Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1241: Clever words

"Hey!" The armored warrior yanked out his epee on the waist. The point of the sword had withstood the distance between the neck and throat by one centimeter between the electric light and the fire. The armored warrior sneered: "Otherwise, Grandpa is here to kill It's as easy as breaking a chicken's neck with you. "

"Mixed things, you ..." Borui often fights with the dragon recently, and now he's murderous. Why would he put these people in his eyes? He just had an attack, but heard Guan Heng say, "How much do you want?"

"Each person has ten gold coins, so you have to pay ... thirty gold coins!" The armored soldier said with a grin on his face, "Now, pay for it."

"What are you talking about?" At this moment, Borui exclaimed angrily: "Grow your eyes and see clearly, we are just two of us!"

"Hahaha." At this time, the men and women around the armored soldier laughed. "The big eared pet also needs to collect ten gold coins. This is a rule."

Borui was furious when he heard the words. He could not bear it, but Guan Guan reached out his hand. At this time, Guan Heng laughed suddenly: "It's just thirty gold coins, petty."

After saying this, Guan Heng suddenly took out a money bag and slammed in front of those people. He slowly said, "My brother and I explored this maze for the first time. The path was unfamiliar and there was also a lack of them. Helper, if anyone is willing to team with us, each person can get a thousand gold coins. "

"One thousand gold coins?" The explorers heard Guan Heng's words and suddenly took a breath of air. You know, in the price of this world, a dozen gold coins can make a family of three comfortable and comfortable. month.

Thousands of gold coins are indeed a lot. The guys of these Massim expeditions guarded the door of the abandoned temple, extorted treasure hunters who came and went all day, but only received dozens of gold coins every day.

"I'll go with you to the underground maze!" These people said at the same time, and then they looked like hungry wolves, staring at their red companions and staring at them.

At this time, Guan Heng said: "I only need two people, whoever you want to come, take care of it yourself."

"唰 唰 唰-噗!" Said time and time, and the tall armored warrior and another skinny man pulled out their weapons at the same time, and the epee and short blade penetrated the body of their former companions at the same time.

The female archer and the short magician were caught off guard and suddenly died. Before they died, they were unwilling to stare at the armored warriors and skinny men who had severely killed their poisonous hands.

"Dare to be Lao Tzu's wealth, this is the end." The armored warrior wiped the blood of the epee on the corpse of the female archer, and then Tian said shamelessly to Guan Heng: "Did you see it? There are two people left now."

"Sorry, I changed my mind again." Guan Heng suddenly said solemnly to the armored warrior and the thin man: "Now I think again, it is enough to hire a smart and capable person, and the pay is doubled. I only need one person, He can get two thousand coins ... "

"Yeah--" Before the armored soldier could tell the truth of Guan Heng's words, the skinny man who had lost his heart snarled and darted at himself with a short blade.

"Dambling, dare to do something with me ?!" Armored fighters are the leader of this group, and they are usually used to arrogance and arrogance. He never imagined that there would be not only brave men but also traitors under the reward.

"Wow! When wow!" The impatiently damaged armored warrior caught the opponent's short blade with his middle, but at this moment, the thinned man's other wrist suddenly flipped, and raised his arms sharply at the soldier's face: "Pha- — Oh! "

Three dark rays of light, wrapped in the sound of tearing air tearing at the air, suddenly rushed to the front door of the armored warrior.

This thin man is an assassin himself, good at dark arrows to hurt people. The mechanical spring poison nails hidden in his wrists are hurting the invisible killer. Just when he was secretly proud that the armored soldier was about to die in his own hands, he did not expect an accident. happened!

Originally, three poison nails could safely attack the armored warrior and hit directly on his face, but the thin assassin forgot one thing urgently: the other was wearing a helmet!

"Dang! Slam! Slam!" Two poison nails were flew by the iron helmet in an instant, but the last one went straight into the left eye of the armored warrior:


"Uh ah-kill!" Under the severe pain, the armored soldier was completely insane, he sprinted forward like a mad cow, and clasped his hands with a epee, and immediately began to cut the thin assassin from the brow. In two halves, Mantian Blood Mist sprayed on the ground in a hurry.

"Stop it!" The sword was split, and the armored warrior was also exhausted. The three-inch iron nails narrowed his eyes into the brain, and the poisonous attack occurred. This guy did not change his fatality, and struggled to stretch his hand to Guan Heng before exhaling. Money Bag: "My ... Gold Coins ... My ..."

"Oh, it's a pity, and now we can't hire anyone alone." Guan Heng said with a sneer and smile to Borui: "What can we do if we are lost in the underground maze?"

Borui smiled bitterly at the four people in the pool of blood, he said: "Boss, I didn't expect you to be terrible."

"Well, lad, you must say that."

Guan Heng stretched out his index finger and posed in front of Borui. He smiled and said, "I have never said that I am a complete person, and then, if we are ordinary people, we are either extorted or extorted. A rogue cut it off, and then searched for his body, so yeah, I always "suppress" my kindness when dealing with bad people. "

"I have no words to refute your fallacy." Borui shook his head slightly, then released a few fireballs and burned the dead body: "Lying here is really annoying, I will give you the last trip . "

"Patter, patter ... Huh!"

While the two were speaking two words at the gate of the abandoned temple, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, had circled back and forth in the nearby flying house. At this time, Yabu fell back on Guan Heng's shoulder.

At this moment Yabu said: "There are too many types of creatures in this underground maze, and there are also a lot of invisible souls and other creatures. Here, the smell of the seal soul demon stele has become very pale. Let us continue to Go down and I will find the trail of the stele. "

"Well, I didn't expect the search for the last stone monument to be so complicated." Guan Heng sighed in his heart, and then said: "Well, continue to search forward, anyway, with your sense of smell, I don't believe I can't find the stone monument . "

In this way, Guan Heng and Borui spent a short time and walked to the second floor of the underground maze. At this time, a jingling sound came suddenly not far from the front.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.4, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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