Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12313: Imitation plan (the fifth outbreak)

"Wow." Seeing this scene, An Yan saw the excited little stars in her eyes, and she praised: "Ling Yuan, Ling Que and aura cranes are so beautiful, big brother, this is how you use the core of your spiritual body to transform The clone that came out?"

"Yes, the avatars of the spiritual body are formed by condensing their own spiritual energy. No matter how far they fly, they have a spiritual connection with themselves. In this way, what they see will be sent back to their minds one by one, just like their own. seen it myself."

Guan Heng said: "This is similar to the function of my Wood Spirit Wisdom Eye, but the problem is that only I and Gu Sang Nu can use the Wood Ling Wisdom Eye, so it won't work for the rest of you, and it's inconvenient."

"Now that I have this spiritual body core, I want to imitate something similar to this one. When the time comes, everyone will bring one, and cooperate with the reconnaissance operations of Wood Spirit Wisdom Eye, Zixuan and Guxuan. Our vision can be improved. It is much more open, and you can also grasp the specific situation of each area, what do you think?"

"That's really a good thing." Hearing this, Qian Xin nodded and nodded in agreement, at the same time, Guan Heng asked Zhenwen next to him: "Hey, you said we want to imitate the core of this spiritual body. How long will it take to construct?"

"Well, Big Brother Guan and my ingenuity, plus the help of the ancient Yefu people in Chan Ding, shouldn't take too long."

When Zhenwen said this, she picked up the core of the spiritual body and looked at it, and said, "I don't know if you can see, Brother Guan, there are things in this core of the spiritual body, and they should all be its components, including the core. There is a lot of spiritual energy needed.”

"And there are other impurities, it is estimated that they are the food that the turbid spiritual body usually ingests, including all kinds of slag, all kinds of mixed aura, etc..."

As soon as he said this, he blinked, as if he had thought of something key, but after careful consideration, he couldn't grasp any clues, so he shook his head and kept thinking.

After counting his breaths, Guan Heng said, "How about it, haven't you thought of it yet? You probably can't guess what the key components that make up this core are?"

"Hey, Brother Guan, you guessed it too?" Zhenwen seemed very happy after hearing this, and then said: "Since Brother Guan also thought of it, then you can tell me quickly."

"Don't tell me you don't plan to think about it yourself?" Guan Heng said with a smile.

"Well, I don't need it this time, because after all, we are in a hurry to create a replica of the core of the spiritual body. If I knew earlier, we could start work earlier, right?"

After Guan Heng heard this, he nodded and said, "Well, that's right, then I'll tell you."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said: "Actually, it is easy to guess, since this turbid spiritual body lives in the mine, the basic part of its spiritual body must be inseparable from the spiritual energy and the dregs of various ores. , don't you think so?"


"Makes sense."

"It's really dark under the lights, you and I didn't even guess such a simple thing." Hearing this, the girls and other companions said so, with a bit of self-deprecating meaning.

Then, Guan Heng said: "Since we have already thought about the components of the core of the spiritual body, it will be much easier for us to imitate it."

"Young Master, Young Master." Ruo Tao raised her hand and said, "It's always called 'Spiritual Core' or something, it sounds a little awkward, why don't you change your name?"

"Yes, I think so too."

"Well, I agree." The girls said each and every word. Guan Heng thought for a while, and then said: "Then what's the name?"

"Since this thing has the ability similar to Mu Lingzhi's eye, it might as well be called a hundred eyeballs."

"Hey, it's better to call it a core ball."

"That will remind us of turbid spiritual bodies, which doesn't sound good."

The sisters chatted for a while, but couldn't come up with a suitable result. In the end, Qianxin had to say embarrassedly: "Alas, it seems that it is still a little difficult for us to choose a name. Guan Heng is worse than you."

"I knew that in the end, the task of naming the name would fall on my head." With a slight smile, Guan Heng said with his arms folded: "Actually, it should be a good name to combine the names you have thought of. ."

"Oh, is that so?" After hearing this, Qianxin asked in surprise, "Then tell me, what do you want to call it?"

"First of all, this thing has the function of Wood Spirit's Wisdom Eye. It's true. I'm allowed to keep the word "hundred eyes"." Guan Heng said: "In addition, it is necessary to transmit spiritual energy to this thing and transform into a clone to perform tasks. , it's called the 'Hundred-Eyed Clone Bead', is it good?"


Hearing this, sisters, you look at me, I look at her, I am a little stunned, and then, Qinghuang said: "It seems to make sense, each of us was not very satisfied with the names just now, but it is so mixed together, Sounds pretty good to say."

"That's right, although it doesn't sound very good, there are also some ideas from our sisters in it. It's good, I like it!"

Ruo Tao said with a grin. Gusang Nu savoured the name, squinted her eyes and shook her head, "Well, I agree."

"Since everyone is satisfied, it is unanimously passed." Qianxin raised her hand and said with satisfaction: "Then call it a hundred-eyed clone bead."

"Huh, I always feel like I've passed a dangerous hurdle again."

Guan Heng wiped the sweat from his forehead seriously, his exaggerated movements made the girls and the beasts such as the devil snicker to themselves.

"Whatever you laugh at, be serious." Guan Heng didn't dare to say anything about the girls, he just glared at the demon and said so.

"Master Guan, you're know how to scare us?" Mo Ji was a little unconvinced and whispered.

"Hmph, no matter how quiet you are, I can hear you."

Guan Heng said with a stern face at this time: "After the imitation of this hundred-eyed clone bead is made, I originally wanted to give you the first one, after all, you have to take the hedgehogs to dig around, there is such a thing It will be very convenient to be close to you, now, young master, I will not give it."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly said with a sad face: "Master Guan, I was wrong, I don't dare to complain anymore, in fact, you said I was right, I, I'm just a scumbag, I, can't I slap myself in the face?"

"Fuck you, forget it, I don't have time to bother with you now, besides, you still have work to do."

Having said that, Guan Heng raised his finger and pointed around, and then continued: "Don't forget, this is a mine cave, why don't you hurry up and take everyone to find mines for mining!"

"Yes, even I forgot about this, sorry."

"Hu-dududu--" After saying this, Mo Ji suddenly made a whistle.

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