Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12393: Cut it open and see (the fifth outbreak)

"Don't try to run faster than me, kid!"

"Bas!" Seeing that the ancient wild roar was about to land next to the rock, King Jia Yao was still a little unconvinced, and suddenly jumped up and landed there.

"Bang!" But at the next moment, the two of them suddenly collided with each other because they were in a hurry, and then fell to the front of the rock in unison.

"Be careful!" Seeing that the head of the roar slammed into the rock, the king of the armor suddenly opened his mouth and bit one of its legs, and then threw the roar behind him, making it safe and sound.

"Squeaky..." But in an instant, King Jia Yao, who was running too fast, crumpled under his feet, and his body fell towards the stone.

"Oops!" Seeing this scene, Guhuang Roar couldn't help it, of course, it suddenly pulled out the worm-bone sword behind it and swept it sideways towards King Jia Yao with all its might, "Bang!" King Jia Yao was huge His chubby body was suddenly knocked out by the sword body by Zhang Yuyuan.

"Da da da..." King Jia Yao took a few steps back, and then stood firm, Gu Huanghou hurriedly walked over and asked, "Fatty, are you alright?"

"It's okay, thanks to you for coming here, otherwise I might fall on a rock."

King Jia Yao grinned at this moment, and then said: "Hulu, you really have a lot of energy, and you can actually swept my body away. This is not something that can be done easily."

"I mean, usually I don't have the confidence to let you move a few feet away."

Saying that, Gu Huanghou scratched his head and continued: "Maybe it was because I saw that you were in danger just now, so I was in a hurry and exerted my extraordinary power. If you let me use that fierce force, I can't do it. ."

"Hey, all in all, thank you for saving me once."

"Hey, why are you so polite, you saved me first, so it's nothing."

"Okay, we buddies don't distinguish each other."

"That's right, that's it."

"Hey, are you two finished yet? Is this the end of the friendship show game?"

At this moment, Guan Heng, who was not far away, was a little impatient, and he continued: "If you don't quickly determine whether that thing is a self-exploding rock, you two will hurry back, I might as well go and see it myself. ."

"Sorry, Master Guan, we'll start right away." Having said this, the somewhat embarrassed Guhuang Hulu and Jia Yao Wang looked at each other and wanted to laugh out loud, but they hurriedly turned to look at the huge rock and started Already working.

"Xiaoxiu...Xiaoxiu..." Raising his nose to smell it, King Jia Yao nodded with affirmation, "That's right, it's exactly the same as the thing that exploded just now, it's this self-exploding rock."

"So, we were on the edge of danger just now, right?" Gu Huanghouluo said in a low voice: "No matter who of us encounters this thing, it may explode."

"Yeah, it's really dangerous to say that." King Jia Yao shook his head at this time, then turned his head and said: "Master Guan, this thing is a self-exploding rock, Guan... Huh? Where is Master Guan? Why is it gone? ?"

"What are you arguing about, we're here." After speaking, Guan Heng stuck his head out from behind the stone, and he was accompanied by the mother of evil slugs and the king of golden stings, Gu Huanghou scorpion said a little embarrassedly: "Master Guan, boss, two Brother, why are you here too?"

"Bullshit, you are babbling, aren't we allowed to take one step first?" Guan Heng scolded angrily with a laugh.

King Jia Yao asked at this moment: "Master Guan, have you found anything suspicious?"

"Well, as you said, this is indeed a self-exploding rock, but why does this thing have the ability to self-explode, and now I have to think about it."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, Gu Huanghou opened his mouth and said, "Master Guan, didn't you say that it was because this stone contained some kind of aura that would cause self-destruction?"

"That's true. I originally wanted to take out this breath to check, but I was afraid that after I got that thing out, the stone would be scrapped, and the gain would outweigh the loss, so now I can only think of other ways."

"Huh?!" When he just said this, Guan Hengdou blinked his eyes suddenly, and then smiled: "Okay, I have a solution, you all take a few steps back, I will try according to my own ideas."

"Okay." After hearing this, San Wo and King Jia Yao immediately retreated to the back.

"Crack!" It was too late, but it was fast, and Guan Heng slammed his palm on the rock surface.

Seeing this scene, King Jia Yao and Gu Huang Hou Jia Ji shivered into a cold war. They originally wanted to ask Guan Heng why he did this, but the evil worm mother whispered: "Don't talk to affect the master, you guys Just wait and see what happens.”

"Yeah." After thinking about it, it was indeed the case, King Jia Yao and Hulu suddenly kept silent.

At the same time, Guan Heng's palm holding the rock suddenly released an earth-profound spiritual energy. These auras penetrated into the rock like a lightning bolt. With the help of their wandering in it, Guan Heng took the opportunity to observe everything in the rock.

"This is..." Suddenly, Guan Heng noticed that there was a dark red oval object inside the rock. It seemed to have life, and it was still moving slowly, and Guan Heng muttered to himself: "What the **** are you? What's the matter?"


After counting his breaths, Guan Heng withdrew the earth and profound auras that had been put into the stone, then turned his head and said to the three insects and King Jiaxu: "I have basically figured out the key to this thing now, and now I can cut it open. , take out the core part inside."

"Cut it open?!" Hearing this, Gu Huanghou Lou asked loudly, "Aren't you afraid of causing self-destruction?"

"It doesn't matter, because I have already taken measures."

Guan Heng calmed down and said confidently: "I used a part of the earth and mysterious aura to wrap the core part that can cause self-explosion to stabilize it. As long as you are careful when cutting the stone, it will not be a problem at all."

"That's great." Guhuang Houlu asked at this time: "Master Guan, do you need my help?"

"No, it's easier and more convenient for me to do it myself. You can watch it here."

After he finished speaking, Guan Heng pulled out the Rainbow Cloud Sword and gently drew a few dotted lines on the stone with the tip of the sword. All you have to do is dig up the surface layer."


"Bang bang bang!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng's shot was as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he hit the stone surface several times, "Kala la... crack!" In the flash of lightning, the outside of the entire stone was Like a peeled garlic clove, it split apart.

"Huh!" In an instant, something fell out from the inside of the stone, and Guan Heng stretched out his hand to gently copy it, and immediately grabbed it in his hand.

"Look, the core thing that can cause the stone to explode is this thing." Having said that, Guan Heng took the object in his hand and shook it in front of San Zong and King Jia Yao.

"This thing seems to be a bright red oval stone. It doesn't seem to be anything special." King Jia Yao said.

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