Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1238: Sister Ghost (first)

The cellar was actually a winding path leading to a huge underground palace. Under the leadership of Yabu, the two of them quickly found a room with a closed door.

"Bang!" When Guan Hengfei kicked the door open, there seemed to be something moving inside. The electric light flint and stone, Guan Heng didn't look very carefully, as if a young girl disappeared in panic.

At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "Is that the young female ghost who was on the clock tower just now?"

"Eh, that was ... I saw that female ghost again." Borui beside him also found it, but instead of screaming this time, he asked in a low voice: "Boss, have you seen it? "

"Don't worry about those gossips." Guan Heng walked into the room and said, "This dead city was originally a place where ghosts wandered. There is nothing new, but it is important to look for steles."

Yabu landed on the ground at this time, and sniffed his nose close to the ground, then said, "Here it is, it doesn't seem to be buried deeply."

Speaking of this, Yabu continued to plan the soil with his forelimbs. "Oh!" Within half a minute, a corner of the stele had surfaced.

"Hey, it really is here." Guan Heng and Borui smiled at each other when they saw the scene, but at this moment, an anxious girl suddenly called behind them, "Please, please stop, don't dig anymore!"

Guan Heng, Borui, and even Yabu were startled by the voice. The two looked back, and it was the female ghost in a white dress talking to them.

"Girl, we are not malicious, but we must take this stone monument." Guan Heng said quietly to the young female ghost at this time: "Can you tell me why you want to stop it?"

Before the white skirt female ghost spoke, a girl in a pale blue pleated skirt suddenly appeared beside her, looking like a white skirt female ghost.

"Sir, that stele is an ominous thing that has been sealed and kept by our Royal Family for generations," said the blue-skinned female ghost. "You better not touch it, otherwise it will be easy to put the evil inside. Released. "

"That's the way it is." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then asked, "How do you call the two ladies?"

"I am the long princess of the Royal Family of Rudolph-Suni." After the sentence, the blue-skinned female ghost pointed to the white-skinned female ghost: "This is my twin sister, little princess-Pei Neh. "

Borui said at this time: "Oh, it turned out to be two princesses, but why did you run away when you saw us?"

"Since we died during the siege of the dragon, we haven't seen a living human for too long." Penny, a white skirt female ghost, said, "So a little scared, I'm really sorry."

"No need, don't say that." Borui felt embarrassed at this time, he said with a smirk: "I was too reckless just now."

"There is no hiding the two princesses." Guan Heng said at this time: "We have come here to this stone monument buried in the palace, because only we can destroy the spirit demon in the stone monument."

"Is that so ?!" After listening to Guan Heng's words, the twin princess female ghost was suddenly surprised: "The name of the evil in the stele is soul demon? We heard it for the first time."

"All in all, the stone monument and the soul demon inside should be destroyed as soon as possible, because the people of the Dragon Army have also been watching the stone monuments in various places." Guan Heng said to the two princess ghosts: "If the two do not object, I will destroy the stone monument Moved out. "

Suni and Penny glanced at each other, and nodded silently: "Well, if the dragon legion guy really stared at the stele, then we agreed to destroy it."


A moment later, in a vacant lot behind the ruined wall, Guan Heng smashed the stone monument and released all the soul demon inside. Borui and Yabu, who were already on the sidelines, were ready to shoot at the same time, dozens of them The soul demon was either burned and burned by Borui's flame magic, or Yabu opened his mouth and sucked into his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce roar rang, and the sealed big soul demon in this stone steered out suddenly. At this time, the dragon tooth blade in Guan Heng palm suddenly split off, and immediately divided the invisible big soul demon into two. According to the previous two conventions, half of the soul demon's body was swallowed by Yabu, and the other half was turned into a soul stone.

"Okay, the spirit monsters here are all packed, let's get ready to withdraw." Guan Henggang said here, and the ghost princess sisters who had been watching not far away came over suddenly.

"Mr. Guan Heng and Mr. Borui, please wait a moment." Princess Suni said at the moment: "Sisters, we want to ask for help."

Borui didn't wait for Guan Heng to speak, rushing to himself and said, "Although the two princesses have something to say, as long as I can do it, I must help."

Guan Heng also said: "I can meet you here, maybe it is the arrangement of fate in the deep, and you have any future wish to say."

"Mr. Guan Heng, do you remember when I first met the bell when I first met?"

White princess Penny said gently: "Actually, when the dragons attacked the city that day, our sisters were responsible for ringing the city's giant bell to warn all the people to take refuge."

"But that day, our sisters did not complete this task." Princess Blue of the Blue Dress said, "Our father was seriously injured when the Dragon Legion attacked. We both reluctantly led the soldiers to resist in the city. In this way, before returning to the clock tower in the city, he was killed by the dragon who attacked the city. "

"The people who didn't hear the bell to warn them missed the time to escape and evacuated. All of them were strangled under the dragon's minions, so that the city of Ludopha became dead. This is what our sisters couldn't forgive even after their death. "

The white princess Princess Penny said at this time, her voice was a little sobbing: "So my sister and I take turns to ring the giant bell on the bell tower every night, hoping that the ghosts of the people in the city can rest in peace after hearing the bell, but, but ... "

Seeing her sister crying, Princess Suni also said sadly, "Because the Dragon Army attacked at dawn, only the bells after dawn can rest everyone's ghosts, but we are also ghosts. It is impossible to continue to ring the bell after the sun comes out, so it has not been successful for everyone to hear the bell. "

"I see. Do you want me and Borui to go to the bell tower to ring the bell?" Guan Heng sighed and said, "Only in this way will the ghosts in the city of Rudolph rest in peace."

Princess Suni nodded: "Yes, Mr. Guan Heng, would you like to help us?"

—— [First update of 2016.6.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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