Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12316: Thorn-tailed evil rat (third more)

"Hehehe, alright, then go to this huge mine where there are evil beasts first." Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, and he said with a grin, "Slaying the evil beasts and looking for ore, there is no delay."

After negotiating properly, Guan Heng immediately took his companions to the huge mine under the guidance of the flaming golden eagle. In fact, the distance was not too far. After a while, everyone came to that place.

"The footprints left on the ground really belong to evil beasts."

"There are relatively fresh excrement here." When the demon was talking, he quickly ran to Guan Heng and said loudly: "Master Guan, I think that just now, there were evil beasts around the entrance of the cave."

"I think so too. The stench of the other party is still nearby." Guan Heng lifted his nose to smell it, and continued: "Come on, let's go into the cave."

Not long after Guan Heng led everyone into the cave, they were attacked by a group of evil creatures.

"Quack quack - woo quack -"

"Shhhhh!" The hook-beaked evil bird suddenly shouted, and the black pressure fell straight down, intending to attack everyone.

"Beast, court death!"

In an instant, Guan Heng cut off his drink, as if the invisible waves were rushing towards the opponent, "Ping ping pong pong!" Just listening to a series of violent noises, the dozen or so evil birds that first flew to the crowd were immediately shocked by Guan Heng's murderous aura. Bleeding blood, he exploded in the air and died.

When the rest of the hooked-beaked evil birds saw this scene, they were so frightened that they lost their minds. At the same time, they were also frightened by coercion.

But at this moment, the flame golden eagle grinned: "Want to leave? Grandpa won't agree!"

"Whoosh - whizz - whizz - whizz -"

It was too late to say, but it was too soon, the golden eagle suddenly released a large stream of original flames, which swept away in a vortex, covering most of the hooked and beaked evil birds, burning the opponent's body with a "crackling" sound. It turned into fireballs and fell to the ground, dying tragically.

"There are three left..." The flaming golden eagle just wanted to make persistent efforts to kill the opponent completely, but Guan Heng said at this time: "Wait, these few remain alive, the golden eagle has a rest, devil, you go. Bar."

"Yes, Lord Guan!" One animal and one beast agreed at the same time. The golden eagle slapped its wings and fell back to everyone. .

"Swish!" In the flash of lightning, the demon threw three ice thorns, which pierced through the wings of the evil birds, causing them to freeze with a crackling sound.

"Woo quack?!"

I suddenly felt that my body could not move well, and a few evil birds screamed in fright, but they couldn't stop myself from falling directly from the air to the ground, "Clap!" Immediately after, these guys fell hard. On the ground, the wings were broken into pieces.

The screaming hooked-beaked evil bird almost fainted, and the demonic mandrill stomped hard, then roared, "You bastard, how dare you pretend to be dead? See if Grandpa doesn't teach you a lesson!"

Just when the evil bird was wailing and screaming, Guan Heng and everyone had already approached, and he said, "Hey? Why did you even break your wings?"

"That..." Hearing this, the demon was a little embarrassed, and it asked in a low voice, "Master Guan, do you think these guys can't break their wings? I'm sorry, I..."

"Forget it, it's no big deal, I'm just talking about it casually." Guan Heng smiled, waved his hand to dispel the other party's concerns, and continued: "Besides, it's just a broken wing, and I can find a way to connect it. ."

With that said, Guan Heng called out the big ghost, the baby white ghost, and the giant bee of Qinyuan, and then asked, "Can you be attached to these evil birds?"

The answer is of course yes, although the big ghosts are not as proficient in "soul enchantment" as the demon-binding ghost king, they can attach themselves to living creatures and control the thinking and actions of the other party. This kind of thing is still easy, so big ghosts The ghosts nodded again and again.

"That's good, now listen to my order, we have something to do." Guan Heng said, he warned the three of them carefully, and then said: "Go, just do it."


"Chuck, chuckle!"

"Shhh!" It was too late, but it was so fast, the three ghosts heard Guan Heng's order and immediately acted, attached to a few hook-beaked evil birds, and took advantage of their own aura to connect the other party's broken wings, Guan Heng took action. Heng said casually, "Fly up and take a look."

"Shh, shh!" After hearing this, the three ghosts immediately controlled the evil bird to rush up. Although the flight was a little crooked and nondescript, in general, controlling the opponent's body was considered a good job. Not bad.

"Very good, let's move on now." Guan Heng waved his hand and said: "The three ghosts control the evil birds to fly in front, remember, no matter what evil birds and beasts encounter, they must be brought over, let us clean up by ourselves That's it."

"Aheng, are you asking the big ghosts to control the hooked and beaked evil birds as bait?" Qinghuang asked with a smile at this time, "Why is it so troublesome, if we encounter any evil, can we just destroy it? "

"In that case, it's easy to scare away the evil beasts hiding in the dark." After saying that, Guan Heng waved his hand toward the air, and suddenly a few mutant cockroaches fell and stopped on Guan Heng's palm.

He continued: "Just now, the Zifans patrolled the neighborhood and said that there are almost countless fork roads in the cave. If the evil beast senses danger, it will turn its head and run away. How much time wasted?"

"That's right, what we have to do now is to lead the snake out of the hole." Qing Huang finally understood what Guan Heng meant, and nodded in agreement.

In this way, everyone continued to move forward, and as expected, just as Guan Heng planned, the three "hook-billed evil birds" flying crookedly in the air caused the evil beasts, evil birds and other evil beasts hiding around. Attention, the other party came out one after another, attacked the evil birds in the air, and wanted to pick up a ready-made cheap one.

It's a pity that you can't go back when you come out!



In an instant, more than ten evil beasts with mouse heads and mouse brains rushed out. These guys looked like big mice, with pointed mouths and big ears, except for one long tail covered with sharp thorns. scary.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng winked at the flying deer, the bald ibis and the mad poisonous ant queen, and said, "Send this group of beasts on their way."


"Shhhhhh!" When they heard Guan Heng's order, they rushed towards the enemy with lightning speed. The other party was watching the hooked-beaked evil bird in the air, completely unaware of the deadly threat.

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