Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12404: The sneak attack of the red-haired monster (first update)

This is the middle of the two steep rock walls in the mountainside, about two feet wide. The round-spotted python, the buck-toothed squirrel king, and the agate bear walked in the forefront. Suddenly, Guan Heng noticed something was wrong, and he immediately raised his voice. The voice shouted: "Wait, don't go any further, stop!"

"Ouch?!" Hearing this, the agate bear was stunned, but it and the round-spotted python both stopped their castration at almost the same time, but the squirrel king rushed too fast and ran forward for a few more times. feet far.

"Boom--crash--" It was too late, and it was fast, and countless earth and rocks fell from the steep rock wall above, hitting the Squirrel King directly, just because it was standing right at the target of the falling rock.


Seeing that the situation was not good, the agate bear suddenly flew and ran quickly, and ran to the squirrel king and spread his arms to protect him under him.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, a few stones hit the agate bear's back. Although the falling stone made him dizzy and felt pain, the agate bear barely felt pain because of his rough skin. hurt.

At this time, Onyx Bear thought that there were still countless stones to fall, and he would even bury himself under it, so he closed his eyes and waited, but after a few breaths, no more stones fell.

At the same time, Guan Heng's voice sounded: "Okay, it's safe, open your eyes."

Hearing this, the Onyx Bear and the trembling Squirrel King opened their eyes and looked up. It turned out that Guan Heng rushed over in time and used the earth and mysterious aura to resist the falling rocks, making them all turn into powder in the air. Onyx Bear and Squirrel King will turn the corner.

"Hmph, Mother Insect, go and see who is behind the plot, remember, don't kill it directly, and bring it back alive for everyone to see."

"Yes, Master." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the Evil Slug Mother immediately took the Golden Sting King and the Ancient Desolate Roar and hurried towards the top of the cliff.

At this moment, the guys who dropped the rocks were still watching in the cave above. These guys thought that their rock-falling sneak attack was very successful, and they would definitely smash the foreign enemies into minced meat, and then they could go down and have a feast of flesh and blood. Who knows, There's nothing wrong with people down there.

Moreover, the three insects have already been aggressively killed at this time!

"Squeak, squeak!" Suddenly saw the three insects kill, the red-haired monster on the edge of the cave immediately issued a warning howl, and the ancient wild roar rushed over first, shouting: "Beast , we still have faces crying and howling, courting death!"

"Crack!" In the flash of lightning, the Ancient Wilderness Roar didn't use the poisonous worm bone sword, and suddenly punched the two red-haired monsters, knocking them down immediately.



In an instant, the evil slug mother and the golden sting king have released filaments of spiritual energy, woven into a net like lightning, covering the remaining red-haired monsters with their heads and faces, and then quickly tightened, causing the red-haired monsters to be in severe pain, involuntarily. Hissed and screamed: "Hey, chirp—"

"Come here, you guys!" King Jinzhang yanked violently, and the big net wrapped around many monsters soared into the air. Gu Huanghou sneered, and immediately ordered the Fire Claw Ape Soul to collapse the cave. Then, the three insects took these The captive fell to the ground.

"Master Guan, the sneak attackers are these bastards."

"Oh, so it's them." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then asked, "Monty Python, Squirrel King, do you know these guys?"


Hearing this question, the round-spotted python first came over to take a look. The python immediately became furious, and immediately opened its **** mouth and bit one of the red-haired monsters, and then threw it viciously to the ground. slammed into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the giant python wanted to aggressively rush towards the other red-haired monsters, and the King Jia Yao immediately stomped his feet and stopped the other party: "Wait, even if you have any grudge against the other party, you must first make it clear to all of us before you start. Don't be impulsive."

Hearing this, the round-spotted python stopped, then hissed and hummed, telling everyone about its past experiences.

It turns out that these red-haired monsters are the most vicious guys in the entire mountainside area. Out.

No one knows why the red-haired monster would do such a thing, they only think that it is the nature of the other party.

Coincidentally, not long ago, this group of red-haired monsters provoked the round-spotted giant python. The monsters did not know where they learned that the giant python had laid a lot of python eggs, so they took advantage of the round-spotted giant python to be inattentive. Actually stole a python egg.

When the pythons noticed it, they hurried out of the nest to chase each other. By the time they tried their best to catch up, they had already smashed the python eggs and walked away.

When the round-spotted python returned to the nest, it was found that the remaining python eggs had fallen into a weak state due to neglect of care and temperature imbalance, and they were only one step away from becoming stillborn that could not hatch!

"Oh, I see. It's because of these guys that your python eggs are almost impossible to hatch. No wonder you hate them so much."

Guan Heng nodded at this time, and then said: "Okay, then I will let you take revenge yourself. All these red-haired monsters are handed over to you."



It was too late to say it, but it was too soon. Just as the round-spotted python was severely punishing those enemies, a series of extremely shrill roars suddenly came from above the steep rock wall. The gravel that blocked the road was smashed violently.

"Basashi-huhuhu--" Immediately afterwards, a strong and tall figure rushed down with the wind, and then fell heavily on the ground.

This is a huge red-haired monster with a fierce body. There is a sharp horn more than a foot long on the forehead on the top of its head. It is obviously the boss of all the red-haired monsters. The little scoundrel under his command suddenly became so angry that the guy's eyes were cracked and smoke was coming out of his seven orifices.

"Roar!!" The furious sharp-horned red-haired monster immediately roared and rushed over, trying to stop the round-spotted python from hurting the killer, but unfortunately, before walking three steps away, it was stopped by King Jia Yao in a big way.

"Beast, this road is dead!"

"Ouch..." Hearing the words of King Jia Yao, the sharp-horned red-haired monster trembled with anger. Just as this guy was about to roar, King Jia Yao's front hooves had already kicked it in the face: "Go away. !"


"Bang dang!" In the flash of lightning, the sharp-horned red-haired monster flew out in response, and hit the rock wall several meters away.

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