Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1242: Dwarf Weng Li (fifth more outbreak)

"Well, somebody was attacked by monsters in front." Abu flew high and looked far away, at this time he exclaimed: "It's just under the rock wall on the left corner."

"Let's go and see first." Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and his body had suddenly rushed out of the arrow to reach the rock wall. Guan Heng found that there were a group of strangely shaped stone monsters waving his stout arms. A fierce attack is being launched against a guy.

The man under siege was not tall. He shrunk himself behind a huge iron shield and hid safely, letting the stone monsters take turns struggling to beat him. He was like a rock with nothing at all.

At this moment, the man heard the footsteps of Guan Hengji running over, he quickly shouted behind the iron shield and shouted, "Hey, no matter which friend is here, hurry up and help me drive away this group of 'crazy stones' Blame, my dwarf Weng Li will have to thank you, please! "

"Oh, this kind of monster is called Crazy Stone Monster !? Sure enough, it's crazy." Guan Heng laughed, and the dragon tooth blade behind him suddenly shed a sheath of lightning, "Oh!" I saw the cold light around him suddenly flicker. Eight crazy stone monsters had been dismembered by the blade in an instant, and they broke into countless pieces and immediately fell to the ground.

Behind the Iron Shield was hiding the guy who claimed to be Dwarf Weng Li. At this time, seeing that Guan Heng had easily solved the mad stone monster who besieged himself, his nervousness relaxed.

With a bang, he threw the iron shield beside him. The 30-year-old stout dwarf man gasped and said, "Thank you, my friend."

"You're welcome, just raise your hand." Guan Heng still stabbed into his scabbard and asked casually: "How did you get into these monsters? It looks like they are going to die with you in the end."

"Haha, nothing is nothing." The dwarf Weng Li laughed. "I just wanted to catch a mad stone monster cub, but who knew it would anger the whole group of monsters and almost lost his life."

"That's the case, then you need to be more careful in the future, goodbye." Guan Heng said this, beckoning to Borui who came from a distance, and turned to leave.

"This human friend, wait a minute." Weng Li, the dwarf, said loudly, "You saved my life. I said just now that I want to be thankful."

"No need." Guan Heng replied indifferently at this time: "I just happened to meet and shot, not for your reward, don't take it to heart."

"How can that be?" The dwarf Weng Liwen suddenly felt anxious when he heard this statement. He stood up and said loudly, "There is something for everyone. It is the iron rule of our mountain dwarf man."

"Brother, you are really stubborn and cute." Guan Heng smiled involuntarily. "These are embarrassing. I don't lack anything. I really don't need your remuneration ..."

"Wait, boss." Borui suddenly whispered to Guan Heng: "Anyway, this dwarf uncle must be gracious, why not let him be a guide, this underground maze is big and difficult to walk, no one is familiar It ’s easy for us to get lost. "

"Huh? That makes sense." Hearing this, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and he said to the dwarf Weng Li, "Brother, we are looking for something in the maze, and you show us the way, Find out what's going on, even if it's gracious? "

"Haha, this is simple." The dwarf Weng Li agreed without hesitation: "Benefactor, what do you call?"

Guan Heng and Borui immediately announced their names, and the dwarf Weng Li said: "Anyway, I have to walk towards the bottom of the underground labyrinth, and by the way, it will serve you two things."

In this way, three people and a soul-sucking beast started walking through the underground maze. On the road, Guan Heng asked casually: "Brother Weng Li, what are you going to do here? Are you looking for a treasure?"

"No, no, our dwarves are not wealthy, but we can't look at the tiny treasures in this underground maze." The dwarf Weng Li blinked and said, "I go to the depths of the maze to get revenge."

"Revenge ?!" Borui seemed curious when he heard this sentence: "Brother Weng Li, who are you going to avenge?"

"I have come and gone in this underground maze. It has been more than ten years."

The dwarf Weng Li sighed and said, "Fifteen years ago, my father, and two brothers came to the underground maze of the abandoned temple for the first time and encountered a terrible magical creature. My father and brother died to cover me. Under the fangs and claws of the opponent, I just barely escaped my life. "

"Since then, when I have a chance, I go back to the depths of the underground labyrinth and sneak into the monster's lair to wait for an opportunity to take revenge.

The dwarf Weng Li said here, shook his head and then said: "After ten years, I also feel that I am old, and my physical strength and combat effectiveness are not as good as before. I will not revenge with that monster, I am afraid that there will be no chance, so this time I bit my teeth, my heart was horizontal, and I went to the deep underground maze to find the monster desperately. It would be a big death, nothing big! "

Hearing here, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly, and he asked, "Brother Weng Li, what does the magical creature you said look like?"

"Is that thing? It's huge and has big wings." The dwarf Weng Li gestured with his hand, describing it carefully: "It has four horns on its head, its face is bleak, and its mouth is full of fangs, but it has only one eye, look The appearance is very similar to the dragon, but the real dragon I have seen, it is definitely different from it! "

"Resembles a dragon? But it's not a real dragon ..." Guan Heng and Boruiwen heard this and looked at each other, thinking at the same time: "Is it because the transformed Dragon can't be achieved?"

During the talk, several people have reached the entrance to the next floor. This huge underground labyrinth has winding stone steps on each floor, and there is only one path up and down.

At this time, the dwarf Weng Li whispered, "Be careful when you go to the next floor. There is an underground lake with a lot of difficult aquatic monsters in it. In case of being caught as a prey, a few of us are in trouble. "

Guan Heng and Borui nodded, expressing understanding. At this time, everyone had walked down the stairs to the lower level, and it turned out that it was a wide lake, and the blue clear water could almost directly see the bottom of the water. Various swimming fishes and unknown aquatic creatures could not help but swim. It looks vivid and pleasant.

"Come here, let's go this way." At this moment, the dwarf Weng Li took Guan Heng and Borui behind him to a stone platform by the lake.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.4, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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