Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12312: The Magical Use of Spirit Core

"Shhh!" In the next instant, the turbid spiritual body suddenly covered the left front paw of the leader of the black-scale monster with only two bones left.

At first, the other party could use the black gas released by himself to wrap the bone claws and not be taken away, but after two or three breaths, the bone claws separated from the body with the sound of clicking, and were immediately swallowed by the spirit body into their own interior, and then refined into nothingness!

"Ouch!" In an instant, the pain of the severed limb caused the ferocious leader to let out an excruciatingly painful howl, but then, this guy roared with all his strength towards the turbid spiritual body: "Ooooo!"

"Buzzing--" In an instant, the turbid spiritual body that was hit by the noise suddenly couldn't bear it, its spiritual body trembled instantly, and even became weak and faded!



The fierce monster leader who reluctantly flew forward took a bite of the turbid spiritual body, and then ripped it apart desperately. In the heyday, the turbid spiritual body could directly wrap the opponent's body and corrode, but now the spiritual body is even such a trivial matter. It couldn't, which shows how weak it was.

Seeing this scene, the monster leader was even more reluctant to let go of the offensive, and continued to bite frantically. The next moment, the turbid spiritual body suddenly swelled. Although the monster leader felt that something was wrong, this guy didn't want to give up the last chance to kill the enemy. , so chose to ignore this scenario.

"Bang! Boom—" The next moment, the sound of self-detonation rose sharply. This time, it was not the clone that detonated the turbid spiritual body, but its own body, which was three times more powerful than before!

The first to be hit was the leader of the black-scale monster. This guy was hit by an extremely violent impact, and half of his head suddenly collapsed. Fall to the ground!

"Hey!" It was too late, but it was so fast, something suddenly sprang out from the shattered turbid spiritual body, and this thing flew into the air, intending to run away, just at such a time, Guan Heng sneered: "Wait. It's you!"

"Ba Huo, trap it!"

"Understood, Master Guan!"

After hearing this, Fen Xinbahuo, who was already ready to go, flew over, releasing a trace of "heavy fire" that enveloped the opponent like lightning. Speed ​​to escape from here, but unfortunately, it has long been watched by Guan Heng.

The reason why Guan Heng made the black-scale monster and the turbid spirit body fight was not because he was bored. What he was looking for was the core of this spirit body.

If he forcibly grabs the turbid spiritual body, this irascible guy is very likely to explode himself, and he will not leave anything to him, so Guan Heng let the monster attack the turbid spiritual body, trying to find out what the other party is hiding his core. place.

But the turbid spiritual body is indeed very cunning, and it is about to collapse at the end, which makes the core escape from the body.

However, there is still no escape from Guan Heng's calculations. Just now, Guan Heng let many spirit fires float into the air. First, it is really to deter the two sides and make a quick decision. Second, it is to prevent the turbid spirit body from playing tricks and let his own spirit. Body core escape!

"Phew!" The core of the turbid spiritual body was wrapped in the heavy fire breath, and its weight suddenly increased dozens of times, and the next instant it fell to the ground.

"Hey, this is a good thing, it's a pity to break it."


In an instant, Guan Heng moved to the vicinity, and as soon as he picked it up, he immediately squeezed the core of the turbid spiritual body in his hand. At this time, there was a trace of self-consciousness of the turbid spiritual body in the core, and Guan Heng said casually: "You **** is dead. Now, stop occupying this thing and disappear."

"Huhuhu!" In an instant, Guan Heng used his own spiritual energy to completely obliterate his consciousness, then weighed the core of the spiritual body in his hand, and said with a smile, "Finally got it."

"Hey, Guan Heng." At this moment, Qian Xin said, "You showed us a boring fight, just to get the core of the turbid spiritual body? What is the use of this thing?"

"That's right, son, please explain it to us quickly." Ruo Tao, who was beside him, couldn't wait to say.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about the use of this core." After that, Guan Heng put the core of the spiritual body in his open palm, and then said, "Let's take a look first, what does the core of the spiritual body look like? ?"

"It looks like a round bead, right?" Ruo Tao scratched her head and said, "Other than that, I can't see anything special."

"Hey, don't give a shit, can you explain it directly? We're too lazy to think about it."

"Princess, if you don't develop the habit of using your brains, you will become more and more stupid in the future."

"Bah..." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Qin Xin was so angry that she wanted to curse, but Guan Heng glanced at her with a smile, and only then did Qin Xin realize that now she is asking for others, and she has to wait for Guan Heng and everyone Confused.

So she gritted her teeth and squeezed a sentence out of her teeth: "Okay, I will bear it, I will use my brains seriously in the future, but this time, you have to explain it."

"First of all, you have also seen the attack method of the turbid spirit body just now. This guy can 'avatar' his own aura, that is, every trace of aura can be transformed into a separate avatar, which can be used to attack or defend, and even achieve self-destruction. Effect."

Guan Heng said: "If we use this spiritual core as a medium, we will send spiritual energy into the core. Tell me, what will be the result?"

"Uh, this is..."

Qing Huang pondered for a while, and suddenly whispered: "Can we also create a similar spiritual body clone?"

"Can it really be done as long as the spiritual energy is delivered?" Hearing this, Qianxin, Ruotao, Gusangnu, and An Yan all whispered, looking a little unbelievable.

Guan Heng said: "Those of you who have a single type of aura may be troublesome. I can only say that this kind of thing is easy for me."

"Really?" After hearing this, Qian Xin immediately stretched out a hand and said with a serious face, "Please start your performance."

"Hehehe, okay, look good."

After saying that, Guan Heng suddenly released a ball of Jin Xuan aura, which quickly poured into the core of the spiritual body in his palm, "咻咻咻—swish—" In an instant, this thing suddenly floated half an inch high and bloomed in Guan Heng's palm. Twisted sharply.

Guan Hengyan said: "I didn't release a lot of spiritual energy just now, so let's see, three spiritual body clones can always be transformed, try it."

"Hu, hu, hu!"

As soon as these words were spoken, three strands of floating and swaying breath suddenly flew out of the core of the spirit body, twisted into a ball in the air, and then turned into a palm-sized spirit kite, a pale golden sparrow, and an inch The tall aura crane, with wings growing on the stone, is very agile.

The birds that these three spiritual qi turned into are vivid, just like the real thing!

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