Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12354: Finding Zerg Graves (First Update)

Seeing the spirits flying straight towards the Fruit Tree of Spirit Eater, Guan Heng put his index finger to his lips, signaling everyone to keep silent, so the girls and other companions kept silent.

"Kacha, Kacha..." In an instant, these worm souls began to quickly eat the fruit of the spirit bite, and quickly ate up several of them.

At this moment, Gusang Nu quietly leaned into Guan Heng's ear and whispered: "Hey, let them eat like this, the fruit of the spirit bite we just got will be exhausted."

"It's okay, there are still a lot of seeds anyway." Hearing this, Guan Heng replied nonchalantly: "Besides, it's not just that these guys eat for nothing, they are also useful."

"Useful?" After hearing this, everyone was a little surprised. Guan Heng turned around and flew away after seeing a few spirits eating the fruit, so he immediately winked at the evil worm mother.

The worm mother understood, and immediately dispatched dozens of mutated sons, who could only be invisible, and hurriedly chased after them.

After a few breaths, the Evil Insect Mother used her mental power to get in touch with the sent out Zibi, and then said: "Master, I have found the secret entrance to the ancient zerg tomb, and several worm souls really entered and exited from there. Yes, as you expected."

"Very good, set off immediately and look for the entrance to the tomb." After Guan Heng said this, Ruo Tao suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, it turns out that those who eat the fruit of the spirit can still be allowed to eat. lead the way."

"That's right." Guan Heng nodded his head at this time, and then said: "Magic mandrill, have you found any other ore rock formations in this cave?"

"Master Guan, the bear and the round-eared monster have found three places."

The magic mandrill replied: "So I left the gray-brown monster hedgehog, the ice gluttonous beast and them all, and let everyone continue to dig the ore. It is estimated that when we return from the zerg grave, they will be almost busy."

"Very good, let's go." After that, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Mother bug, lead the way."

"Yes, master, everyone, please come this way."


It was too late, but it was too soon. The female worm was already fluttering her wings and swept forward. Guan Heng and other companions followed closely. After a while, everyone came to a wide area full of gravel. The Insect Mother suddenly landed on a towering rock, looking left and right.

"Squeak, squeak!" Just at this moment, several cockroaches flew in hastily and landed in front of the evil cockroach mother, making a low voice.

"Master, those worm souls seem to have penetrated into the underground area around here." The worm mother listened to Zifu's narration, and turned her head and said to Guan Heng.

"Underground area?" Hearing this, Guan Heng nodded slowly, and then said, "Well, this is in line with the habit of zerg looking for graves. They really like to be buried underground."

"Dry catfish, you and the sand catfish will dive into the ground now and find the range of the entrance to the tomb." After Guan Heng gave the order, the pure land dry catfish and the subterranean sand catfish immediately burrowed into the soil and kept searching.

"Bang! Clap!" Just after more than ten breaths, the pure land dry catfish broke through the ground, stuck out its head from the soil, and whispered to Guan Heng: "Hu chi chi..."

That means: "The entrance has been found, come with me."

"Very well, Toad, let's open up the tunnel together."

"Yes, Master Guan." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Tugong Toad jumped in front of him, and both sides released a large amount of Tu Xuan aura at the same time.

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu——" In the flash of lightning, the mysterious aura continued to decompose the soil layer on the ground. In the blink of an eye, a deep hole appeared. The pure land dry catfish twisted and swept inside, acting as a guide The crowd ran towards the bottom.

"Squeaky!!" Everyone just came to the area not far from the entrance of the tomb, and a sharp cry suddenly came from the front. It was the subterranean sand scorpion, and Guan Heng frowned slightly: "What's going on? , the three of you go over and take a look."

"Yes, Master." The moment they heard these words, the Evil Slug Mother, the Golden Sting King and the Ancient Wild Roar flew towards the front like lightning.


"Ding ding ding!"

It was too late, but it was fast. At this time, the subterranean sand scorpion was spinning its body rapidly, trying its best to fight against the vicious insect spirits gathered around it. Unfortunately, the vicinity of the hole is too narrow to take advantage of the sand scorpion, so it can only reluctantly. Just resist.

And those worm souls rammed into the body of the sand carp like crazy, trying to drive it away from here, but the solid carapace of the subterranean sand carapace played an excellent defensive effect, making the opponent's attack basically ineffective.

"Hey, bold beast, get out of here!"

"Whoosh!" The moment the roar suddenly rose, the ancient Huanghou cockroach was the first to pounce, and it suddenly swung the poisonous worm bone sword in its hand, "Swish!" In the flash of lightning, the worm soul in front of it was caught by the sword wind. Dispelled more than half.

This is still merciful, and I don't want to seriously hurt these insect souls, otherwise, they will be finished long ago.

"Squeaky!" Seeing each other's aggressive approach, the worm souls realized that there was absolutely no end to reckless efforts. They immediately screamed and turned around, trying to escape towards the entrance of the tomb.

At this moment, Guan Heng's voice sounded from behind: "Hoozu, grab one, and let the others go."

"Okay, little ones, let's do it."

After all, Gu Huang Houlu waved his hand, and several fire-clawed ape souls immediately rushed towards the insect souls, and immediately held one of them tightly. Climb into the entrance of the tomb and escape.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, a fire claw ape soul handed the captured insect soul to Guan Heng, and he took it over.

Taking a closer look at the soul body, Guan Heng said: "Well, it really looks like an ancient zerg, but this guy seems to be quite vicious and irritable. Hey, mother worm, how do you deal with this kind of soul body?"

"These kinds of things are beneficial to our worm companions. Usually they can refine and absorb the essence of the soul body, such as the horned thundergrass, the white-bearded mud cockroach, the backfire blue bug, etc., as long as they belong to the same type of zerg. ,It will be all right."

The evil slug mother said: "Of course, Xiaojin, Hulu and the queen are strong enough, so we don't need to absorb this kind of soul body."

"Then the second method is to throw these worm souls into the soul recovery urn to extract pure soul power for use." After adding this point, the worm mother paused for a while and continued: "As for how to do it specifically. , it depends on how master you decide."

"Okay, then let's try to catch the insect soul alive after we go in."

Guan Heng said, and handed the soul body in his hand to the horned thundergrass next to Ruo Tao. This guy suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath, "Yu yo!" Immediately he took the worm soul into his mouth, swallowed it, and then began to slow down. Slow refining.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng summoned some of the mutant clams, the ancient iron-clad clams and the ancient mosquitoes from the misty sea to his side.

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