Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12334: Encountering the Stone Man Python (First Update)

"Crack!" It was too late, but it was fast. The big-headed scorpion's claws in his left hand suddenly bombarded the surface of the chaotic evil energy. This time, the flaming orbs in the grooves at the top of the scorpion's claws suddenly burst out with aura of fire. Suddenly covered in the surface of chaos evil.

This time, the evil qi couldn't stand it anymore. Under the explosion of fire energy, the chaotic evil qi shrank a few times, and it seemed very tired and weak.

"Wujiji!" At this moment, the old white-browed monkey slapped his paw arrogantly at the big-headed Yongxiao, which meant, "Go away, kid, and let me play too!"

In fact, the big-headed Yongxiao was playing happily, and was a little unhappy when the old monkey disrupted the situation, but he had to listen to the boss's words, so he shook his head and took a few steps back.


In the flash of lightning, the white-browed old monkey waved his claws and slashed without hesitation, just tore off a piece of the chaotic evil energy in front of him. Those evil spirits were tightly grasped in the monkey's claws. It is good to cover these evil spirits so that they cannot escape.

"Huh!" Then, the old monkey threw the evil energy wrapped in flames into the air, making it float nearby, and then, the white-browed old monkey rushed towards the chaotic evil energy again.

"Chak chah chah! chah chah chah!" The monkey paw turned into a shadowy shadow, tore and scratched on the surface of the chaotic evil energy, grabbed more than ten strands of evil energy fragments in an instant, and then trapped them with fire aura.

"Hehehe, the old monkey's methods are good."

Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "This kind of attack method that constantly weakens the opponent's body is the best. It seems that the monkey is not frizzy and reckless now patronizing everyone, and he has learned to use his brain."

"Hey, Lord Guan is right." King Jia Yao said next to him, "Monkey has become a little bit smarter recently. Of course, it's far worse than me, and it's even worse than you. Far."

"Come on, don't say a few words if you are flattering." Guan Heng waved his hand, and then continued: "Look carefully at how the old monkey cleans up this chaotic evil."

"Baby!" Just when Guan Heng and King Jia Yao were chatting, the old white-browed monkey was already aggressively rushing towards the chaotic evil energy again.

"Xuuuuuu!" In the flash of lightning, this chaotic evil energy suddenly swirled like the wind, and quickly released a large amount of resistance, trying to prevent the white-browed old monkey from bullying himself.

"Hee hee!" Seeing this scene, the old white-browed monkey was neither angry nor angry, but a hint of excitement appeared on his face. Energetic, and then slammed violently towards the evil cyclone.

"Boom!" In an instant, the white-browed old monkey rushed to the sky and punched a heat wave, sweeping the entire piece of chaotic evil energy in one go, burning the chaotic evil energy with a "swoosh, hoo, hoo" sound, constantly shrinking the area.

Seeing this, Guan Heng, who was cradling his shoulders with both hands, showed a glint in his eyes, and then said slowly, "Monkey, that's almost it, catch this guy alive."

"Woo Jiji!" Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey immediately agreed, and suddenly spit out a large burst of original flames.

"Huhuhu - Whistling -" In an instant, the scorching wind and heat wave surrounded the evil chaotic energy with lightning speed, and the other party let out a whimper, which was finally reduced to the size of a fist.

"Crack!" The next moment, the old white-browed monkey grabbed the object and handed it to Guan Heng.

"Well, you did a good job, we can leave too." Guan Heng said to King Jia Yao and the others, "Let's go."


Not long after, everyone has hurriedly returned to their companions. Seeing Guan Heng and the others returning, Qing Huang said with relief: "You guys are back, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. I thought something happened to you."

"With me following, what could be unexpected?" Guan Henghao said calmly. Qinghuang nodded, and then said, "That's right, by the way, why did you go out this time?"

"Go and clean up some unpopular Rat-Clawed Rat Head Monsters, and I got this one." After that, Guan Heng took out the Chaos Evil Ball and shook it in front of Qinghuang and the other girls.

"Hey, this is..." Qianxin leaned forward and whispered, "Is it the chaotic evil energy? But it's a very rare thing."

"It's really rare, so I'm also looking forward to how much soul power can be extracted by throwing it into the soul recovery urn."

Guan Heng said with a smile, and waved to the giant stone turtle beast nearby, the other party immediately walked slowly, and Guan Heng immediately threw the evil chaotic energy in his hand.

"Buzz buzzing buzz buzz buzz buzz buzzing --" It's as if a drunkard meets a good wine, an old eater sees a delicacy, and when the Fuhun urn comes into contact with the evil chaotic energy, it trembles again and again, and Guan Heng smiled: "It looks like this big belly urn I am still very satisfied with the chaotic evil energy, not bad."

"By the way, how is your job of finding ores here?" He asked casually at this time.

"We have harvested a lot, especially with the caves and scorpions leading the way. We have almost obtained all the ores that can be dug around." Ruo Tao said at this time.

"Well, that's fine, as long as it goes well." Guan Heng immediately raised his voice: "Magic, magic, come here."

"Come on—" Hearing this, the magic dagger agreed not far away, and then hurried to the front, it didn't wait for Guan Heng to ask, and said to itself: "Master Guan, you want to ask about the ore. Did you let the toads take care of them, right?"

"Hehe, if you know it, let's talk." After listening to this, the demon nodded and said: "The ore is all packed up, but well, when Toad and I were patrolling the nearby area, we found some good things again. , I was going to show you and the girls, Master Guan."

"What is it?"

"Uh, it's a spar, come come, let's talk while walking." After saying that, the magic mandrill waved to everyone, and Guan Heng immediately followed it to the northeast with the girls and other companions.

Not long after, everyone came to the area where Tugong Chan was, and at this moment, they had almost understood the matter.

Just before that, the magic mandrill, a few ice gluttonous beasts, the brown-spotted bear monster and the earth palace toad came to the vicinity, and the ice gluttonous beast had a keen sense of smell, and discovered a hidden cave under the rock wall, and excavated with great interest. .

Who knew that a stone python suddenly sprang out from this cave. This guy was dark all over, his body was more than gold and iron, and he was very strong. Not only did he swipe his long tail to fly an ice gluttonous beast, but he also wanted to bite them. Angered the brown bear bear next to him.

Xiongzhuguai was not polite, and slapped the stone man python's skull with his sharp claws, smashing the guy's head, and he died suddenly. , the ice gluttonous beast slid in and climbed out again in the blink of an eye.

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