times, causing the other party to scream again and again.

But the leader's offensive has not always been so sharp. After a round, there must be more or less time to breathe, otherwise, it will vomit black blood because of the sequelae of backlash that can't suppress the heart.

Taking advantage of this moment, the turbid spirit body that was beaten immediately seized the opportunity to counterattack, and suddenly rushed towards the leader of the monster, trying to cover the opponent with his own spirit body, and then corrode!

"Huh!" Suddenly, the frightened and panicked leader of the monster immediately stepped back half a step, trying to avoid the attack.

However, this guy forgot the most important thing, that it just injured a leg, causing it to move a lot slower!

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