Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12318: Hump ​​Evil Beast (the fifth outbreak)

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the girls, the demon beasts and other companions all laughed.

"It's not too late, let's hurry to the mine." Having said that, Guan Heng had already strode forward, and his companions followed closely behind.

Just at this moment, the three hooked-beaked evil birds in the air, whose flight movements were controlled by the group of ghosts, suddenly vibrated. "Hey, what's going on?"


"Whoosh whoosh!" Hearing this question, several scorpions suddenly flew to Guan Heng's side. They have been following the evil birds controlled by the three ghosts to protect them, so they came to inform Guan Heng of the situation.

I saw the hooligans jogging and describing to Guan Heng, he nodded: "Well, I understand!"

"Hey, Guan Heng, what's wrong?" Gusang Nu took two steps forward and asked.

"Oh, no big deal."

Guan Heng said casually: "The evil birds controlled by the three ghosts can't hold it anymore. Originally, those guys were seriously injured, and their bodies couldn't bear the control of the ghosts for a long time. Now they are on the verge of collapse. I think about it carefully, It's no big deal."

"After all, we have thought of more ways to deal with evil creatures, and the value of these hooked and beaked evil birds is very small." After speaking, Guan Heng said to the three ghosts in the air: "Hey, take those evil birds away. Throw away the corpse, you come back and rest."

"Woo woo--" Hearing this, the big ghost did not lead his companions back to Guan Heng in the first time, but released a series of low voices.

"Uh, did you find another group of evil beasts coming?" Hearing this, Guan Heng's spirit was lifted, and then he said: "Well, let these hook-beaked evil beasts complete their final task, take the group The beasts are brought here, let us do it."

"Haha, yes, this is considered wasteful use." After hearing this, Qinghuang and the other sisters said with a smile.

"Big ghost, you all go." Guan Heng waved at the group of ghosts in the air, and they immediately controlled the three hooked-beaked evil birds and rushed forward.

Not long after, dozens of single-humped, fangs and claws hurried over the beasts. These guys looked like they were starving and crazy. When they saw three hook-beaked evil birds flying in the air, they suddenly screamed strangely. stand up.

"Chak chah chah!" Following a series of strange noises, the hump on the back of the evil beast suddenly split into several lobes, and then spit out a jet of black liquid that shot straight towards the evil bird in the air.

"Swish swish—swish swish—" It was too late to say, but then, the big ghost, the baby white ghost and the Qinyuan giant bee instantly broke away from the body of the evil bird, "Crackling!" The next moment, the hump black liquid It has been severely hit on the surface of the three evil birds.



"Crackling!" In an instant, the corpse of the evil bird was hit by the jet-black liquid, and it was corroded into a thousand holes, and immediately fell to the ground. .

However, the meat of the three fat evil birds is really lacking. The evil beasts are obviously not getting enough to eat. Come on, don't let these beasts get in our way."

"I'll come!" During the conversation, Qian Xin shook the Fanxing Holy Spirit Spear in her palm and said with a smile, "It's been a long time since I've done it myself, so I just moved my muscles and bones."

"Boom!" As soon as the voice fell, Qianxin flew over, "Shush!" In an instant, the Holy Spirit Spear danced like the wind, and quickly released a circle of chilling ripples.

The bodies of the seven or eight hump-hump demonic beasts headed by "Giglala - giggle -" froze and completely turned into ice cubes.

At the same time, the remaining 20 or 30 evil beasts were all shocked, but these guys were used to being savage, but when they were a little surprised, they immediately lowered their heads and pointed their hump at Qianxin, ready to spray their own jet-black liquid. .

Seeing this scene, Qianxin sneered: "The eagle bug also wants to deal with me, so go dream!"

"Chichi!" In the flash of lightning, Qianxin used the cold air to gather a large piece of slender ice thorns, and rushed straight towards the hump on the backs of the evil beasts, "Puff puff!" These ice thorns pierced through the top of each other's hump .

In the next instant, the evil beasts who were unable to emit black liquid from the hump mouth were all in extreme pain and screamed incessantly.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" At the same time as the tragic wailing sounded, the bodies of the evil beasts suddenly swelled several times. The black liquid was all over, and it actually exploded.


"Dong, dong, dong!" The next moment, the body exploded one after another, and the black liquid splashed all over the sky, and then fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

"Uh, this pitch-black liquid is disgusting." As she spoke, Qianxin who shot her took a few steps back, then patted the old white-browed monkey beside her, and said, "What are you still doing? The black liquor burns out."

"Woo Jiji!" Hearing the princess's order, the old white-browed monkey nodded, screamed and flew over, releasing a large stream of original flames, burning up the remains of the hump-hump demon beast and the black spots on the ground. liquid.

After a few breaths, everyone walked through the area.

At this time, the magic mandrill walked at the front, reached out and touched the surface of the rock walls, and the king of the eagle next to him asked, "Hey, after searching for a long time, did you find it?"

"Don't be so frizzy, be careful to disturb me."

While talking without looking back, the demon continued to search carefully, and then it said: "Looking for ores is a meticulous job, you said you would follow along, so I brought you, if you are impatient, Go and play with the old monkeys."

"Don't, don't, I won't complain anymore, okay?" After hearing this, King Jia Yao said nervously: "I also want to learn more about mine prospecting and help you share a little work. Well, you continue to say, I just listen with humility."

"Hmph, that's about the same."

"Huh?" As soon as he said these words, the demon felt the difference between a certain rock wall. It was not a smooth one, but a bumpy one. The more such an area is, the more likely there is an ore layer.


Suddenly, the demon slammed the ancient gold ice-breaker on the rock wall with the ancient gold ice-breaker. Press, the rock wall suddenly collapsed into countless pieces and rolled to the ground.

"Hey, it's ore!" King Jia Yao who was beside him suddenly widened his eyes and whispered: "You're really good, you can actually find so many!"

"Tell you, this is just a trivial idea." After speaking, the demon pointed to himself and continued: "My nose has long remembered the smell of various minerals."

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