Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12353: Dark green plants (the fifth outbreak)

"Indeed." Qing Huang nodded and said, "Especially in the underground area where food is scarce and scarce, and you don't want to fill your stomach, you can only rely on cannibalism to feed your hunger. Isn't that what the turtle head worm is like? "But since they can think of planting plants, why do they devour each other?" An Yan suddenly raised this question. "It's not difficult to speculate, I think there is only one reason to explain this phenomenon." Qinghuang said, "It is because the number of such plants is rare, only enough for the king of evil insects himself, so the little scoundrels under him can only use it. I've filled my stomach by killing each other." "Incisive!" "Correct answer!" "Well, it's exactly the same as what I thought." Ruo Tao also said so boldly at this time, and the Gusang girl next to her slapped her cheek with her finger. Tongue sticking out: "No shame, no shame, how can you be so smart?" "Stop talking." Ruo Tao waved her hand indifferently, and then said: "What's the use of talking about those useless words? You should analyze it quickly. What are these plant seeds?" "Uh, that's true." Gusang girl nodded, then picked up a seed and said, "I can only recognize that this thing is a plant seed, what is it, and what is it? I really haven't figured it out." "It's simple, haven't you and your son done the same thing before?"

Ruo Tao reminded: "There are a lot of Mu Xuan aura, can you always do it by giving birth to plant seeds?" "Oh, it's true, I was reminded by you three times today, thank you very much." Gusang said. , and stretched out her arms to hug Ruo Tao, making her feel a little embarrassed, and whispered, "It's all my own sisters, are you being so polite?" "Okay, I'll give birth to this seed right now. After saying that, Gusang Nu suddenly tapped the seed in her palm with the wooden divine staff in her hand, and then threw it into the soil not far away. "Hey!" In an instant, Mu Xuan's spiritual energy wrapped the seed and sank directly into the soil. The girls stared at it closely. Only after more than ten breaths did a dark green bud slowly emerge from the soil. Then it kept swaying and growing, and soon it grew from an inch high to a few feet. But at this moment, the dark green plants stopped growing, and Qin Xin asked in a low voice, "Sang Sang, what's going on?" "Oh, it seems that my Mu Xuan aura alone is not enough, sister, wait a moment. After saying that, Gusang girl shouted at the top of her voice: "Guan Heng, Guan Heng, come here quickly—" "Come on, what's the big deal, it's worth breaking your voice?" Guan Heng smiled at this time. came, followed by other companions. Gusang Nu pointed to the dark green plant and said, "I want to give birth to it, come and help."

Seeing this scene, Guan Henghao said calmly, "It seems that this plant has absorbed your Muxuan aura, and it is growing well. It will take three or five days to become a fruit. You can just wait..." "Fuck you. Oh, what are you kidding?" Gusang girl was so excited: "Who can wait for three or five days, then why should I call you here? I am asking you to help, and quickly make it a complete spiritual plant. Ah." "Can you tell me what the **** you guys are doing?" Guan Heng touched his jaw, and at this time he had already reached out and released the air mass of Tu Xuan Aura, Shui Xuan Aura, and Mu Xuan Aura, Gusang Girl Then I told the sisters what happened just now. At this moment, Xingmo Xueyu suddenly landed in Guan Heng's ear and muttered, "Hey, hurry up and let this plant grow, if I guess correctly, this is an extremely rare treasure." "Really Is it?" Hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes lit up, Xingmo Xueyu slapped his chest loudly, and assured: "Of course it's true, I lied to you that you're not a human being!" "Nonsense, you kid is not human at all , used to be a beast, but now it's a soul." Guan Heng teased it with a smile, but Xingmo Xueyi didn't care, he just kept urging: "Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait." "Okay, everyone is optimistic. It's gone." "Huhuhu!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng waved his hand and threw out the earth, wood, and water mysterious aura. These air masses first swirled around the dark green plants for a few times, and then they were completely absorbed by the other party.

"Swish!" "Crash!" In an instant, the dark green plant several feet high suddenly trembled and trembled, and then continued to grow again, until it was about nine feet high, and then it stopped. At this time, The branches trembled, and clusters of dark green needles emerged. After a few breaths of time, the branches around the dark green needles actually grew small fruits, their exteriors were speckled pink, and they shone faintly. At this time, the Xingmo Xueyan was already dumbfounded, and it muttered to itself: "I knew it, I knew it must be it, it's really great, I didn't expect to see this thing." I thought Xiao Yan was bragging, but I didn't expect it to be true." "Yeah, it's such a surprise to see this thing." At this moment, Zhu Xin Gu Zhang and Hao Xi Beast Soul said the same thing. Hearing this, Qianxin twisted her hair and asked, "Hey, what are you talking about, what exactly is this plant, and the pink fruit?" "Princess, this fruit is the fruit of the spirit bite, and the fruit tree is the spirit bite fruit tree. ..." Xingmo Xueyao stammered, at this time it was too excited, so it was a little incoherent.

"The fruit of spirit bite?" After listening to the introduction of the other party, Qianxin was still a little confused, she asked: "Hey, Guan Heng, do you know this kind of thing?" "Well, let me think about it..." After that, Guan Heng fell into deep thought. It wasn't until he counted his breath that he said, "I remembered, in the library of your father, Lord Lingwang, I seem to have read the records of the fruit of the spirit bite. I thought it was a legend at the time. I thought it was just an ancient message, but I didn't take it seriously, I forgot after reading it, but I didn't expect it to be true." "What did the book say?" Gusangnu and Ruotao next to him asked in unison. "Well, the books only vaguely record some news about the fruit of the spirit bite, and there is no specific explanation, so let's let Xiao Yan come and tell everyone..." Guan Heng just said this, the magic man next to him suddenly raised his finger To the front: "Everyone, look, what is that?" Hearing this, everyone's eyes swept over, only to see some swaying objects slowly emerging from the surface of the nearby rock wall, Guan Heng lowered his voice to everyone Said: "It should be some soul bodies, talk too loudly, keep quiet, so as not to frighten them to escape." "Yeah." Hearing what he said, everyone agreed, and nodded in unison. At this moment, a few The nameless soul has already floated nearby.

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