Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12317: Use green vines skillfully

"Go on, kill—"


"Whoosh whoosh!"

It's too late to say, but it's too soon. The mad poisonous ant queen, the flying scorpion and the gray bald ibis all released wind blades. These attacks fell like a shower, covering the entire group of thorn-tailed evil rats, and the opponent was suddenly attacked. The rapid attack, most of them did not hum, and was smashed by the wind blade.

"Boom!" The next moment, the old white-browed monkey ran to the vicinity, spit out a big mouth of flames, burned the remaining evil rats to death, and turned the rest of the corpses into ashes.

"Well, everyone did a good job, let's move on." Guan Heng said, waving at the group of ghosts who were controlling the evil birds in the air, signaling everyone to continue to fly forward.

After walking for a while, everyone found that there were more and more fork roads around. Even if a lot of colorful cockroaches were scattered to explore each fork road tunnel, those fork roads would still separate a large number of more intersections.

"It's not the way to go on like this." Qianxin said at this time: "Guan Heng, we have to choose a way forward, right? You can't always wander around these fork roads, or you will get lost."

"I've thought about this, and I have a way to deal with it."

Guan Heng smiled and then said, "Even if there are many forks, there is still a limited area in this cave, so when I let Zibi fly out, each one brought a green vine by my side."

"Green vines?!" Hearing this, Ruotao whispered, "Are they useful other than road signs?"

Hearing this, the green vines people who were helping to carry things around the stone turtle beast were a little angry, and they hurriedly danced at Ruotao, which meant that they were saying: "We are very useful, this is not a non-stop help. Did you work?"

"Go, go, don't brag here, your tiny arms and legs can't even lift heavy objects, they're all scum."

Ruo Tao said such a shameless sentence, Guan Heng smiled at this time: "Little girl, you have misunderstood this, in fact, this plan does need the help of the green vines, and they can play a role in play a key role in."

"Oh, I didn't expect this, but please ask your son to clarify." Ruo Tao said so.

"I asked the scorpions to bring a piece of green vines to each of them. As long as they encountered a fork in the road, they planted the green vines on the ground there. I think everyone knows their growth speed. It only takes ten In a short period of time, it can fill the area within a radius of several meters, and it will also spread around."

Guan Heng explained: "In this way, even if the green vines are completely occupied by this fork, even if there are evil beasts living nearby, they can't stop the vines from spreading, and can only flee towards the outside world."

"That's right, we will be able to take care of the evil beasts at that time." Qianxin's eyes lit up as she said.

"This is just one of the benefits." Guan Heng continued: "When the green vines fill a fork in the road, they will report the news to the green vines, and they will tell us that the place is on the way. It's a dead end, don't go there."

"Over time, all the dead ends are covered with green vines, and we can directly choose the right path."

"This is really a good idea." Qinghuang smashed her palm with her fist, and then smiled, "A Heng, why didn't you use such a good idea before, I just remembered it now."

"That's because the mines we went to before had no fork in the road, and it was useless to use green vines."

When he said this, Guan Heng shrugged and continued: "But it's different now. The role of green vines can be reflected in this cave with many forks, don't you think?"

"Well, that's true." After hearing Guan Heng's words, the girls and other companions nodded their heads in agreement.

At this moment, the few green vines walking in the front raised their eyebrows and showed off their might, because these guys knew that they had played a big role, and they couldn't help being so proud that their whole bodies were floating.

"Hmph, it's not pleasing to the eye to see how you look so successful!" King Jia Yao glanced at the green vine man and said so.

"That's right, don't you just rely on your own green vines to grow fast? This is not a rare thing." The magic mandrill next to him also said sourly.

But the green vines don't care about their cynicism. Anyway, they are usually used to being ridiculed by beasts, Guan Heng, and girls. These guys have long been trained to be as strong as iron and thick-skinned, deliberately pretending to be deaf ears.

At this time, a taller green vine man hurried to Guan Heng and described him repeatedly.

"Oh, have you found the right path? Well, you've worked hard." Guan Heng said and waved his hand to let the other party go down to rest, while he said to his companions: "Let's go, go to the northeast, there is the way to the cave. The right way to the deep pit."

"Huh, the green vines are really good, and they found the correct path so quickly."

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to be that fast and efficient even for the multi-colored scorpion, right?" After hearing Guan Heng's words, the girls talked a lot and looked a little surprised.

Guan Heng immediately said: "After all, the growth rate of green vines is much faster than everyone imagined, so they can take the lead in occupying the entire dead end area, and then report the news to the green vines, which is indeed faster than swarm exploration. a lot of."

"So then, won't we use the swarm to explore the path in the future?" An Yan asked at this time.

"No, I still need the help of swarms of insects or wood spirit wisdom eyes."

Guan Heng said: "Because the growth of green vines requires the group insects to release a little spiritual energy, they can successfully take root in the soil, and the group insects can also explore areas that the green vines can't detect for a while."

"So, the roles of the two sides are complementary and indispensable."

"Oh, so that's the case, we understand." After hearing this explanation, the girls nodded in agreement.

At this time, everyone has passed through a long and winding tunnel in front of them, and the magic mandrill walking in front whispered: "Master Guan, we found ore scum here, come and have a look."

"Where is it, let's take a look." After saying that, the girls and Guan Heng hurried over immediately, the magic mandrill reached out and grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, then looked carefully, and said, "Look, there is a There is still a lot of **** content."

"Well, that's true. There are loess mines and metal mines, huh? And **** from jade mines? It's quite interesting that so much scum is mixed together."

When he said this, Guan Heng blew away the dregs in his palm, and then continued: "It can be seen that the mine we are looking for should be nearby, and it seems that we have not gone to the wrong place."

"Hey hey, that's it."

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