Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12338: Strange behavior (the fifth eruption)

"Little guy, choose carefully."

"Yeah, be brave and choose a favorite."

"Look, it seems to be racking its brains to choose, just a little undecided."

"Hehe, that's interesting."

Girls, you said a word to me, smiled and pointed, but the golden scale young python could not care to observe the expressions of the sisters. Finally, it chose the fire food Gu that it ate for the first time, because it was too fat. The little worms eat the delicious taste full of juice in their mouths, but they will never forget it.

"Good, you can eat the rest too, but slow down, don't choke." With that said, Guan Heng smiled and patted the golden scale baby python on the forehead, the guy really happily bit the horn of the ginseng eat up.

"It turns out that baby pythons can eat more than just meat." Gu Huanghoulu scratched his head and muttered to himself.

"Spiritual beasts basically eat everything, as long as they can get nutritious things after eating."

Having said that, Guan Heng continued: "Okay, let the little guy eat first, we should also collect those spar stones, let's go."

"Mother bug, go and get rid of those giant pythons guarding here first."

"Yes, Master." With Guan Heng's order, the Evil Slug Mother immediately rushed forward with the Golden Sting King and the Ancient Wild Roar.



"Puff puff!" The Golden Sting King released several light golden auras like lightning, piercing the two giant pythons' heads and bodies, making them nailed to the ground alive.

"Kacha!" On the other side, Guhuang Roar's poisonous worm-bone sword slashed the head of a giant python, the headless neck splattered a **** mist, and the corpse fell to the ground and rolled.

Seeing that he was not the opponent of the three insects, the last giant stone python did not dare to stay here and wait for death.

"Whoosh whoosh!" In the flash of lightning, several fiery filaments entangled the python's head, face and body. The worm mother just pulled and tugged hard, and the guy was torn to shreds.

"Search the surrounding area and take away all the spar that can be found!"

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, the Demon Mandrill, King Jia Yao, and the old white-browed monkey immediately acted.

At this moment, the juvenile golden-scaled python with a full belly crawled lazily to a nearby rock, where he coiled his body and wanted to doze off.

But at the next moment, the young golden scale python suddenly raised its head and looked left and right with a slightly panicked look. Qinghuang and Qianxin just saw its expression, and the two women came over and asked at the same time, "Hey, what's the matter? already?"

"Hiss...hiss..." At this time, the golden scale juvenile murmured twice at Qinghuang, then suddenly fell from the rock and climbed towards the southwest rock wall.

"Ah Heng, my sister and I followed Xiao Python to take a look."

"Okay, be careful yourself." When Guan Heng finished saying this, the two women had already walked out a few feet with the golden scale young python.

At this time, they came to the bottom of the rock wall. The golden-scaled juvenile python looked a little flustered and crawled under the rock wall. Qianxin was a little puzzled, and said casually, "What's wrong with the little guy?"

"Maybe there is something buried in the soil, let it want to see." Qing Huang analyzed this.

"Okay, let's dig up the ground here." When Qianxin just said this, Qinghuang looked around and saw a few gray-brown monster hedgehogs passing by, she immediately waved: "Hey, come and help busy."

"Squeak, oooo!" Hearing these words, the demon hedgehogs immediately shouted happily, twisting their fat bodies and running over.

"Hey, aren't these monster hedgehogs who often ask us for snacks?"

Qianxin narrowed her eyes and looked at each other, and then said: "Look carefully, they seem to have gained weight several times, so fat."

"Oh, elder sister, now is not the time to talk about that kind of thing, let the demon hedgehogs help you dig the pit." After that, Qinghuang said to a few gray-brown demon hedgehogs, "Come on, dig the ground here first. , in a while, my sister will invite you to eat something good."

After listening to this, the demon hedgehogs shouted with great momentum, and immediately waved their claws to dig up the soil and dust, "Shush, rustling!" After a while, a big hole was dug on the ground.

"Dang!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The sharp claws of a monster hedgehog suddenly hit something in the soil, and it made a metal collision sound. The guy turned his head and looked at Qinghuang, and she said, "Quickly. Dig that out."

Nodding their heads, the gray-brown monster hedgehogs immediately did as they were told, dividing two by three, and more than half of the buried things in the soil were revealed.

"Giant python skeleton?!"

"This giant python is really big enough, even the stone barbarian python king we just picked up is not so big, it can't even keep up with half the length of the skeleton."

"Hey, you." When Qin Xin said this, she raised her hand and pointed to the fat monster hedgehog beside her, and said, "Go and call Guan Heng over here, and say we have a major discovery here." After a few breaths, Guan Heng led the others. The girl and her companions hurried over.

"Oh, this giant python skeleton... it's really big." Ruo Tao also whispered when she saw this thing.

Gusang Nu nodded, and then said, "Sister, how did this thing get discovered?"

"It was the golden scale juvenile python who took us to find it. By the way, where did the little guy go?" When she said this, Qianxin looked left and right, looking for the trace of the juvenile python.


It was too late, but it was fast. An Yan, who looked up and watched, pointed to the bones of the giant python. It turned out that the golden-scaled juvenile python had already squirmed to the skull of the giant python. Afraid of falling down.

"Hey, little guy, it's very dangerous."

"That's right, come down quickly." Seeing this scene, Qianxin and her sisters were very worried, and they all raised their voices.

Guan Heng said, "Hey, stop screaming, if you want the little guy to be safe, don't continue to speak loudly, that will distract him and make it easier to fall off."


Hearing this, Qian Xin was about to subconsciously refute a sentence, but after thinking about it, Guan Heng made a lot of sense, so he immediately closed his mouth and kept his mouth shut. At the same time, Guan Heng patted the worm on his waist. Yuhu, a few backfire blue bugs flew out.

Guan Heng said casually: "Go watch the young python and pay attention to its safety, but as long as it is not a life-threatening situation, don't disturb its actions."

"Squeak!" The blue bugs nodded in agreement, and fluttered their wings and flew away. At this moment, when everyone watched carefully, they saw that the golden-scaled juvenile python was slowly approaching the skull of the giant python.

Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and then said: "There seems to be something flickering between the eyebrows of the skull. It seems that the little guy is going for this thing."

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