Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12319: Arrest (First Update)

"Hey, magic mandrill, stop blowing it." Ruo Tao who was behind took a few steps to take a look, then pouted and said, "It's just some low-quality ores, so you just fool the idiot. fat."

"Uh, eldest sister, why did you pierce me when you came up? It's not interesting."

The magic mandrill said awkwardly at this time: "I'm not fooling Fatty, but I taught it too difficult prospecting skills as soon as I came up, and it can't remember it, right, Fatty?"

"Oh, that's true." King Jia Yao couldn't turn his head around, so he agreed casually. Ruo Tao and the other sisters were amused, and everyone said: "You, you are also bullying honest children."

"Be honest? Don't be joking." The demon smiled bitterly, and then said, "Where can Fatty be honest, it's called a silly face and a thief's heart!"

"Hey, why did it get on my head again, aren't we looking for mines?" King Jia Yao complained with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, let's stop chatting, let's look for mines." Saying that, the magic mandrill has already stepped forward, the king of the eagle and the brown-spotted bear monster are closely following, the girls, Guan Heng and other companions Followed by, pointing and talking.

After a while, the magic mandrill led everyone to a dark rock wall. It looked left and right, a little unsure, so he turned his head and looked at the Tugong Toad as if asking for help.

Seeing this scene, Big Toad grinned: "Hahaha, I knew you had nothing to do and would come to ask me for advice."

"Then can you help?" The Demon Mandrill asked.

"Help, of course I want to help, who made us iron buddies, I'll take a look." When he said this, Tugong Toad jumped a few times to the front of the rock wall.

He stretched out his webbed claws and rubbed the rock wall a few times, and the big toad whispered: "No wonder you are not sure about it, there is indeed an ore smell behind the surface of the rock wall, but you can't find out what kind of ore it is. Well, the type is also different. Can't eat."

"It turns out that you think so too, isn't that the same level as me?" Hearing this, Mo Xun said with some disappointment.

"Idiot, I'm Tugong Toad, and I'm not the same as a half-hearted fool like you looking for mines."

When he said this, Tu Gong Chan blinked his swollen eyes a few times, and then continued: "I'll release Tu Xuan aura to explore it, you wait a moment."

Saying that, the big toad pressed a pair of webbed claws against the surface of the rock wall. The mysterious aura has all disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the demon next to him asked a question that couldn't wait: "How's it going?"

"Oh, Xuan Lingqi found some middle-to-high-quality ores in the depths of this rock wall, but these are not important." Tu Gongchan replied: "I care about things other than ores."

"Uh? Is there anything else besides the ore?" Hearing this, Mo Xing and the girls next to him were a little surprised, and said in unison, "What exactly is that?"

"I'm not quite sure. The results of the Xuan Lingqi investigation told me that it was something similar to a life form." Tu Gongchan said, "I just don't know what it is."

"Master Guan, what do you say?"

"It's useless to guess right now. You can smash the rock wall first and find the other party."

Guan Heng said: "Also, be careful, don't make too much noise, I feel that the guy in the rock wall is very easily startled, if you break the rock wall too much, it's easy to scare it away. ."

"Yes, we understand." Hearing this, Moji and Tugongchan nodded, and immediately, the two took action.

"Papa!" It was too late to say, but it was fast. A pair of webbed claws of Tugong Toad gently patted on the rock wall, and suddenly a large amount of profound spiritual energy enveloped the rock wall within a radius of ten feet, constantly squeezing, this rock The wall is immediately recessed.

At the same time, the magic mandrill's ancient gold ice-breaker suddenly knocked on the surface of the rock wall, "Boom-crash!" In an instant, the rock wall turned into pieces and fell to the ground one after another.

"Hey!" At the same time as the dust was soaring, a swift shadow sprang from the inside of the crushed rock wall. This guy jumped in the air, trying to escape to a farther place. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng suddenly flicked his fingers: "Go back!"

"Crack!" In the flash of lightning, the earthly aura popped out by Guan Heng suddenly hit the thing. Although it was not very strong, it also shocked the guy a lot. It suddenly flipped and fell, and landed on the shattered rock wall like lightning. edge.

"Cheli!" The next moment, it disappeared into the rock wall in an instant and disappeared.

"Hey, it can actually indent into the rock wall?"

"That's right, I don't even know what it looks like." The sisters were talking about it. At this time, Qianxin said, "Guan Heng, you should have seen it clearly? What exactly is that?"

"The dust was flying just now, and I didn't see it clearly." Guan Heng said casually: "If you really want to confirm what the other party looks like, you have to wait until you catch it."

"This guy can hide in the rock formations, and can come in and out freely, how can we easily catch it?" Ruo Tao scratched her head, and then said so.

"Hehehe, we don't need to take action." Guan Heng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile, "Toad, go and call out Shi Jingwei from the Toad Cauldron, and remember to let him bring the little monkey."

"Yes, the rock-piercing ape can also freely enter and exit the rock. To catch that mysterious guy, it is the most suitable choice!" Hearing this, Qinghuang immediately understood and said with a smile.

"Well, that's it." Guan Heng nodded, then continued: "Toad, hurry up."

So Tugong Toad nodded, and immediately called Shi Jingwei and Little Monkey out of the toad cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng carried the little monkey into his arms, whispered a few words in its ear, then patted the little monkey on the forehead, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

"Squeak, squeak!"

"Bang!" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and the rock-piercing ape suddenly let out a low cry, then swayed to the surface of the rock wall, and crawled a few times on it.

Immediately afterwards, the little monkey patted the surface of a certain rock wall with his paw, then turned his head and nodded to Guan Heng on the ground, and the two eyes reached a tacit understanding.


In the flash of lightning, the rock-piercing ape suddenly got into the interior of the rock wall, and then became noisy inside. At the same time, the magic mandrill put his ears on the rock wall and listened carefully to the movement inside, and the king of the scorpion asked from the side: "Well, what did you hear?"

"Don't be noisy, it's just the beginning, I didn't hear why, I'll tell you later." Mo Ji said impatiently at this time.

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