Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12394: The scorpion that was attacked (first update)

"The more seemingly ordinary things are, the more likely they are not ordinary things."

Guan Heng said casually: "Besides, it originally had a faint strange fire energy aura, but in order to prevent it from self-detonating in the rock, I have wrapped it with earth mysterious aura to isolate that aura, so you didn't feel it. Something weird."

"Oh, so that's the case, I understand." Hearing this, King Jia Yao suddenly realized, and then nodded again and again.

The ancient Huanghouzhao next to him asked: "Master Guan, is this thing dangerous to us at the moment?"

"It should be gone."

Guan Heng replied: "First of all, I used my spiritual energy to explore the inside of this object. Although there are still some residual strange fire energy auras, it is too weak to be a threat. In addition, it can only be found because it is inside the rock. The self-destruction will only occur under the two conditions of strong shock, which is impossible now."

"Oh." After hearing this, Guhuang Houlu and Insect Mother, King Jinqi and King Jialu all understood.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng looked at the crimson oval object in his hand, and continued: "As I mentioned before, the aura of this object is somewhat similar to that of the Flame Explosion Bead. If possible, I will study it back. Try to increase the power of the Pyroblast."

"That's great." After he said that, Gu Huanghou squatted with excitement, rubbed his palms and smiled, "I'm really looking forward to this."

"Well, well, there are only so few test items, it should not be enough." Guan Heng weighed the oval stone in his hand, and then said: "Now, let's continue to look for other similar things, and put the energy Take it all away!"

"Okay." Hearing these words, the three insects and the king of the cockroach both agreed, and Guan Heng said again: "Mother insect, do you have any news from the cockroaches who ran out?"

"Uh, so far..." As soon as the evil cockroach mother said this, she paused suddenly, and then said with a smile: "Haha, master, good news, just a message from Brother Ziwu, saying that they found it. similar huge rocks."

"Very well, take me there right away."

"Yes, master, this way please."

"Shhhhhh!" The moment she finished speaking, the Evil Slug Mother fluttered her wings into the air and flew towards the northeast, followed by Guan Heng, King Jinqi, Hulu, and King Jia Yao.

At a corner several dozen feet away, this place is remote, shrouded in a dark and dim environment, and you can't see your fingers. The moment Guan Heng and his companions entered this area, they felt a strange and eerie aura spreading and spreading.

"Hmph, there seems to be something unusual in this place." The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a sneer appeared on Guan Heng's face, and then he said, "Mother worm, what about the scorpion that came here?"

"They're here."

Saying that, the evil cockroach mother has already flown to a flat stone several zhang away, and a few cockroaches are lying there. After seeing them, the worm mother said with some surprise: "Hey, what's the matter with you, One by one, their spirits are sluggish, and it seems that they are about to stand still."

"Squeak, squeak..." The few cockroaches who were staying here heard the worm mother's question at this moment, and made a weak low voice, which made the evil worm mother feel that something was wrong.

At this time, Guan Heng had already taken three steps and took two steps to come to the front. He stretched out his hand and stroked the surface of the bodies of a few scorpions. in the mussels.

"Squeak?!" In the blink of an eye, Mu Xuan's spiritual energy made all the discomfort in Zi Bing's body disappear. They shook their heads, shook their tails, flapped their wings, and all recovered their spirits.

"Well, it's all right now." Guan Heng stretched out his hand and let a mutant cockroach fly into his palm, and said casually, "Tell me, what happened just now?"

As a result, the mutant scorpion squeaked and began to narrate everything that happened here with himself and his companions.

Just before ten breaths, the scorpions just informed the evil slug mother that there was a self-exploding rock here, and then fell on the flat rock to rest, but at such a time, an accident happened!

A few cockroaches instantly saw a swift black shadow appearing above their heads. The thing moved as fast as lightning, and suddenly jumped away from them before disappearing not far away.

For this kind of unknown thing, the scorpions seemed very interested, so they immediately fluttered their wings and chased in the direction where the guy disappeared. Don't look at the speed of the other party, but they are not a little bit worse than the scorpions. In a breath of time, the scorpions chased each other.

Suddenly, he felt that something was chasing him behind him, and the guy who was rushing was suddenly furious, but the other party seemed to be hurrying on his way, and had no time to entangle with the mutants, so he suddenly turned around and sprayed at them. A strange breath.

The mutant scorpions who were caught off guard immediately took all the breath away, and they suddenly felt dizzy in their minds, and almost fell directly to the ground.

But in an instant, the bodies of the scorpions reacted automatically, releasing the fire aura in their bodies in time, forcibly holding back this uncomfortable feeling, allowing them to barely continue to stagnate in the air.

But the fire spirit qi couldn't completely dispel the aura that made him uncomfortable, because this thing had already penetrated into the body, so the scorpions hurriedly flew back to the flat stone and lay down, slowly recovering their vitality, and waited for Guan Heng to come here.

"Those breaths that seep into your body are a kind of weird evil energy. If it wasn't for me having Mu Xuan's spiritual energy, I'm afraid it would be more troublesome to cure you. It seems that the sneak attacker can't stay. We must find it and destroy it. Row."

After saying this, Guan Heng turned his head and said to the three worms and the king of the turtle, "Let's go, find that guy, and collect all the self-exploding rocks along the way."

"Yes, Master (Master Guan)!"

Hearing this, the mother insects agreed, and immediately followed Guan Heng and rushed forward. With the mutant scorpion leading the way, it was easy to find those self-exploding rocks, so Guan Heng and the others collected a lot along the way, which was a good harvest.

In addition, Zifan also hated the guy who attacked him just now. These fierce insects are full of arrogance. Since following Guan Heng, they have been almost invincible and invincible. Today, they will be plotted against the breath of a mere evil beast. It’s really Xiaohegou. The boat capsized, so this revenge must be avenged!

In this way, the mutant scorpions, who were holding a belly of evil fire, sniffed the breath left by each other, searched and tracked all the way, and finally reached the end of this area.

"Master, you see, it's a hole in the ground." The mother of the worms took the lead and flew to the side of a few Ziyu who led the way. After wandering around the entrance of the hole, it shouted: "The brothers said that there is indeed that one. The breath of a sneak attack."

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