Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12335: Clear out the remaining enemies

At this moment, the demon found that the ice gluttonous beast had something in its mouth. It took a closer look and found that it was a loess spar. At this moment, everyone heard Guan Heng's greeting, so the demon Mandrill hurried over to inform Guan Heng of the incident.

"Hey, Toad, what are you doing?" Ruo Tao found that Tugong Toad was lying on the ground with his head on the ground, so he asked.

Tu Gongchan raised his head at this time, and said in a deep voice, "Eldest sister, we killed a stone python just now, have you heard about this?"

"I know, isn't it the hand of Xiaozhu?" Ruo Tao was a little puzzled, and continued to ask: "What happened?"

"That's it, I felt the ground tremble a little bit, so I used the Earth Profound Spiritual Qi to infiltrate the ground to investigate the situation, and the result..."

Tu Gongchan just said this, Guan Heng immediately stepped forward and stopped near the cave, after a few breaths, he said: "There should be more than one stone python here, it seems to be a snake nest, those guys will come out soon. ."

"What?!" Hearing this, the girls and other companions were also a little surprised.

Guan Heng glanced at the somewhat uneasy brown-spotted bear worm, and then patted its shoulder and said, "Hey, little worm, those stone barbarian pythons are aggressive, probably to avenge their comrades."

"Since it was you who shot and killed Shiman Python, then you will be responsible to the end, and prepare to meet the enemy later."

"Ouch?!" Hearing this, the brown-spotted bearded monster shrank its neck in fright, and then pointed to its own nose, which meant to ask, "Do you want me to deal with a large group of stone pythons alone? I-I'm afraid I can't do it?"

"Hahaha, look at how timid you are." Guan Heng had a wicked smile on his face, and then said, "I'm just kidding you, how can I ask you to deal with them alone, let's play together."

"There's one more thing I want to make clear."

At this moment, Guan Heng turned his head and said, "The matter of exterminating the stony pythons is secondary, the most important purpose is to collect the ore crystals in the cave, and in order to prevent the other party from destroying the cave, we have to lead the pythons out away from the cave entrance. It's okay, do you understand?"

"Okay!" After hearing this, the girls, the beasts, and the birds of prey happily agreed.

At this moment, Guan Heng's ears moved suddenly, and then he said: "They are coming, everyone is ready, first retreat for a distance."

"Basashi-huhuhu-" In the blink of an eye, everyone was led by Guan Heng and ran out a zhangyuyuan, dodged and hid behind the rocks.

"Shah la la... shuh la la..." Just after three or five breaths, more than a hundred stone pythons had rushed out of the hole. These guys spit out red letters and looked at the surrounding environment.

"Hiss!" Suddenly, the giant stone python at the head saw the corpse of his companion, and suddenly burst into a hoarse roar and scream, and the other pythons also shouted, twisting their sturdy bodies, looking extremely annoyed.

At this time, Guan Heng carefully observed the aura of the giant stone python, and then sneered: "It seems that all these guys must be killed, because the leader already emits an evil smell."

"That's right, this guy should be completely evil, and the rest of the stone pythons are also half evil." Qing Huang said next to him: "Looking at this, they seem to have been attacked by evil energy recently. stained, and then into evil."

"That's right, you have to find the source of the evil energy in the habitat of these guys, and try to cut it off as much as possible."

Guan Heng said this, and suddenly, his eyes were filled, he took it into consideration, and hooked his finger to the bear beside him. When the other party came over, Guan Heng muttered a few words in its ear.

"Ow?" Hearing Guan Heng's approach, Xiong Zouguai was obviously a little scared, and Guan Heng slapped it on the forehead, then whispered and scolded: "Idiot, this young master is covering you, why? Don't worry, there is no danger."

"Ouch... woo woo..." Hearing this, Xiongzhuguai felt a little embarrassed, and patted his thick chest with his paws, which meant to say: "I'm not afraid, besides, there is nothing to scare us, Isn't it just a few little snakes?"

"Okay, hurry up and go." After that, Guan Heng grinned and pushed the bear monster's body, the guy had no choice but to shake his head, jumped out of the rock, and then charged towards the entire group of rocks with a groaning scream. Pretty python.


"Huhuhu!" It was too late, but the time was fast, the brown-spotted bear worm suddenly swayed its sharp claws and released a large amount of mysterious aura, which gathered into a huge rock of 100 kilograms, and then threw it viciously at the python group.

"Gudong! Puff!" In an instant, the huge rock flattened the bodies of the two stone pythons, turning their flesh into mud, and they died horribly.


On the other hand, the Bearcatcher twisted his body unhurriedly, turned his **** toward the other side, and patted his paw a few times, making a snapping sound, as if he was saying, "Stupid thing, if you have the ability, come after me. ah!"


After doing all of this, the bear monster immediately took big strides and ran towards the front. As for those stone barbarians, their eyes were so angry that they burst into flames, and they rushed towards the bear monster one by one desperately. , vowed to tear it to pieces and take revenge.

At the same time, Guan Heng instructed the three insects: "Go, immediately dive into the cave to investigate the situation, if there are any stone pythons that haven't come out to die, kill them!"

"Yes, Master." Hearing this, the Evil Slug Mother immediately led the Golden Sting King and the Ancient Wild Roar to rush towards the other side.

As for those stone man pythons outside, they were chased away by the bear monsters long ago, and it didn't take long before they were completely wiped out by Guan Heng, the girls, and the beasts...

At the same time, the three insects are here. The evil worm mother took her two brothers into the cave and walked around the tunnel. She found a few stone pythons that didn't follow her companions. When these guys saw the three worms, they immediately became aggressive. rushed forward.

"court death!"


With a low cry, the king of golden stings instantly released more than ten light golden auras, which pierced through the opponent's body with lightning speed, causing him to die unexpectedly. The remaining two stone pythons were the largest but the least courageous. When their companions died tragically, they immediately turned around and fled, not daring to stop for a moment.

"Trash, you should go to die."

"Chak chah chah!" It was too late, but at that time, Gu Huang Roar suddenly pulled out the fierce poisonous worm bone sword, smashed the opponent's body like lightning, and easily chopped it into several pieces.

"Huhuhu—咻咻咻—" The fire-clawed ape souls beside Hulu were responsible for releasing the flames to burn the corpse, and then the three insects immediately continued to set off toward the depths of the cave and flew away.

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