Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12337: What to eat?

"Huh?!" Hearing this, Gu Huanghou said with a wry smile: "Boss, don't say such scary words, I don't want to be liked by this greasy little guy, you know, I've never liked it. Snakes..."


As he said that, he gently stroked the little guy's forehead with the other hand and interacted with the other party. Seeing this scene, the mother of evil slugs and the king of golden stings said in unison, "Hmph, it's true!"

"No, that's not it, I think the newly born little guy can still have a hand." Having said this, Guhuang Houzhe was already smiling happily.

"Hey, shouldn't we go out?" King Jinqi said, "I guess Lord Guan is still waiting for our news at this time."

"Xiao Jin is right, but before leaving, there are a few things to confirm."

Saying that, the mother worm pointed to the little python in the arms of Zhihouli, and then said: "Bring it here, I have something to ask."

"Oh, boss, you can speak softly, don't scare the little guy." Guhuang Houlu had completely fallen into the "parent mode" at this time, making the evil worm mother cry and laugh, and then scolded: "It's long-winded, it's not happy. point."

"Yes, yes." Roaring Lingling fought a cold war, and immediately walked to the mother of insects with the golden scale juvenile python.

"My darling, I will ask you a few things, and answer truthfully, there will be something delicious to reward you later." The Evil Insect Mother tried her best to put on a kind expression and tone.

Although the golden-scaled python had just been born, it had gone through hardships such as being hunted and killed and was on the verge of starvation, and his intelligence had developed. Therefore, it could understand what the mother insect said, so it nodded again and again to show that it understood.

"Very well-behaved little thing, I'm going to fall in love with you." The worm mother said, gently rubbing the forehead of the young python, and asked: "Those villain pythons that chased you before are still in other areas in this cave. Is there any? We're going to clean up each other."

"Hiss..." Hearing this, the golden scale young python let out a low cry, then shook its head and pondered carefully. After two or three breaths, it nodded affirmatively, and then stretched its forehead toward the northwest. .

The young python means: "The area where the other party is entrenched is over there, and I see that they are guarding something, because I pass by there, the pythons especially want to chase me, but after a certain distance, the other party will Climb back quickly."

"So it turns out, I seem to understand." The evil worm mother smiled at this moment: "Little guy, you have done a good job, you should give it a good reward, the third, what are you doing, don't hurry up and give it something to eat!"

"Yes... But boss, I have a Fire Grain Gu with me, and I have already eaten it." Gu Huang Houzhao scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said so.

"Stupid boy, usually your storage mussels and sacks are filled with snacks, how come you can't find them at the critical moment?"

The worm mother scolded angrily, and the king of golden stings hurriedly said: "Boss, forget it, I, I seem to have half a piece of dried meat here, bring it to something to eat."

"Where did you get the dried meat?" The Evil Slug Mother asked in confusion.

"Uh, the fire claw ape souls wanted to eat it, but they were afraid of scolding them for being greedy, so they hid with me temporarily." King Jinshui said with a smile.

"These guys, if you want to eat, you should tell me." Hearing these words, Gu Huang Houlu's face was a little unsightly, and he glanced at the ape souls next to him, but those guys didn't dare to talk to each other. It looked at each other and turned their heads to the side.

Seeing this scene, Hulu waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "Forget it, I've been too strict with you recently. Next time I'll ask Master Guan for more dried meat for you to try."

Hearing this, the fire-clawed ape souls were of course very happy. At this time, the golden-scale juvenile python that ate the dried meat was even happier. This guy seems to have never eaten such delicious food, and almost swallowed his tongue.

"Oh, eat slowly, be careful of choking again." The evil slug mother paused after saying this, and then said to the young python: "I also ate something, should you lead the way?"

"Bang! Slap!" Hearing this, the golden-scaled juvenile python immediately jumped to the ground from Hulu's arms, and wagged its tail at San Zong, which meant, "Everyone, come with me."


After a short while, the evil slug mother and the others followed the golden scale juvenile python to the area where the giant stone pythons were located.

"It's the breath of the mineral spar. It seems that the few stone pythons are guarding them." The evil slug mother nodded, and then said: "Xiaojin, the black stinger you sent back to inform the master should have already arrived. Connect with them?"

"Well, calculate the time and the speed of Master Guan and everyone's footsteps, it is estimated that they will be able to arrive at this time."


As soon as the golden sting king finished speaking, there was a flapping sound behind everyone. It turned out that the mad poisonous ant queen brought the bat-winged owl-faced bear, the flaming golden eagle, the gray-feathered bald ibis, the fire-devouring nine palace sparrows, and the flying barnacles. A group of "air forces" arrived in a hurry.

The evil cockroach mother turned her head and saw that it was them, she nodded, and then asked, "Where are the masters?"

"Master Guan and the girls will arrive later." The mad poisonous ant queen landed next to the insect mother, and when she saw the golden-scaled young python, she immediately said: "This is the young python that Glancing Shadow Black Sting said about? Hahaha, The scales are pretty nice."

"By the way, the queen ant." Gu Huanghoulu stretched out his hand towards the other side cheekily at this time, and said with a smile, "Did you bring something to eat? The little thing is hungry again."

"Yes, I'll take a look..." Having said that, the mad poisonous ant turned over in her sack and said, "Spiritual fruit, oxhorn ginseng, and preserved fruit, by the way, what do the young pythons like to eat? ?"

"Uh, it should like to eat meat, right?" said the King Golden Sting.

"That's what you think. In fact, this little guy's recipe should be enriched." A voice sounded behind everyone, and the mother insect turned her head and whispered: "Master, you are here!"

"En." When Guan Heng nodded, he hooked his finger at the golden scale young python and said, "Come here."

The golden scale young python was no longer afraid of everyone at this time, and Guan Heng exuded an aura full of affinity, making it involuntarily obey the command and crawled to Guan Heng.

Guan Heng took out a piece of fire grain Gu, a piece of dried meat, half a piece of spiritual ginseng and de-cored spiritual fruit flesh, and said, "Little guy, choose what you like to eat."

Seeing so many delicacies, the golden scale young python was overjoyed. It opened its mouth exaggeratedly, trying to swallow all the food in one go.

"No, no, it's wrong to eat like this. You can only choose one at a time." When Guan Heng said this, he was full of smiles. Qinghuang and Qianxin, their sisters, all gathered around to watch.

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