Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1237: City of the Dead (5th outbreak)

At this moment, Yabu suddenly flew over and shouted, "Guan Heng, I was curious just now, and I ate a crushed stone monument, and now it seems to have a strange feeling."

Guan Heng asked, "What do you mean?"

"The smell of the soul demon on that stone monument is particularly strong, so after I ate it, I seemed to be able to feel the approximate location of the other stone monuments." Yabu said at this time: "It's really strange, I can see with my eyes closed now. To another stele. "

"Honestly, after you get young, you seem to have realized a lot of weird things, and I haven't seen much of it." Guan Heng said, already running back to the place where the snake-necked dragon waited with Borui and turned over. Go up.

"The location of the next stone monument is a bit strange." Guan Heng, riding a snake-necked dragon at this time, said to himself, "It turned out to be an old country ruined by the dragons."


A moment later, the old site of the capital of the Kingdom of Ludova in the area of ​​the north-south junction of St. Lompland.

"It's all ruins, and decaying corpses, crows wailing everywhere."

After Borui jumped off the mount, he looked around and said: "It is said that this place was destroyed by the Ice and Fire Dragon Army six months ago. After ten days and nights, all of them were martyred. Since then, the kingdom of Ludhofa has become a dead city. "

"Hey, Guan Heng." Abu whispered at this time: "Human ghosts are wandering here and there, can I swallow them?"

"Yabu, let's forget it." Guan Heng sighed and said, "It's all poor ghosts and undead. If you are swallowed again, they will not get peace after death, if you are hungry. , I have Dragon Soul Stone here, take it and eat it. "

"Hey, Yabu, are there really ... ghosts everywhere?" After hearing Guan Heng's conversation, Borui asked with a little palpitation: "Aren't you scaring me?"

"It's true or false, you don't know if you look at it yourself." Yabu chewed the dragon soul stone that Guan Heng gave to himself, and flew up into the air, his whole body bloomed again with a strange light, where the light shone. , All kinds of characters suddenly appeared.

Some are hawkers along the street, some are old people and children who laugh and laugh, and girls who are dressed up and go out shopping with their female companions, and soldiers who walk on the street and patrol. They are lifelike, in the middle of the ruined street. Come up and down.

The only difference from living people is that the bodies of these "people" are almost transparent, which is really weird.

Seeing this scene, Borui suddenly shouted: "Ghost ?! Ghost ..."

"Slap!" Before Borui shouted this sentence, Guan Heng immediately reached out and blocked his mouth: "Don't make too much noise, you will disturb these ghosts."

"It's good to just keep them here as they were before they died," Guan Heng whispered. "Although it is not a good thing to love our world, we can't afford to bother them, let's go."

At this moment, Yabu said in the air, "Guan Heng, I feel the position of the stele."

"Excellent, Yabu, you can lead the way in front of you." Guan Heng said and turned to Borui and said, "There is no trace of the Phantom Dragon Army nearby. It seems that they have not found it yet. This time we are 80% In front of each other. "

Borui nodded: "That's good, hope this time ..." Before he finished this sentence, the two heard a distant bell ringing from a broken and huge bell tower in the distance: "咚 —— 咚--Boom--"

"What's the matter?" Guan Heng and Borui suddenly changed their faces, Borui said inexplicably: "Is anyone ringing the bell in the bell tower? Is there a living person in this dead city?"

"Guan Heng, the place where the stele is buried seems to be in that direction. Let's go now." The soul-sucking beast now seems a little impatient, because as long as the stele is smashed, it can eat the delicious soul demon again.

"Well, just go over and see who the **** is the ghost." Guan Heng said he and Borui ran towards the clock tower. On the way, the two of them rushed, and they even heard the surrounding ghosts talking: "Hey, hear Is the bell ringing? "

"Heared and heard, the Dragons are finally coming to attack. This group of abominable guys must let them know that the people of the Kingdom of Ludova are not bullying!"

"That's right. Everyone went home and took their weapons to fight the dragons!"

Although he heard these words, Guan Heng felt very puzzled, but he didn't allow him to think about it. He and Borui had already run under the bell tower.

At this moment, the horizon that had been grayed out suddenly began to bloom, and at this time, it was early morning.

"Well ..." The last bell rang, accompanied by an anxious female voice: "Damn, it's dawn again, this time it didn't work out, it's awful."

At this time, Borui heard the voice of speaking from the bell tower and suddenly called out, "Hey, who is there?"

After saying this, Borui and Guan Heng have quickly stepped on the top floor of the bell tower, and they are greeted by a young girl wearing a white pleated skirt and curly blond hair. The girl is extremely beautiful. But his face was pale, and his body was translucent, which was obviously a ghost.

When she saw two strange men running in front of her, the ghost of the young girl was terrified, and she cried out, "You ..."

"Stand there!" In fact, Borui's panic level was no less than half that of the girl. He subconsciously waved the wand of the dragon and magic in his hand, and the young female ghost immediately screamed and disappeared in place.

"Stupid, I told you, don't panic when you see the ghost." Guan Heng patted Borui's head: "Are you okay to scare her?"

"I'm also afraid." Borui put his head in a grievance: "Boss, if you hit me like this, I might really become a fool."

"If you are kind to that girl's ghost, we might be able to ask for useful information." Guan Heng said angrily: "The stele here is the most difficult piece to find, and now we can only search slowly by ourselves. "

"Guan Heng, come and see." Yabu, a soul-sucking beast flying around just now, suddenly called out, "There is a cave entrance in the grass on the side of the bell tower."

Guan Heng and Borui ran over to inspect it, and found that it was a cellar. Yabu sniffed around, sniffed, and then looked up and said, "It really has the taste of a soul demon stele."

"Go, look down." Guan Heng said, reaching out and separating the wormwood in front of him, and climbing down the stairs of the cellar entrance, Borui and Yabu followed.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.3, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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