Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12314: Impurity Sphere (First Update)

"Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo-" Hearing the whistle of the magic mandrill, the gray-brown hedgehogs, round-eared monsters, and ice gluttonous beasts all rushed over. Spotted bear monster.

The magic mandrill said at this time: "Okay, everyone, let's start working quickly, look for nearby ores, and go."

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the ice gluttonous beast Little Fatty walked up to the magic mandrill and murmured twice at it, which meant to say, "Boss, we were just hanging out in the cave, and we have already found several An area with ore rock formations."

"Good job, thank you for your hard work, then it's time to dig directly, let's start." Hearing the words of the magic mandrill, the ice gluttonous beast Xiaopangdun nodded, and immediately rushed with the bear monster and a few gray-brown hedgehogs. go.

At this time, Guan Heng said to Tugong Chan again: "Toad, go and clean up all the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave, we have to leave later."

"Yes, Master Guan, I'll do it right away." Hearing this, Tu Gong Toad immediately flew to the vicinity of the entrance of the cave, releasing a large amount of earth and mysterious aura, breaking down the gravel.

"Hey, what is this?!"

Just after a few breaths, Tugong Chan decomposed most of the rocks that blocked the entrance of the cave, and suddenly saw that part of the rock wall at the edge of the cave had collapsed, so he walked over to watch, and then found that the small gap had collapsed in the rock wall. There was something inside, so the probe went in to check.

At this moment, Zhenwen and Xiaohei walked nearby, and they both asked in unison, "Hey, Toad, what are you looking at?"

"Uh, there seems to be something in this gap in the rock wall, I'm going to take it out and take a look."

While talking, Tu Gong Toad put his webbed claws into the gap and touched it. Suddenly, it whispered, "Ha, found it. Come and see this thing." After speaking, Tu Gong Toad said Take out what you find and show it to the two little girls.

"Hey, this thing looks familiar." Zhenwen said, she stretched out her hand to take what Tugong Chan picked up, and Xiao Hei next to him looked at it carefully, then nodded again and again: "Well, it's a little familiar, it seems I saw it not too long ago..."

Suddenly, Zhenwen suddenly raised her voice and shouted: "Oh, I see, Brother Guan, Brother Guan, come and see!"

"What's the matter, what did you find?" Guan Heng heard them clamoring and didn't care at first, but as soon as Zhenwen called out, Guan Heng immediately rushed over with Qinghuang, Qianxin and several other sisters.

Immediately afterwards, Zhenwen handed the thing to Guan Heng and said, "Come on, look at what this thing is?"

"This thing is very similar to the hundred-eyed clone beads we just found." Guan Heng said, weighing the things in his hand, and then said so.

Immediately afterwards, he asked, "Toad, where did you find this thing?"

"Master Guan, this is the place."

After that, Tu Gongchan pointed to the gap where the rock wall collapsed, Guan Heng nodded, walked to the gap and went inside to take a look, then reached out and patted the rock wall, "Crack!" This whole rock wall suddenly It shattered in response to the sound, and countless earth and stones flew and splashed.

Immediately afterwards, everything inside was revealed in front of everyone's eyes. Everyone watched carefully and found that there were actually three beads lying there quietly, all of which were very similar to the Hundred-Eyed Clone Bead.

Guan Heng said casually: "The residual aura of these things is very similar to the Hundred-Eyed Clone Bead, that is to say, it is the smell of a huge turbid spiritual body."

"Is it the core of the turbid spiritual body?" Qin Xin said. Guan He shook his head, then continued: "Impossible, the core of the spiritual body is single, if there is a negative core, it is the most dangerous thing for them."

"Why is this?" Hearing this, Ruo Tao asked curiously.

"Originally, after the spiritual body derives its core, it means that it can master low-level intelligence and know how to think for itself, but if the core is plural, it will lead to confusion."

"Oh, so that's what happened." After hearing Guan Heng's explanation, Ruotao and the other sisters felt quite reasonable and nodded involuntarily.

"But what are these things that resemble the core of the spiritual body?" An Yan asked at this moment.

"I speculate that it should have something to do with the core of the spiritual body."

Guan Heng said casually: "First of all, the structure of the huge turbid spiritual body is complex, it absorbs all kinds of spiritual energy and the dregs of ores, so when the core is condensed, these impurities cannot be discarded and removed, so it gradually formed the core of harmony and harmony. Similar spheres."

"Over time, this impurity sphere will be deposited in the body, and it will become more and more." After a brief pause, Guan Heng continued: "So the turbid spiritual body has to find an opportunity to expel the impurity sphere."

"Oh, I see." An Yan nodded when she heard Guan Heng's words, and Qin Xin next to her said again, "Then according to what you said, aren't these impurity spheres useless?"

"It's useless? Not necessarily." Guan Heng smiled slightly at this time, and then said: "The structure of this impurity sphere is similar to the core of the spirit body, and they are completely regarded as the material model for making the hundred-eyed clone beads. Wen, don't you think so?"

"Yes, Brother Guan is right." After hearing this, Zhenwen nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng handed over several impurity spheres to Zhenwen, and said, "You will handle all these things, and then I will slowly study how to make a hundred-eye clone bead imitation."

"Well, leave it to me." Zhenwen took the things and nodded.

Guan Heng turned his head at this moment and said, "Fatty, you go and see how the magic mandrill and their mining work are doing."

"Yes, I'll go right now." King Jiaxu agreed, then turned his head and ran, "Boom!" Within a few breaths, King Jiaxu had already run to the bottom of the rock wall more than ten feet away, where it was already covered with brown. The Spotted Bear and the Taupe Hedgehogs dug a deep hole.

At this moment, King Jia Yao stuck his head out and looked inside, and he could hear the rustling sound inside, so he shouted loudly: "Hey, magic mandrill, Master Guan asked me to ask how the ore was dug. Like?"

"It's almost there, there is still one-third of the amount that has not been mined, but our speed is very fast, and it only takes half an hour to dig out all of it." At this moment, the demon raised his voice: "Fatty, come down for a moment. , help us."

"This... well, wait for me."

"Bas!" As soon as he said these words, King Jia Yao jumped into the pothole and walked through the tunnel, just in time to see the brown-spotted bear and hedgehog digging, and he asked, "Hey. ,What do you need me to do?"

"Oh, just smash this solid rock formation. Now it's me and the little monsters and the hedgehogs who are taking turns to hit the rock wall. Now with your help, it will be much easier."

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