Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12403: Bucktooth squirrel (the fifth outbreak)

"My master's words always count, so you can rest assured." Seeing the doubtful look in the eyes of the round-spotted python, the mother of evil slugs said to her side: "He has great powers, and some of them help you hatch python eggs."

"Well, then I'll show you the 'real'."

At this moment, Guan Heng approached the python egg in the arms of the thoughtful Onyx Bear, and reached out his hand to caress the surface of the egg. Suddenly, a strange glow appeared, and an active breath of life appeared.

"Hiss, hisss!" Seeing this scene, the round-spotted python was overjoyed. Originally, it had no hope of hatching the python eggs successfully, but Guan Heng's action gave the python eggs a trace of life, which made it see the light of day.

At this moment, the giant python moved closer to Guan Heng, nodding and nodding to him, which meant to say, "I can take you to find all the areas with hidden ore layers in the mountainside, as opposed to my python eggs waiting to hatch. Please also."

"No problem, it's all a breeze for me, hello, Onyx Bear."

Guan Heng turned his head and said, "Return this python egg. When we find the ore and return here, it is estimated that it will also hatch. Then I will help other python eggs to speed up the hatching speed."

"Ouch!" After hearing this, Onyx Bear nodded immediately, and then did as he was told, putting the egg back in the cave.

At this moment, the round-spotted python is willing to lead everyone to find the ore layer, because the big stone in its heart has fallen, and it has no worries.

After a short while, the round-spotted python led everyone to the first rock wall area containing ore layers. But both the agate bear and the python know that this is the nest of a kind of underground alien beast. If you want to find ore, you need to suppress the other party.

"Agate Bear, go and lead the other party out."

"Ow!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the agate bear galloped at once, and was more than ten steps away in a few landings.

"Boom! Boom, boom!" In the blink of an eye, Agate Bear's boulder stick slammed **** the nearby rock wall, causing the surroundings to tremble constantly, and the dull echoes kept coming and going.

"Squeak, chirp!" Feeling that something unusual happened, the small alien beasts that lived here suddenly screamed and rushed out.

This is a group of buck-toothed squirrels. Seeing the agate bear hitting the rock wall with a boulder stick, the buck-toothed squirrel seemed anxious and angry, screaming constantly around the agate bear, and swaying its small claws to threaten this guy, meaning It's saying: "If you don't get out of here, don't blame us for being rude."

It's a pity that the agate bear knew the details of the other party very well, so he was completely unmoved.

"Plop, plop!"

In an instant, the ground trembled, and the buck-toothed squirrel, which was unsteady, fell down a lot. At this time, the agate bear grinned at them, as if to say, "You better be honest, otherwise you will annoy this uncle, just Smash them all into minced meat."

Seeing this scene, all the buck-toothed squirrels shivered and shivered into a ball.

"Hey, don't scare them, it's just a few rats, they can't be serious." Guan Heng said, thought about it again, and said casually: "I have a way to distract these guys."

After saying that, Guan Heng took out a spiritual fruit from his pocket and threw it to the agate bear: "Come on, eat it clean and leave the core for me."

"Ow, ooh!" Hearing this, the agate bear immediately hugged the fruit and nibbled at it. The flesh burst out, the juice splashed, and some of the flesh fell to the ground, just in time for a few buck-toothed squirrels to see it.

When these guys smelled the aroma of the pulp, they were drooling with gluttony. One of them had the guts to pick up the pulp on the ground and stuff it into his mouth, and suddenly let out a low cry of joy, which meant, "It's really fragrant, it's really sweet!"

At this time, the agate bear finished eating the fruit, and then handed the core to Guan Heng.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng released three mysterious auras of water, wood, and earth, allowing them to enter the soil one after another. Then, Guan Heng hooked his fingers towards the land and said, "Get up!"

"Huh!" In an instant, a spirit fruit tree seedling slowly emerged from the ground, swaying and continued to grow. Seeing this scene, the buck-toothed squirrels all stared at it, and they couldn't believe their own eyes.

After more than ten breaths, the fruit tree grew to a height of more than ten feet and began to bear fruit. One by one, the fragrant and bright red fruits spread all over the branches. Guan Heng said: "Where is the boss of the buck-toothed squirrel, come out, I have something to say."

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing these words, a fat big squirrel immediately rolled and crawled to Guan Heng's feet, kowtowed to him a few times, and murmured his greetings.

Guan Heng said: "Don't worry, we are only here for some ore. As long as you don't block it, you won't be hurt."

"This spiritual fruit tree has been nourished by my mysterious spiritual energy, and it can grow vigorously even in the belly of the mountain. The result is very fast. You can pick and eat it in the future, even if it is a gift from me."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the squirrel king and the other squirrels with buck-toothed squirrels were very happy. Ore or something is not important to them, but the spirit fruit tree sent by Guan Heng is really great, and it can definitely solve the mouse population. future livelihood.

So the squirrel king kowtowed to Guan Heng again, expressing his promise. Not only that, but the squirrel king also separated a group of sturdy male mice, saying that it was to thank Guan Heng for his fruit trees and let these guys help with mining.

"Very well, I feel your sincerity, so let's do it."

Guan Heng nodded as he spoke, so the buck-toothed squirrels acted immediately. The ancient wild roars and the fire claw ape souls were responsible for mining the ore layer of the rock wall, and they were responsible for transporting and gathering things, and they would meet Guan Heng later. It will let the small toad take it away and send it to the empty toad.

There are many helpers, and it is easy to do things. After a short time, the rock wall ore layer here will be exhausted.

Guan Heng nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Very good, Squirrel King, you have helped a lot, I am very satisfied, by the way, we will go to other places to mine ore later, do you want to come and help? What? I'll pay you extra."

"Squeak, squeak!"

After hearing this, the squirrel king agreed without hesitation. Although there are many other ferocious beasts in the belly of the mountain, the buck-tooth squirrels are not afraid of being fatally injured. This job will be easy.

In this way, the round-spotted python and the group of squirrels opened the way ahead, leading everyone to the depths of the mountain. Soon, Guan Heng and the others arrived at the location of the next ore layer.

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