Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12333: Encirclement and interception (the fifth outbreak)

"Bang! Boom!" It was too late, but it was too fast. At this time, several ice evil spirits that had frozen and captured the black energy of chaos smashed the gravel blocking the entrance of the cave and rushed out.

At this time, Bahun looked at the other two holes and noticed that they were all blocked. He knew that the group of insects had also encountered the same thing as himself, but Bingxie Bahun was not nervous.

Because they know that no matter who they are, if they dare to provoke the Backfire Blue Bug and the Colorful Fierce Bug easily, it is no different from courting their own death. I believe that the worms will soon break through the shackles, and they will also ruthlessly clean up the enemies who trapped them.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

Sure enough, as Bing Xie Bahun expected, in the next instant, the gravel at the top left of the hole was smashed into pieces in an instant. He rushed out with the black air in front of him.

"Swish!" The blue bugs spit out raging flames, which instantly turned into a big vortex, which was able to surround the chaotic evil that was trying to escape.

Seeing this scene, the ice evil tyrants immediately surrounded them, and they used their own cold energy to freeze the chaotic evil energy like lightning. Because the opponent was suppressed by the flames, they couldn't escape the shackles at all, so they were captured alive.

The power of Bing Xuan's spiritual energy is enough to freeze ordinary flames, but it will not let them go out. This is the attack method that Guan Heng has specially figured out for both of them in order to make the backfire blue bug and the ice evil domineering soul join forces. Prepared to capture evil spirits.

Therefore, facing the joint attack of Lan Bug and Tyrant Soul, the opponent had no chance to escape at all.

At this moment, Lan Bug and Ba Hun both looked at the hole in the middle, which is the area where the five-colored vicious bug was in charge of exploration, but the Zi bugs didn't react at all, and they didn't hear any sound of fighting, it seemed Very weird.

However, they are not worried about the safety of the five-colored vicious insects at all, because no matter who offends the vicious insects, it will not end well. After all, the resounding name of the ten thousand world vicious insects is not for nothing.

Back then, Guan Heng and the Evil Insect Mother didn't know how much effort it took to tame the swarms, but now they are only facing small enemies, and the only thing worth worrying about is those stupid things that dare to attack the scorpions.

"Boom--" Just after more than ten breaths, a violent sound suddenly came from the hole in the middle, and a powerful impact force forcibly shook the road-blocking gravel into dust and fly ash.

Immediately afterwards, a chaotic evil energy like a large black cloud gushed out rapidly, and in the close distance behind, there were colorful vicious cockroaches screaming and screaming, and they rushed out directly, vowing to capture all of them.

In the face of the mutant cockroach that was covered in flames, the chaotic evil energy couldn't even touch other people's borders, and he was always passively beaten, extremely embarrassed.

In fact, this chaotic evil spirit born with spiritual wisdom is no less powerful than several great evil spirit kings joining forces. It just hasn't fully condensed its own form. Otherwise, it will definitely become a powerful evil overlord in the future.

It's a pity that this guy failed to complete the final evolution, but was blocked by a few bugs and ice evil spirits here.

In the face of the mutant scorpion, this chaotic evil energy has no power to fight back, so this guy suddenly retreated, not daring to compete with the enemy, just wanted to get away quickly, otherwise, he will only be left to himself. A dead end.

Even if there is no profound wisdom, the evil chaotic qi also realizes a feeling called "fear". After realizing that it can't stay for a long time, it makes a round in the air and rushes straight towards the stone well above, intending to take the road and escape. .

"Squeak!" The Zi Yan was about to chase after each other and clean up each other fiercely, but was stopped by the backfire blue bug next to him.

The blue bug, headed by him, hummed a few times, which meant that he was saying, "That's great, just drive the other party out of Ishii, and the master will do the rest. You and I have completed the task perfectly."

Hearing this, the five-colored ferocious cockroaches thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the case, so they stopped chasing, and then gathered together slowly and leisurely, and then counted the number of companions.

At the same time, Guan Heng, King Jia Yao, the old white-browed monkey, and the big-headed Yongxiao welcomed the chaotic black air that flew out of the natural stone well. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng said with a smile: "Hahaha, it seems that the blue bug and the scorpion. And Ba Soul did a good job, and finally found this guy."

"Master Guan, this guy should be the source of evil, right?" King Jia Yao said loudly beside him.

"That's right, the guy who caused us a lot of trouble finally showed up."

Guan Hengyi squinted at the evil spirit of chaos, and then continued: "The quality of this thing is not bad, and it is still one step away from being able to condense into a solid body. It is not an ordinary evil spirit, nor is it a great evil spirit king. According to my estimation, it should be Stronger than either of those guys."

"Really? Then you shouldn't let it go." King Jia Yao growled: "Master Guan, how about the monkeys and I to try this guy's depth first?"

"Okay, if you want to do it, I will never stop it." Guan Heng said casually, "But be careful."

"Hey hey, we got it."

King Jia Yao replied in his mouth, but he was unavoidably despised the evil spirit of chaos. After all, it and the monkeys are both strong with fire spirit energy, and the flames and heat energy are the nemesis of evil. They know this better than anyone else. , so it is very sure to win the opponent.




In an instant, King Jia Yao, the old white-browed monkey, and the big-headed Yongxuan all rushed over, and they stopped each other.

Chaos Evil Qi thought that he would be safe after escaping from Ishijing, but he never expected that there would be more difficult enemies waiting for him here.

In desperation, this chaotic evil spirit flew up into the air like a madman, trying to escape directly.

"Huh! Slap!" It was too late, but then quickly, the old white-browed monkey unceremoniously threw the metal short stick in his hand, and the object slammed into the top of the wall.

"Boom!" The metal short stick wrapped around a large strand of original flames and spread out at once, covering the entire airspace. The fiery flames boiled and raged.

Immediately afterwards, this guy fell to the ground because he couldn't bear the heat, and the grinning King Jia Yao and the big head Yong Li took the opportunity to kill them.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"


In the blink of an eye, the big-headed scorpion claw double sticks continuously bombarded the evil chaotic energy, but these pure power attacks did not harm the evil chaotic energy, because the big head was busy attacking and forgot to ignite the flame explosion embedded in the scorpion claw stick. beads.

Rao is so, this series of attacks also frightened Chaos Evil Qi to keep screaming and screaming, trying to dodge left and right, but unfortunately it was useless.

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